Assisting the Landfall

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Wednesday, 26th September 2020
The admiral informed me that my sortie at Friday will cause the last FUO base in Kalimantan. He told me that news very late. I already knew about that yesterday. He was a little surprised when i told him i already knew that. Since i was talking with him, i also told him about my thoughts on the FUO child's death. He takes my opinion very seriously, because i earned veterancy for surviving long enough and because i have a very sharp mind. He told me that if the FUO have something hidden in Kalimantan, the HWS with army soldier type will certainly find it. I am not sure that the HWS with army soldier type will find what the FUO are hiding in Kalimantan, considering how smart the FUO are. That aside, George contacted me today. He told me that he found a certain strange device at the battlefield. My guess was that he found the FUO device motion detector. He told me that he saw the device clearly and remembers how it looks like. I asked him to describe the device. The description perfectly fits the FUO motion detector. I wanted to tell him about the motion detector, but i was afraid the admiral will get mad at me for telling him. I told the admiral about what George told me. The admiral was surprised to know that the American found the same device i found. I asked permission to tell George about the motion detector, the admiral granted the permission. I told George that the device was some kind of motion detector. He didn't reply. He is probably already asleep. I sent the message at 11 pm. I will see his reaction tomorrow.

Thursday, 27th September 2020
George was very surprised when he read my message about the FUO motion sensor. Well, i expected him to be very surprised, but i didn't expect him to tell his superior about our conversation. Immediately after George told his superior, George's superior contacted us. I told the admiral what happened. Based on his reaction, he never expected George to do such a thing. The American military officer asked us a lot of question. We didn't answer most of the question. We were not allowed to give away information without permission from high command. In the end, the result of me and the admiral refusing to answer a lot of question encouraged the American military officials to report this to their high command and ask the Indonesian government for information. I and the admiral somehow convinced the American officials not to report this to their high command. We had to tell them that the information was very classified that we were not allowed to tell anyone about the information. Except for the device. The whole world already knew that the FUO had some kind of motion sensor. The Indonesian government has already announced it. Anyway, the admiral told me that the sortie i will execute tomorrow might force me to have a night outside the base. He said that it depended on the circumstances. Well, that means that i might want to bring my diary with me at the sortie tomorrow so i can write it tomorrow night. Or maybe i will only bring a piece of paper and a pen with me to write tomorrow's diary entry. I don't want to risk losing my diary, i want my little sister to read it. Well, i wouldn't object if other people read it. But i would want them to read my diary after the war ended, because my diary has top secret information.

