During The Sortie

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Friday, 6th June 2020
Yesterday, the sortie was a success(kinda). Here is what happened. The fleet was going in the direction southwest to the rendezvous point with the Malaysians, i was at the starboard side because the enemy was expected to attack from that side if they spot us and attack us. The fleet consisted of 7 corvettes, 1 aircraft carrier, 5 destroyer, and the landing crafts. The first half hour of the sortie was quiet, no maelstorm or even rain, but then we sailed into an area with fog. The fog was thick, it was hard for me to see, but i know we were supposed to go in a straight route for another 17km, so i went on without trying to contact the rest of the fleet. After 16 minute of silence, i realized i was lost in the fog, i looked around and i could see neither any HWS nor the landing craft. I tried contacting them via the radio line(we were supposed to try to avoid using the radio line because the FUO could detect us if we use the radio line at a certain range, it works vice versa), but i was unable to use the radio line, something was jamming the signal for the radio line, i also tried to get a drone to fly and check the surrounding area, but when the drone flied for 5 second, it immediately crashed to the sea, that something didn't only jam the radio line, but aircrafts as well. I went in circle in hope of finding my allies but i found absolutely nothing, not even a single FUO aircraft. I continued circling then i bumped with Diponegoro who was supposed to be the flagship, and he was alone when i bumped with him. I asked him after i regained my balance about where the rest of the fleet were, and he said that he was lost. I explained that i was also lost, then we continued circling the area, the fog was getting thinner, but not thin enough for us to find our allies. We then heard sounds of HWS and FUO battling at the distance, we couldn't tell precisely which direction the sound came from, so we sailed in a route which Diponegoro said must have been the direction the sound came from while the sun rises in the morning, i could hear the sound again and again, looks like it the enemy and our force were clashing in a heavy battle. Eventually, the fog disappears, and i realized i and Diponegoro was in between the FUO naval base and the FUO force fighting our force, we were in a straight line, from the west to east was the FUO's naval base, i and Diponegoro, the FUO fleet, and our own fleet. From the distance, i could see our force struggle against the enemy, we must have strayed off the route we were supposed to take due to the fog. We couldn't contact the fleet at the distance, and it seems like our allies were unable to contact us or one another, their radio line must have been jammed too. Both the enemy and our own fleet hadn't realized our position just behind the enemy fleet. The strange thing was that the FUO was at some point firing at positions where it would obviously miss, but they looked like they were very coordinated compared to how chaotic our force was, our force communicated with shouts, not radio lines. The sky was clear, i saw no aircraft, i didn't see any aircraft carrier either. When i looked at the enemy's naval base, they had a harbor, 3 tower, some tanks which hadn't noticed me and Diponegoro, and an airport. Diponegoro was thinking the same thing as i was, we had to destroy the tower which is jamming the our aircraft and our radio line, and we thought one of the three tower was the one jamming. The first tower seemed kinda short, and because it was short, there was no way it could be the jamming tower considering how it's jamming range could reach up to our allies who was pretty far. The second tower was tall and guarded by anti-aircraft artillery which was also able to hit ground troops and naval troops. The third tower was tall like the second tower but was not guarded. Diponegoro was about to fire at the second tower, because he thought that because the tower was guarded, it must have meant the tower hold strategic value, in other means, that tower was the one doing the jamming. I stopped Diponegoro before he could fire and fall into the trap the enemy set up, although it didn't seem like a trap, it was indeed a trap, we couldn't use aircrafts, so why put the anti-aircraft artillery to guard it? They wanted us to fire at the tower as a trick to prevent us from destroying the real tower, the real tower couldn't have been the first, it was too short, so the jamming tower was definitely the third. I explained my thought to Diponegoro and he agreed to how it was a trap, then he aimed at the third tower. Once again, i stopped him from firing, when he asked why, it was because i realized our radio line and our aircraft wasn't the only one getting jammed by the tower, the enemy had an airport, so why didn't they get their air force to help them? Because their aircraft was also jammed, then how could they be so coordinated if they couldn't use their own radio line? Because they fire at certain positions where it would miss our force but tells their allies about something, like a signal. After hearing my explanation, Diponegoro agreed that we had to destroy the FUO's airport before destroying the tower. We fired a full salvo at the airport which was quickly destroyed, the enemy was shocked after noticing me and Diponegoro, we took the chance and destroyed the tower as well, as a result, radio line was no longer jammed and my drones were able to fly again. We contacted our fleet and tried to rejoin them, but the enemy recovered from the shock really fast and put both i and Diponegoro under heavy fire. I had better armor than Diponegoro, so i used myself as a shield to protect him, but certain enemy artillery's shots were too quick for me to block from hitting Diponegoro. I started to panic after seeing how heavy the damage Diponegoro suffered from, then i felt like the world became slow, again. I fired at directions so my bullet will collide with the enemy bullets mid-air, it was working perfectly. The enemy's rain of bullet on us stopped because they were shocked at my ability to prevent their bullets from reaching their destination, some of my allies who saw my ability for the first time was also shocked, but both my allies and the enemy recovered quickly. I and Diponegoro rejoined the fleet and went on with the battle, i also felt the world become faster, it meant i was relieved and no longer panicking. We had air superiority at the battle so we defeated the enemy and captured the naval base, but most HWS with navy soldier type was heavily damaged and we lost half of the HWS with army soldier type we had before. We contacted the base and the Malaysians after the battle, the Malaysians quickly reached the naval base we captured, made landfall, and fortified the position. We, the Indonesian HWS with navy soldier type were in no condition to engage in any battle so we retreated while the Malaysians took over the command of the operation as well as our land force. When we reached the base, every HWS which participated in the sortie immediately went to the medical room except me and Diponegoro. Diponegoro and i reported to the admiral's office about the sortie, i also told the admiral about how i felt the world become slower again, Diponegoro was also listening. The admiral only nodded upon hearing my explanation, i had to explain how i felt the world become slow too to Diponegoro, he guessed that i was able to prevent enemy bullets from hitting him mid-air because of it and he guessed it right. The admiral asked Diponegoro to keep my ability a secret and then, i and Diponegoro headed to the medical room. I didn't do anything else besides staying in the medical room for the whole day, notably inspecting the red writing in the toilet's mirror but i decided to overlook it and rest in the medical room the rest of the day.

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