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Saturday, 7th June 2020
I had to spend the day at the medical room, again. It is now obvious that all HWS will very likely stay in the medical room longer than the time spent when going to the battlefield, so that is why the medical room is extremely large. There is a new rumor at the base, the rumor says that a report has been received from Brunei, and the report states that intel shows a few fleet of FUO heading towards Kalimantan from the Philippines at a slow but sure speed. I am not the type to believe in rumor, but there is a one in a hundred chance that the rumor is true, so i wouldn't think the rumor is fake or real yet. While some other HWS will probably be dispatched to intercept the enemy fleet, i will stay at the medical room until next Tuesday. There was still no report about what the Japanese have got from researching the enemy ships, well i hope they find something useful and fast, or we are just going to have more casualties. After the last sortie, Gajah Mada had to lose something important, he can now no longer see with his right eye, his left eye is fine but his right eye will be unable to see anymore, even if scientist somehow made him able to see again, it will take months or maybe years. I was lazy to check on the red writing because the distance from the medical room and the toilet where the mirror with red writing was far apart. The ghost hasn't appeared lately, i am grateful to God that she left me, but will she leave me forever? That's what i am wondering.

Sunday, 8th June 2020
The weather was bad today, there were heavy rains, it was great that there was no flood in the base(i don't know about Jakarta, it used to flood a lot). The rain was very heavy, even the HWS who came back to the base was pale as hell in the medical room, it's probably going to give me nightmare seeing their pale face, not that i am scared of their pale face, but it reminds me of the first time i saw the HWS ghost. I decided not to be lazy today, i walked to the toilet where the mirror had red writing which was far from the medical room, but hey no pain no gain. When i stepped into the toilet, i felt something was weird, the red writing seemed to have changed, although still messy. I took a photo of the red writing and went back to the medical room, the next time i come to see the red writing, i will know if the writing changed. The rumors regarding the Brunei's situation was true after all, most of the HWS were sent to support Brunei, if not then they were sent to help our troops advance in Kalimantan along the Malaysians. The admiral came to visit me today to secretly discuss about my ability to think faster when i panic. The admiral was thinking of training me so that my ability to think faster can be used even if i am not panicking, i said that the training will be done in months, cause we were in a war. The admiral joked about seeing the ghost again, which i easily guessed he was lying. The ghost really disappeared, but how about the writing? It still leaves me in confusion. After the discussion of my ability, the admiral left. I wrote my diary afterwards, and i am going to sleep.

Monday, 9th June 2020
There has been report about enemy fleet's sighting near the north Kalimantan island, basically where Brunei's main force is at. A lot of HWS with navy soldier type and air force soldier type has been sent to fight off the enemy, while Malaysian force focus on capturing the Kalimantan island with Brunei. I might be sent to intercept the enemy fleet before it cause a ruckus with Brunei, but i might not be sent either, i might just be sent to help attack the FUO from the sea to help the capture of Kalimantan. I am still lazy to check the red writing in the mirror in the toilet, i probably regret doing that, because the ghost visited me today. At the evening, the ghost appeared again, this time around, i was not surprised. I stared at her for some time, then she disappeared, but she didn't left without doing anything, as soon as she disappeared, the fire alarm sounded only in the medical room, i wondered why the alarm sounded because i didn't smell any fire, then i can feel myself becoming wet, the ceiling was set with device, i don't know what device though, the device will immediately spread water to the room if it detects fire, but in this case, i am very sure the ghost pranked me. Some people came in with fire hydrants to put out the fire that did not exist, most people in the medical room was trying to save themselves by quickly leaving the room, but after the situation calmed down, the head engineer said there has been malfunction, the ghost probably did it, because i didn't look at the red writing on the mirror. I am going to bed.

Tuesday, 10th June 2020
I got out of the medical room at 11 am today, i can return to my room. Facilities at the base was still being repaired, so that was probably why the admiral hasn't changed me and Bung Tomo's room, well he would very likely forget about the ghost thing after so much that we've been through, it only appears before me now. I checked the red writing in the mirror of the toilet again, it really seemed to be different than last time i saw it. I looked for the photo i took that day, the photo of the red writing did not disappear like the ghost's photo, when i compared the photo i took and the red writing i saw at the mirror, i saw that the writing was different, but i still can't read it. I tried showing the photo to Bung Tomo, but he said that the photo only showed my reflection of myself when taking a photo, it seems like only i could see the red writing even after i took a photo of it. At dinner, i saw an HWS with naval soldier type who looks like the ghost. Her hair color was different with the ghost, her uniform and her hair style was the same though. I have been in the base almost a month, but i only specifically remembered some of my allies codename, so i went to meet her. Her codename was Sigalu patrol ship, she was specialized in a defensive battle, her height around 168cm and her age around 18, basically the same height and age the ghost looks like. I introduced myself to her and we talked for some time, then i told her that the ghost i saw looked like her, to my surprise, she did not say anything that would tell me that she thinks i was crazy or whatever else she might think of. She just nodded, looked down, said goodbye, and left. I was lost in thought thinking about why she reacted way differently than the others when Gajah Mada scared me from behind. He was slightly taller than before, he sure is growing up. He told me that he saw how i was calm yesterday at the medical room when the fire alarm rang, and that i did not try to leave the room even though pretty much everyone tried to leave the room. I told Gajah Mada that i thought it was a false alarm because i didn't smell the smell of fire when the alarm rang, he didn't ask anymore question after i answered that question. Before leaving, Gajah Mada told me that the engineers reported to the admiral that they themselves do not know the cause of malfunction, now i am certain that the ghost did it, i don't know how he knew that information, but i asked him nothing. I am done writing my diary.

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