Friday, 28th September 2020
The sortie didn't really go as planned. I went along with 19 HWS with navy soldier type to go and assist the landfall of a company of HWS with army soldier type. 6 of the HWS with navy soldier type were elite HWS. I wasn't the flagship, one of the elites were the flagship. My fleet went to Kalimantan to get the HWS with army soldier type. Then my fleet went to the spot that was planned to be the place of the landfall. My fleet knew that there might not be any FUO ships, but there might be some coastal artillery that will try to destroy the landing craft used to take the FUO to the landing spot. The plan was to destroy the coastal artillery immediately. At the very least, there were really no FUO ships. Only coastal artillery. The flagship halted the fleet and the landing crafts as we neared the landing spot. The flagship ordered the landing crafts to standby in the middle of the sea, while the HWS with navy soldier type destroy the coastal artillery first to avoid letting the landing crafts take any damage. There were no FUO ships, so the landing crafts were uscathed upon landfall. But there was a big problem. When my fleet got closer to the coast(it was still far, i could barely see it), we lost contact with the landing crafts. We couldn't use the radio line to communicate with each other or contact the landing crafts. The flagship was worried that something might have happened to the company. The flagship ordered the fleet to turn around and check the landing crafts situation. But at the last minute, i convinced the flagship that the landing crafts were ok. It's not that something happened to the landing crafts, there was a jamming tower. At the coast, i could see a high tower. The tower looked similar to the jamming tower i have seen. I told the flagship that the jamming tower probably messed our radio line which made us unable to contact the landing crafts. I also told the flagship about how the jamming tower also jam aircrafts. The flagship ordered one HWS from the fleet with the least combat experience to go to the landing crafts to report the situation we were facing, while the remaining HWS from the fleet enter combat to clear the beach from enemy presence. I have seen the elite HWS enter combat before. Their performance was far better than the ordinary HWS. I already expected the elite HWS with navy soldier type to be great at combat against FUO ships, but i never expected something i saw today. They were very strong and reliable against the enemy. I mean the enemy at land. The elite HWS managed to almost immediately annihilate all FUO presence at the beach in 5 to 8 minutes. I couldn't communicate with other navy HWS, but the elites battled so organized, it seemed like their communication wasn't jammed by the tower. My fleet managed to destroy the enemy's presence at the beach, but we didn't destroy the jamming tower. The jamming tower have fortifications around it. So we couldn't destroy it. But we managed to annihilate all enemy presence at the beach, so we could just walk on the beach without worrying that we would be killed. Then we deactivated the jamming tower manually. By manually, i mean by cutting off the electricity powering the jamming tower. After that, we contacted the landing crafts. A few moments later, i could see the landing crafts approach the beach. What we didn't expect though, is that there were a few underwater mines that blew up some of the landing crafts. The fleet were confused. There was no way we couldn't have noticed the naval mines. My fleet somehow cruised past the naval mines without triggering it. Although the others were very confused, i have already gotten a conclusion on why my fleet didn't trigger the mines. I told the flagship that the jamming tower must have also jammed the mines. The flagship asked me why i didn't tell him about that earlier. I answered that i have only found out one minute before he asked me that question. After the first mine exploded, the remaining landing crafts managed to avoid the rest of the mines. But when the first mine blew up, it sunk one of the landing crafts. We lost half of the HWS with army soldier type that were supposed to be there that day. We contacted the admiral and told him about the situation. He decided that there would be a platoon of HWS with army soldier type that will replace the dead HWS. He ordered my fleet and the surviving HWS with army soldier type to stay on standby. The reason he didn't order my fleet to return to the base or escort the landing craft that will take the platoon of HWS was because he wanted my fleet to protect the HWS with army soldier type from FUO air attacks. While my fleet was on standby, one of the elite HWS said that he got an sos signal from somewhere. The sos signal came from a cargo ship. The elite HWS ordered the whole fleet to go to help the cargo ship, but every ordinary HWS refused to go. All the ordinary HWS knew that the sos signal must be a fake signal sent by the FUO to ambush us, we have all experienced being ambushed by the FUO because of that fake sos signal. The flagship though, didn't believe the ordinary HWS and insisted on going to help. As an ordinary HWS that has not reached the age 21 but have earned veterancy by surviving for more than 3 months, my opinion was often put in cosideration. Furthermore, the elite HWS knew that the admiral trusted me lot, they knew it because the admiral didn't hesitate to give me top secret information, for example, about our ambush on the FUO. They also knew that i have a very sharp mind, which means it is much safer to put my opinion into consideration. I kept telling the flagship not to go to the source of the sos signal. But the flagship insisted on going to the source of the sos signal. I reminded the flagship that we had to protect the surviving HWS with army soldier type from any air attacks that might happen, it seemed to make the flagship reconsider. In the end, the flagship decided that he with 13 HWS from the fleet will go to the source of the sos signal, while the 6 HWS including me would stay with the HWS with army soldier type. I was given full authority to make any decision as i see fit if something unexpected were to happen, because i survived being in the battlefield the longest out of all 6 HWS with navy soldier type that stayed with the HWS with army soldier type. As the flagship and the 13 HWS left the landing spot, i wished that i could stop them from going. I ordered that the HWS with navy soldier type take turn patrolling the sea. When the day got dark, the flagship and the 13 HWS haven't returned nor contacted us yet. Then the HWS with navy soldier type reported that he saw waves of enemy aircraft heading towards us. I was rather very calm. The other HWS thought that it was very odd for me to be calm when waves of enemy aircraft were approaching. This is because i thought about how to deal with enemy aircrafts if they were to come. Long story short, i anticipated what to do in case of an air attack. Well, all i had to do was reactivate the jamming tower. All the enemy aircraft crashed immediately after the jamming tower was reactivated. Then i turned it off again. We still hadn't got any news from the fleet that went to check the source of the sos signal. We tried to contact the fleet, but we got no answer. At 10 pm at the beach, i saw a landing craft escorted by a fleet of HWS with navy soldier type. Not long after that, i saw the flagship heading towards the beach. But without 11 HWS, there was only 3 HWS with navy soldier type including the flagship that returned. When the flagship returned, they told us that they got ambushed. Well, every ordinary HWS had already expected such a thing to happen. Currently, the 3 HWS who survived the ambush are resting. The attack on the last FUO base in Kalimantan will commence tomorrow. The rest of the fleet will also return to base tomorrow. It is too late to return to the base. Night warfare will be a bad idea, especially when we have injured HWS in our side. Today, i am staying at Kalimantan's beach. There is at least a tent, so if there will be rain, i won't get too wet. I should stop writing and get some rest.

