New Allies

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Monday, 18th May 2020
A new HWS with navy soldier type was supposed to be sent here in order to increase our forces strength, but now, i think the high command should have send him sooner so that the base won't be as damaged as it is now. I had to stay at the medical room, so i couldn't go to meet my new ally and roommate, so i played a few games like bingo and battleship with Imam Bonjol who was also being treated in the medical room. The admiral did come to visit every HWS in the medical room, so i took the chance and asked him about the new guy. Based on the admiral's description, he was a 165cm tall, 17 years old, his codename is Bung Tomo corvette. While i was in the medical room, some HWS with army and air force soldier type came to visit, they mostly talked to their close allies, some HWS did come to visit me though, but the new guy Bung Tomo wasn't with them. I guess i'll see him eventually sooner or later.

Tuesday, 19th May 2020
I slept till noon today. The admiral came to visit every HWS in the medical room again, but this time with someone coming with him. I have never seen the person coming with the admiral before, and the admiral's description was exactly the same with the person. The admiral then came to take a look how i was doing, i wasn't in a particular good mood, but i pretended i didn't mind. He then introduced me to Bung Tomo, he seems friendly enough at first glance, he bowed his head to me(he was using a manner that is very polite when talking to me, looks like he repect anyone older than him very well), he also addressed me as "senior" and he also said that he admired my heroic action(that newbie definitely didn't know about how many soldiers that have probably done heroic actions as well in ww1 and ww2). After that, the admiral left but Bung Tomo stayed to chat with me further. He was polite, but was always enthusiastic about going to battle, when i asked him what is the best thing to do when he was ambushed by 2 fleet, he answered that all that needs to be done was charge at the enemy, i was hoping the admiral wouldn't let him become flagship after i hear his answer. We chatted some more and then he left. I will be staying inside the medical room until next Monday, and i don't even know when i will sortie again, because my equipment has to be build again. I guess i can only slack off here for the time being.

Wednesday, 20th May 2020
Today, i am allowed to go out of the medical room at certain times because my wounds were mostly healed, but i still have to go back to the medical room to change my bandage and for other medical reasons. At the afternoon, i walked out of the medical room, i saw how badly damaged the naval base was. I saw a few other HWS who got out of boots camp a few days ago, they were enthusiastic about the war, i overheard one of them saying that recent victories on battle means the enemy are losing, if i were them, i wouldn't say that. I saw engineers and workers repairing the damaged facilities of the base, some were instead rebuilding structures like coastal artillery and the lighthouse. It was pretty calm compared to the situation we got last Sunday, the situation was rather chaotic. I see HWS with air force soldier type patrolling the air too, those with faces i do not recognize. I don't know what the high command was planning or what the admiral was thinking, but i guessed the next  objective was to recapture Kalimantan, or in other countries language, Borneo island. Kalimantan is an island just north of the island Jawa, it is big, and was the teritory of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam. By the time i am writing this, Brunei is probably struggling to face the enemy on the island. That's my diary entry for today

Thursday, 21st May 2020
Today was kinda painful, i was injected with a few medicine and i had to endure the extremely painful tingling feeling for hours. The other HWS who survived the battle didn't have the same torture that i had, they weren't as badly damaged as i was. I stayed in the medical room the whole day, some HWS did come to visit me though. I saw the admiral taking a look at the injured HWS in the medical room too, he was encouraging everyone that they're going to be fine, but i know that sometimes, HWS had to suffer loss like they become deaf their whole life, or maybe they lose their right hand forever, something like that. I also saw Cakra visiting Nanggala, her twin brother. They talked for some time, Cakra seemed friendly and kind to her twin brother, she was soft and gentle. After chatting, Cakra was about to leave when i decided to thank her again, but this time, i used a more gentle and polite manner. This time, she smiled a little and said that i should be more careful, but still in a cold manner, then she left(what, is she a tsundere? I don't even know, and if you don't know what's the meaning of tsundere, tsundere is a person who is unfriendly, but after knowing him or her for a while, they will be more friendly and kind). While staying in the medical room, i overheard Diponegoro talk with one of the junior HWS that there was a rumor of a ghost of one of the HWS that was killed in the recent battle, i wasn't able to hear what soldier type was the rumored HWS ghost, i couldn't hear the name of the HWS either, but i'll try digging some info later on. Nothing else particular happened today.

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