Ghost Problem Solved

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Wednesday, 9th July 2020
Today, at the afternoon, i went to the room i and Bung Tomo occupied and checked the bed. Bung Tomo was in a fleet excercise today, so he wasn't present when i inspected my bed. I looked at the floor underneath my bed, i checked my blankets, i also undo my bedsheets for clues about the ghost. I searched for clues for 15 minutes straight but found nothing. Then i decided to open up my pillow, the only place i haven't inspected yet. When i opened a pillow, i found a pendant buried between the cottons of my pillow. The pendant was colored yellow, that reminded me, in my art class when i was still grade 7 at junior high school, my teacher said that yellow has the color psychology about family, friendship, creativity, and imagination. The pendant has a chain colored gold, i don't know whether it was really from gold or not. The pendant was around the standard size of a common and normal pendant, it was made out of steel. The pendant also has a chinese word carved into it from top to bottom, the chinese word was "孪生姐妹" which means twin sisters in Chinese. I took the pendant and had a closer look. I asked myself whether the pendant was connected to the ghost. It said twin sisters, so i wondered what connection it had with the ghost and Sigalu. Then it struck my head, Sigalu looked similar to the ghost, the ghost looked like Sigalu, they must have been twins i thought. After that, i looked up and saw the ghost appear in front of me. I encountered her several times before, so i was calm this time. I asked her whether the pendant was hers, then she told me her story, i could hear her voice at that time. She said that the pendant was indeed hers, she was also Sigalu's twins. 2 months before i came to this base, she used to sleep at the bed i am using at the room i and Bung Tomo occupy. She said that the pendant i was holding was a present her mother gave her at her birthday, she didn't specify at what age. Because Sigalu was her twin, Sigalu's birthday was also at the same day, Sigalu was given the same pendant. She said that back then when she was still alive, she always put her pendant in the pillow whenever going to sortie. But one day, she was sunk in a battle. After she died, Sigalu tried to search for her pendant, but she never told Sigalu where she put the pendant, thus, the pendant stayed hidden for months. Her admiral at that time, was given orders to go to another base while a substitute admiral replaced his position, the substitute admiral is actually my current admiral. The pendant stayed hidden until i came, used the bed and occupied the room. She tried to contact me into finding the pendant and return the pendant to her, but now, she only wanted me to return the pendant to her sister. I decided to give Sigalu her twin sister's pendant tomorrow, and i returned to the medical room. Sigalu's twin sister, she told me her name, her real name, not codename, her name was "Hana". She also told me that the symbol and the red writing on the mirror in the toilet, that was something that she did. It's already late, i should stop writing.

Thursday, 10th July 2020
Today, i took a look at Sigalu. I gave her Hana's pendant. She was surprised when i handed her Hana's pendant. I told her that i found it in the pillow of the bed i used. I also told her that the ghost told me everything about her and her twin sister. She was at lost of words after i told her what happened yesterday. She told me that she actually cried because she tried to search for the pendant for months but all her efforts had no fruition. She also said that her twin sister's death put her in depression for weeks that she stopped using the pendant her mother gave her because she felt pain whenever she sees the pendant and get reminded of her dead twin sister. I told her to toughen up and comforted her, i said that she had to stop crying and mourning for her twin sister's death. Then i reminded her that we are in the middle of a war, death is inevitable, it seemed like it comforted her. She stopped crying afterwards, she then said that she will start using the pendant again starting from tomorrow. This war i am in has eaten the lives of too many people. One day, i think i should visit the graveyards of my fallen allies. For now, i can only hope they rest in peace. This is as far as i am writing my diary today.

Friday, 11th July 2020
I saw Sigalu use her pendant today, the pendant she was using looked the same like the pendant i gave her yesterday. She seemed to have toughen up. After dinner, she came and thanked me for returning Hana's pendant to her. She also asked me to keep Hana's pendant for her, she said that she didn't need it anymore, she also said that she only needed her pendant to remind her of her twin sister Hana. I tried to refuse because the pendant was her twin sister's, so she deserved to keep it, not me. But she insisted, i tried making logical reasons so that she would keep Hana's pendant, but she still insisted. In the end, i have to keep Hana's pendant thanks to Sigalu. The pendant was supposed to be a lucky charm too, but i don't really see how it would help me. The real owner's dead, and the one (Sigalu) who was supposed to keep it gave it to me. I kinda wonder what the ghost' reactions are. But personally, i think it would be better if i just visit Hana's grave and leave her pendant at her grave. Or maybe i should just keep it and see what will happen. There is an english idiom, don't knock it till you try it. I'll just see what happens tomorrow.

Saturday, 12th July 2020
I found this image on my phone's gallery this morning.

Saturday, 12th July 2020I found this image on my phone's gallery this morning

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I am sure it is made from a drawing application i downloaded. My phone had a security password, so how could anyone download that image from the internet to my phone or create it using the application i have in my phone? Only i know my phone's password, i have never told anyone my phone's password, and i have never written my password on a piece of paper either, so how? A hacker? No, the password is too hard for a hacker to hack. Some random people accidentally guessed the password then tried to prank me? Even more unlikely. Hana's doing? Probably. I know for a fact that Hana's ghost can mess with people's phone. So if she wants me to keep it, what exactly is she meaning by keep it? What does she want me to keep? Considering what happened a few days before, i can guess that it's probably the pendant. Well it won't hurt to keep it, but just in case, i wrote in my memo stating that if i mistook what she meant by it, she should somehow tell me through my phone. Until now, i still have no reply, i don't know whether i was correct that Hana meant keep the pendant, assuming she was the one to send the message, or she just didn't read it. I am lazy to write my diary today, so this is pretty much what i am writing today.

Sunday, 13th July 2020
Still no response from Hana, so i assume she wanted me to keep her pendant for her. I checked my phone in case she replied through it, but instead, i found that the memo i wrote yesterday and the image i found yesterday disappeared. But as i have written, no direct response from her. I checked the red writing on the mirror in the toilet today, but it disappeared, no trace of it at all. I also checked the image of the red writing on the mirror in the toilet, and at the photo, i could only see the mirror and the reflection of myself taking a photo of the mirror. Looks like i managed to appease Hana, so she probably made whatever things that may be connected to her as a ghost disappear like thin air. I also inspected the pendant closer, and i noticed something that i didn't notice before, there was a tiny writing at the back of the pendant, very tiny but it can still be read. It writes "Hana". I guess that it was written like that so Hana and Sigalu won't get confused with each other's pendant, both pendant looks completely similar. I got out of the medical room today, my body feels better than the day after the day my fleet was ambushed. But my equipment is still being rebuilt, so i guess the next few days, i will only be helping the engineers finish their work. My hand is too lazy to write anymore.

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