Saturday, 29th September 2020
The last FUO base in Kalimantan fell today. My fleet returned to the base at dawn. The attack on the last FUO base in Kalimantan commenced as my fleet left Kalimantan's beach to return to the base. I reached the base at noon. At night, i got the news that Kalimantan had fully been liberated from the FUO. That said though, the elite HWS are pulled from this front and are put to fight at the Papuan front. Papuan front is the front the Indonesian army and navy has to battle against the FUO to take hold of the island Papua. Not only Papua, the HWS at the Papuan front has to defend Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat too. I heard that some HWS with army soldier type or air force soldier type was sent to fight in Papua's front. Currently, the Indonesian army has taken grasp of the western side of Papua island. The easten part of Papua island though, is in the hands of the FUO. I got information from the colonel that although some of the HWS will be sent to the Papuan front now that Kalimantan is liberated, none of the HWS with navy soldier type will be sent to the Papuan front. This is because the southern part of Vietnam and the western part of the philippines is in the FUO hands. This means that the FUO may have harbors and naval bases close enough to attack Kalimantan again. If the FUO try to attack Kalimantan again, Sulawesi is also an easy target for the FUO to attack. The HWS with navy soldier type will be the frontline commandos to defend Kalimantan and Sulawesi. That is why the high command didn't transfer any HWS with navy soldier type from Kalimantan and Sulawesi to the Papuan front. From this day on, sortie will become more dangerous for HWS with navy soldier type in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. But i will stand tall and continue fighting face to face with death.

Sunday, 30th September 2020
Back to staying in the medical room again. I have been in medical room since yesterday. I could feel that there was a change in the soldier's morale. The liberation of Kalimantan increased the morale by a lot. But three things decreased the morale, so there was only a small bit of increase in morale. One, the elite HWS were pulled from this front. The weigh of fighting the FUO in this front was lightened by the elites who helped us the ordinary HWS recapture Kalimantan. Now that they left, there will be an increase in casualty again. This caused the morale to lower. Second, news about the FUO managing to ambush the elite HWS has spread in the base. This is referring to how the elites fell for the trick the FUO made at the day the fleet i was in assisted the HWS with army soldier type make landfall at Kalimantan. Only 3 HWS with navy soldier type survived the ambush out of 15 HWS. 9 of the HWS were ordinary HWS, while 6 were elite HWS. Only 3 HWS survived the ambush. That means at least 3 elite HWS died. At the time the elite HWS stayed in our base, they had only 3 casualty. But that was enough to shake morale in the base. The ordinary HWS must be thinking that if the elite HWS couldn't survive an ambush set up by the FUO, they won't survive one either as ordinary HWS. Third, because there are less HWS with air force soldier type at our base, it is very easy for the FUO to get air superiority. There is not many HWS with air force soldier type in the base. If the enemy sent air attack continuously, the enemy would be able to pound our forces with small casualty. I do hope the FUO doesn't have much aircraft at their disposal though.

Monday, 1st October 2020
I heard that Bung Tomo died in a sortie today. If people ask me how i feel, i feel sad that one of my close allies died. But i shouldn't be too sad. This is a war we are facing after all. It is common to see friends and allies die. Not that i think people musn't be sad if their allies or friends were to die. By the way, there has been some new HWS recruit at the base. Some of the HWS with navy soldier type are older than i am. They are battleship classes. In Indonesia, there are conditions to be a certain class HWS. For example, someone has to be at least 21 years old to be an HWS with navy soldier type with a battleship class. For corvette class, someone has to be at least 15 years old. For submarine or destroyers, someone has to be at least 11 years old. It might sound a bit strange to recruit kids to become frontline soldiers, but it can't be helped. A lot of soldiers had already died at the first year of the war. Even Indonesia is forced to recruit 11 years old kids for the war. At least Indonesia is not like the US. The US is in the northern hemisphere, which means they are facing stronger FUO. So the US had to recruit 9 years old kids to help fight for air superiority with the FUO. The only country that has soldiers to spare is Australia. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. They are also an advanced country, so they more or less have stronger war forces than the FUO does. But because Australia is the only country that can spare soldiers, Australia is the only country that can send soldiers to other countries to help them fend off the FUO. So the UK, Norway, and Sweden can only receive reinforcement soldiers from Australia. Other countries have no soldier to spare. War is harsh.

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