FUO Secret Revealed

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Sunday, 7th April 2021
There were a few accidents today. Nothing too worrysome. But still. Accidents. The admiral got the HWS in the base to help the engineers weeks ago. It worked. Many HWS started helpong the engineers. But that doesn't make it impossible for an accident to happen. A new recruit was hammering a nail. The recruit was hammering it carefully, but not careful enough. He had accidentally hammered his finger. Panic and pain ran through his body. He dropped the hammer and blowed at his finger as a response to pain. That was when things went sour. He dropped his hammer, and his hammer hit someone else's feet. The other person whose feet was hit by the hammer, shrieked in pain. The main problem was that, the person whose feet was hit was holding a drill. An active one. The man whose feet was hit dropped the drill. At that moment, both the new recruit and the man whose feet was hit panicked. The man had dropped a drill. A drill was on the lose. Instictively, both of them ran away and kept their distance from the drill. The drill was active and moving on its own. People came after hearing the painful scream. They found out about the situation, but didn't approach the still active drill. No one dared to approach and take the drill. It was too dangerous to approach it. The drill could cause injury to anyone's feet. Even if it was an HWS, it would be painful still. I was amongst the people who was there and saw what happened, but didn't dare approach the drill. The problem was then resolved by pulling out the drill cable from the power outlet. The recruit and the man whose feet was hit apologized for their clumsiness. Well, that was certainly dangerous. I hope that won't happen again. It was great it didn't cost anyone's life.

Monday, 8th April 2021
Today, something unusual happened. Very very unusual. I was on patrol again. Well, the usual thing. My fleet was just patrolling around. Then one of the other patrol fleet contacted us. They said they were engaging enemy escort fleet and that, there was an FUO cargo ship there. They requested for backup. Our response was obvious. We rushed to help them. Upon reaching the battlefield, we saw a large battle taking place. An FUO cargo ship and its escorts were trying to get to FUO territory while fleet of HWS were blocking the way. The battle was already fierce when we came. We joined the battle and exchanged fire with the FUO. Then FUO aircrafts started appearing. Once again, they appeared out of nowhere. In my radar, an aircraft appeared right in one of the inner circle without passing through the outer one. Fortunately, our air force was present to help the fight. While everyone was so focused in the battle, i decided to try and see what was inside the FUO cargo ship. But of course, i don't think i will be able to get in the cargo ship like last time, and i expected The New Yamato would come to help soon enough. So i had to think of a way to get to see what was inside the FUO cargo ship. I decided to send one of my drone to go and peek what was inside. I didn't expect for the drone to get in easily. The enemy might shoot it down before it reached the FUO cargo ship. So i sent a few of them at the same time to go and check what was inside the cargo ship. Some were shot down, but one made it inside. Through the cctv camera in the drone, i recorded and saw what was inside the FUO cargo ship. A lot of FUO soldiers. Unarmed ones. I was surprised. The FUO yet again sent FUO soldiers through the naval supply route. I got what i wanted, so i flew the drone out of the cargo ship. But before the drone could get back to me, one of the FUO fighters shot it down. I continued to fight in the battle. The battle took its toll on my equipment. My navigation equipment was destroyed. Also, my expectation was correct. The New Yamato came and messed the battlefield. The admiral then issued the order to retreat. The admiral knew we wouldn't be able to win against the FUO. To retreat, i deployed smoke with the smoke mod to cover pretty much all fleet's retreat. We went on different directions. But i found myself going in the direction that other didn't went to. The smoke made me unable to see where i was going and with my navigation equipment broken, i won't be able to get back to the base without guessing. I guessed my way to return to the base. What i came across, however, was an FUO jamming tower. The patrol in the FUO territory did not realize that i have entered FUO territory, so did i. Only after seeing the jamming tower did i realize that, i was inside FUO territory. I saw something interesting though. I saw an FUO cargo ship beside the jamming tower. At first, i had thought that i was seeing the FUO aircraft carrier, but then i realized it wasn't an aircraft carrier. It was an FUO cargo ship. I didn't have anything in particular to say about the cargo ship. What interest me was the jamming tower. I saw jamming tower many times in my life. Actually, the base has a jamming tower too. Back to the topic, the jamming tower was unusually bigger than the others. It got me curious, why was the jamming tower bigger than the others? Was there an exact purpose? I wanted to get closer and investigate, but before i could get close enough, one FUO ship noticed my presence. I didn't know which direction to go, so i went where i was guessing to reach the base
I used the sun as my compass. It was afternoon, the sun was setting, so i knew i had to go in the direction opposite of the sun. I cruised as fast as i could, while FUO ship was chasing me from behind. Several destroyer attempted to fire at me, but i shot at them before they shot at me. After going quite far while being chased, and seeing quite some other jamming towers, i left FUO territory. I saw friendly HWS in the sky. The HWS in the sky saw me being chased by the FUO patrols. They opened fire at the FUO patrols. I fired at the FUO patrols as well. The FUO patrol did not chase me any further. I asked the HWS to lead me back to the base, they kindly helped me. I got back to the base and submitted a special report. I didn't put the recording of the thing that was inside the FUO cargo ship in the report, but i plan to watch the recording with the admiral and the colonel tomorrow.

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