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Thursday, 22nd February 2021
The colonel gave me details of what happened to the rest of the fleet. He didn't tell me what happened because he was too busy being the engineer's foreman yesterday. Here was what happened. A few hours after my fleet started patrolling, i got lost. My fleet noticed my disappearance and tried to contact me. But i didn't answer. Then they got the sos signal. The sos signal seem to come from a cargo ship. The flagship decided to go and investigate the sos signal. The flagship contacted the base and said that the fleet would check on the sos signal. Moreover, the flagship was worried about me disappearing all of the sudden. The flagship wanted to see if the sos signal has any clue about my disappearance. So even after the admiral ordered not to go investigate, the flagship was stubborn enough to go and investigate. The flagship knew it was a trap, but he insisted. He wanted to find out about my disappearance. Then, the base lost contact with them. Then came the second sos signal. Around an hour later, i returned to the base. From the details the colonel gave me, i could piece where i had went. My assumption is that, when my fleet was unable to contact me, i probably entered FUO territory without realizing. Then after my fleet got ambushed, i exited FUO territory without realizing. That was why i only got one sos signal instead of 2. I was in FUO territory. I have no means of communication at that time. The colonel said that i was lucky to survive. But that experience is normal. I survived multiple times while my fleet got annihilated. I am somewhat getting used to it. But in this sortie, i have a new experience. Now i know that the FUO has a ship that can send sos signal. A boy at around the age of 14. The information doesn't seem useful at the current time, but it may come in handy in the future.

Friday 23rd February 2021
I recovered from the light wounds i got at Wednesday. The admiral assigned me to another patrol sortie tomorrow. I helped the engineers today too. Mainly helping James set smoke mods at equipments. It can not be helped. Standard HWS equipments doesn't have any smoke producing equipments. But i am kind of surprised with James. Never thought he was able to make a smoke mod. But he did it. Also, while helping the engineers deal with repairing HWS equipments, since i learned how to repair minor damages to HWS equipment, the colonel came to see the engineers' work. For the past few days, the colonel has become the engineers' foreman. He wasn't ordered to befome the engineers' foreman though. Anyway, the colonel asked me if i was trying to earn a greater reputation by helping the engineers. My answer was no. The colonel said that i have a great reputation already within the base, and me helping the engineers turned me into a good role model for other soldiers. The colonel reminded me that i am an ace. I have 19 confirmed kills and much more assist. I survived the battlefield for at least 8 months. I am what people call veteran soldiers. But to be honest though, i forgot that i am considered as an ace and i don't interact so much with new recruits at the base. I usually spend my time helping the engineers, thinking, and playing rubix cube. So even though my reputation is pretty good, i don't really know about it. According to psychology test i took at the past, i see everyone as equals. I think that no one is superior nor inferior to others. Perhaps that is why i don't actually consider myself better than others. But sometimes, i still feel better than others though.

Saturday, 24th February 2021
Today's patrol sortie went smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary. Such a nice sortie. I returned to the base unscathed. But while on sortie, i looked at the comm equipment. I began to think. Radio lines are at the past used at ww2 if i remember correctly from the books i read before. If that is true, then so many soldiers are using outdated equipments. But i guess the radio lines are modernized with the use of satellites. I checked wiki to see why the radio lines were used. Surely, human technology has developed good enough to have better technology than radio lines right? Apparently, wiki provided me with information that other form of communication equipments are very ineffective. The reasons may vary. Starting from how the information sent can easily be stolen by the FUO, until other reasons that i am too lazy to write in my diary. Unnecessary information. By the way, i talked to the colonel about my veterancy just for chatting. The colonel said that i am considered as a veteran soldiers. I could raise some morale just by participating in a sortie. But of course, i'm not that well known. I can't raise morale so much. It's better not being so well known anyway. I don't like being the center of attention. It's tiring.

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