Annoyed With Rumors

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Thursday, 19th June 2020
I am pissed off with the rumors about the ghost already. I can tell that Gajah Mada, the admiral, and the engineers are also annoyed with the rumors. Gajah Mada has been telling rumor loving HWS to go away in a threatening tone whenever anyone asks him anything connected to the rumors. The admiral snapped at anyone who tried to ask him about the rumors. The engineers was angry because whoever tried to ask them about the rumors were distracting them from their job. I don't know about Sigalu, the whole day in the medical room, she avoided me. And as for myself i am of course pissed off too, but rather than use a threatening way to tell those who wants to ask me about the rumors to go away, i just answered their questions in an ambiguous manner which led them to false information. I wasn't lazy this time, so i checked the red writing on the mirror in the toilet. I was thinking of bringing Sigalu with me to the toilet to show her the red writing which i could see but other people(except for her) can't see, but i changed my mind because the red writing was on the mirror in the men's toilet, i can't possibly bring her to the men's toilet, can i? I didn't expect to find much from checking the red writing almost every day, but i didn't know what else to do, i can't even wipe off the red writing, and i can't read it either. But when i entered the toilet, i was able to identify that the red writing was a sentence, and the first letter of the first word in the sentence was g. It was surprising, what surprised me was that every day, the red writing change, and each time it changes, it becomes easier to read. I compared the current red writing with the image of red writing i took long time ago, and i was right, but i am not entirely sure yet. I took another photo of the red writing today, tomorrow, i am going to compare the red writing on the mirror in the toilet, to confirm if i was correct on how the red writing becomes tidier and easier to read every time it changes. I am done writing my diary.

Friday, 20th June 2020
I went to compare the photo of the red writing i took yesterday with the red writing on the mirror. Turns out i was right, the words becomes tidier and easier to read each time it changes. I was actually planning to go and show Sigalu the photo of the red writing, i planned to bring along Bung Tomo as well, in case she didn't believe me about how only i and (perhaps) she can see it. I almost went to get Bung Tomo, but i changed my mind immediately. With the rumor freak still on the run, it would be a bad idea to give that person a chance to spread more rumors about me and Sigalu, and i don't want Bung Tomo to get in trouble too. To avoid more rumors being spreadt, i have to somehow prevent the rumor freak from having a chance to eavesdrop on me or even Sigalu. I have 4 choice to avoid the rumor freak from eavesdropping any of my conversation, one is by talking at a place where he or she can't possibly eavesdrop on me, two is by talking in a way the eavesdropper won't understand, three by communicating through text message using cell phones, or four by making the rumor freak stop spreading rumors, even better if i make him or her somehow send a message to everyone that it was confirmed none of the rumors were true. There's no exact place where i, Sigalu, and Bung Tomo could talk without being eavesdropped apart from the toilet, but because Sigalu is a girl, we can't possibly all talk in the same toilet, so option one is not possible. Everyone in the base except for Liaoning and Lexington can understand Indonesian language easily, so i have to speak in a foreign language if i choose option two. Pretty much everyone at the base could understand English too, so speaking in English is not a choice. I can speak and understand mandarin, but no one except Liaoning can understand  and speak mandarin properly at the base, so option two is not a choice. Option three might seem to be the best, but i don't even know who i am facing, the rumor freak might be a hacker, he even got almost all cell phone numbera in the base, so option three is not a safe choice. In conclusion, option four would be the best action to do to avoid more rumors being spreadt. I am done writing my diary.

Saturday, 21th June 2020
I got out of the medical room today. It was unusual for me not to get heavy or moderate damage, so the doctors were surprised. Like what i have written yesterday, i must stop the rumor spreading freak, or else it will be more or less impossible to communicate without having a high risk of making more rumors. I thought about a way to get rid of the rumor spreading freak today. The plan is simple, to catch him or her with the help of some other people. My idea was to get the engineers to set up a camera and prepare to ambush anyone at one place, then i get Gajah Mada, Sigalu, and myself to pretend that we are talking about the ghost. This would surely bait the rumor spreading freak to eavesdrop on us. But the engineer will be ready to ambush him or her. I won't get the admiral involved in my plan to catch the rumor spreading freak, i am sure he will be busy, and i won't bother to ask for his help. In order to execute my plan, i will need help from Sigalu, the engineers, and Gajah Mada. Firstly, i told the engineers about my plan, they were doubtful, but their will to stop more rumors from being spreadt is stronger than their doubt, so they agreed. We discussed which place to choose and we agreed to bait the rumor spreading freak to the storage room and ambush him or her there. They will definitely need time for the preparation of the ambush, so we will execute the ambush at Monday, i don't have to worry that Gajah Mada or Sigalu will be on sortie at Monday, because both of them are still in the medical room. I don't have to worry that the admiral will make me go on sortie that day too, because if the admiral wants an HWS to sortie, he must inform him or her 2 days prior the sortie, and the admiral didn't tell me about any upcoming sortie today, so i won't have any sortie on Monday. Secondly was to get Gajah Mada's agreement. When i first mentioned the word rumor, Gajah Mada immediately said that he won't talk about it, but then i told him about my idea and he agreed to help. Last but not least was to ask for Sigalu's help. It was hard because she kept avoiding me, and it is very easy to tell if i was around, i am the tallest at the base. After 1 hour of trying to approach her without getting spotted, i finally got to her and told her my idea. She agreed to help me with a condition that i stop trying to ask her about the ghost, she said that she will only answer my question only once, but not if she changes her mind or she accidentally gave me a false information. While i told Gajah Mada and Sigalu about the plan, i had to make sure no one would eaveadrop us or overhear us, i can't let the rumor spreading freak know about our plans to catch him or her. I am finished writing my diary.

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