Preparation For Operation

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Thursday, 14th May 2020
In order to get rid of the enemy's newly built airport, the admiral issued sortie to take back certain strategic location, some HWS are also sent to escort and defend cargo ships which will bring supplies to the base. I was not one of the HWS assigned to the sortie or the mission to escort the cargo ship, so i stayed at the base, with basically nothing to do. I couldn't practice because my equipment is still under repair, and i was already out of the medical room. To be honest, i am glad i wasn't chosen for this times mission, i am still tired from yesterday's sortie, the muscle in my body still hurts when i move them. Thinking back what happened the day before yesterday, 2 HWS navy soldier type and some HWS air force soldier type died on that day, and i was lucky to survive the battle which could have caused more casualties for us. I could survive and see what happens in the future, but for them? They are gone, forever. I pondered about how much everybody is close to death ever since they became HWS. A single day to live longer was already a good gift from God, i would be surprised if someone who survived the whole war didn't thank God for their survival. While i ponder these thoughts, i remembered that the only one at loss because of this war was not only my country, but as well as other countries like the US and Russia, even the FUO got casualties. I started to think how many died because of this war, how many innocent peoples were killed. But tracing back, the 8th day i was here and i was already close to death, how fortunate for HWS in this base to survive for more than a few months. Well, if i think about it carefully, there was no one who wanted to go to war at first, no one wanted deaths to happen(well except terrorist and criminals), but now peoples are in an unavoidable war, not a single nation could stay neutral and watch, as the FUO invades everyone's home. My head was stressed enough with the pressure from the war, so i will very likely not think about it for some time.

Friday, 15th May 2020
Enemy aircraft was spotted by a fleet of HWS returning from sortie, they were heading straight to the base. Every HWS with the ability to battle aircrafts were told to get ready to fend off an air assault, while HWS without the ability to fight aircrafts were readied to leave the base in case they have to evacuate immediately. I have the ability to fight aircrafts too so i put on my equipment and readied for battle. After a few minutes waiting near the coast my fleet could see the FUO planes heading towards our base. I also saw a few drones, their throwing whatever they can dispose on us. Minutes later, i was already beside Lexington and Liaoning, protecting them from any possible aircraft attack. The enemy bomber has been dropping bomb on us, while torpedo bomber tried to strike HWS with navy soldier type that was in the battle. After 25 minutes or so, the enemy air force retreated. I was ready to cry a victory slogan, but before saying anything, i saw the next wave of enemy aircraft approach the base. I saw more planes than before. While HWS with navy soldier type struggle to fire at the enemy aircraft and avoid torpedoes, i was probably the only one not trying to avoid torpedoes, well i have to protect the aircraft carriers, and there were only 2 aircraft carrier fighting in the battle but i have to protect them alone(they should have at least let another HWS help me). The third wave of FUO aircraft came while we were still battling the second wave. I wasn't panicking until i see how desperate the FUO planes were. The planes that weren't shot down at the first wave came right after the third wave, i still haven't panicked knowing our chance of survival is moderate, but when the planes from the first wave came closer, i couldn't see the bombers carrying bombs to bombard us, the torpedo bomber seemed to bring no torpedo too. But when they started attacking us, i understood why, they were suicide bombing us! Bombers and torpedo bombers are hitting themselves to HWS and key buildings of the base. I could use myself to shield the aircraft carrier from torpedo, but not suicide bombardments! As i panic once again, i feel the world becoming slow for a minute, but because most suicidal planes were shot and there were not as much planes as there were, i felt relieved and the world started moving faster again. Although the enemy came with such a large air force, we had anti-aircraft set on the base, so we withstood the assault. Every enemy planes were shot down, or either went on suicide bombing or crash landed due to the lack of fuel. I survived the battle with moderate injuries, because i only used myself as a shield against the enemy's torpedo, i couldn't shield the aircraft carrier from enemy bomber's bomb or fighter. Liaoning is certainly heavily damaged, so she's probably not going to join the operation to destroy the enemy base, Lexington was only slightly damaged, she'll be fine for the operation. Because of the great damage i received, i would stay at the medical room for today and tomorrow, so i will still join the operation to take the FUO airport down, but of course, the admiral will ask me to protect Lexington, so i will only do long range attack against the enemy airport. I am done writing this diary today.

Saturday, 16th May 2020
I stayed in the medical room until 7 pm at night, when i was able to go back to my room, my room was dusty again, but i didn't mind, i decided to clean it only if it is too dusty for me to bear. I then remembered how many HWS i saw at the medical room, i was unsure how many there was but it definitely gave the doctor a pain in the ass. While looking back at the room i stayed in, the bed that wasn't used reminded me what Ahmad Yani said, that i will get a roomate next Monday, i'm pretty sure my roomate is a he, not a she, too bad he's not going to join the operation though. I did report to the admiral about what happened, it is now clear that whenever i panic, i think faster than perhaps anyone else, but the admiral told me not to jump to conclusions. Tomorrow, i have to wake up at 3 am, at 4 am, HWS with navy soldier type will sail towards the enemy's airport and lauch an offensive. HWS with air force soldier type will also come in aircraft carrier specialized to carry HWS with air force soldier type(the specialized aircraft carrier is not an HWS, their just aircraft carrier, but smaller, and of course not originally from Indonesia). I decided to spend the rest of my time to play and solve a rubix cube multiple times before writing my diary and going to bed. While i am writing this diary, it is already 23 pm, so this is as far as i am going to write.

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