Encounter Again

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Wednesday, 10th January 2021
The base has been minorly repaired. We only made temporary buildings. And the building is fragile. Fragile enough to be destroyed in one or two shots from the FUO shells. Anyway, the colonel told me an interesting but bad news. We lost contact with several naval base in Kalimantan. No doubt that this is the result of the FUO building jamming towers that can float near the coasts. Luckily, the naval base that lost contact with us can still contact us by going to the nearest base not in range of the jamming tower. But that is pretty inefficient, it takes time to sent information from the naval base that lost contact to the other base which is not in range of the jamming tower. From reports, several jamming tower were seen at Makassar strait and near Riau archipelago. There were also sighting of an FUO base floating at the sea's surface in Makassar strait. The New Yamato was said to be in the floating base. There were also sighting of FUO cargo ships carrying supplies to the floating base, and with a lot of escort ships. The floating base might have been what The New Yamato was tasked to guard. The floating base may be the base of operation for the FUO's plan to attack Jakarta since they didn't manage to capture Sulawesi. The floating base is important as a base of operations, and that is probably why The New Yamato rushed to come to the Makassar strait so quickly. To guard the base of operation so that we couldn't destroy the floating base. Also, i saw from the reports that there was no encounter with the FUO. I am not entirely sure, but i do have a theory. The FUO was supposed to be able to detect HWS making recon in Makassar strait. The FUO were supposed to have the motion sensor. But if the FUO could detect the scouting fleet, why didn't the FUO try to attack? My best guess is that the FUO can't use their motion sensor while the jamming tower is active and in range. Well, the scouting fleet went into some area where they can't possibly communicate with the base, but had no encounter. I already told the colonel about this theory. But still, this is just a theory. It will need more proof to prove the theory.

Thursday, 11th January 2021
No good. James is still injured to make repair on my equipments. And other engineers can't figure out how to finish the maintenance James did on my equipment, since James was the one that disassembled my equipment. I have fully recovered from all injuries, but without my equipment, my combat capabilities is reduced by who knows how much. It can't be helped. Most HWS use the same equipment again and again. They will eventually get used to their equipments. So when they are given another equipment, it will feel like something foreign for them. That is no exception to me. With such reduced combat capability, i can not do much. It is not even a good idea to send me out on patrol. Only with luck will i survive if i encounter any FUO ships. All i can do in the base is help out the engineers. The FUO has been attacking again and again. Many base is reduced to rubbles like my base. But under no circumstance the FUO were able to approach Jakarta. The elite forces patrolling is enough to destroy any FUO that comes nearby Java sea. But the elite forces doesn't have enough manpower to cover a large area, so certain places are still vulnerable to FUO attack. Speaking of which, the FUO started attacking Sumatra. Although the FUO were attacking Sumatra, the FUO didn't attack it with such a large force. The FUO are concentrating their forces to attack Sulawesi and Kalimantan to weaken Jakarta's defense. But there is some good news. Australian reinforcement came to Jakarta. It is great to have some reinforcement.

Friday, 12th January 2021
James is still injured, but at least he recovered a lot. His wounds can still open up at anytime, but at least he is fine. He could finally continue finishing maintenance on my equipment. I already saw how scary The New Yamato could be, and i want to have my equipment prepared for combat when i face her. By the way, i read my past diary entries. It brings back memories. It was more calm and relaxed at that time. Now it is not so calm anymore. The FUO are planning to attack Jakarta. Despite all that, reading the diary reminds me about how i was tasked to protect the Chinese and American aircraft carriers. Considering how big my body is, it would make sense if i were the one to protect them, but it is not nice that they used me as a human shield. I am lucky to survive the torpedo shots from the FUO ships back at those days. And after reading my past diary entries again, this came to my mind. Why did the FUO bury the map that marked the location of the bunker that kept the FUO civilian? Why didn't the FUO burn the map so that it would be unlikely for us to find out about the FUO civilians? By the looks of it, the FUO were desperately trying to hide the location of the underground bunkers, to go as far as killing the FUO child. Actually, the answer is very simple. The FUO probably didn't have any other document about the locations of the bunkers. If the FUO were to lost that map, then the bunkers will forever stay hidden, and the civilians inside would die. So my guess is that the FUO didn't burn the map because if they did, they probably doomed their own civilians.

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