Rumor Problem Solved

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Sunday, 22th June 2020
The plan to catch the rumor spreading freak is supposed to be executed tomorrow, so i don't exactly have anything to do today. I decided that it would be better if i trained by myself on thinking faster, so that i can feel the world becoming slower without having to panic. I first tried to train by playing certain games like Geometry Dash (that games not mine, obviously) in my phone. But i think it is not going to help me at all, it only makes me remember the level's obstacles and when to react, it doesn't increase my thinking speed. Then, i found a game which i can play on my phone. I don't remember the game's name, the game is about deciding whether a mathematical statement(for example: 8×4=32) is true or false, but i am given only 2 seconds to think, then i have to press one of the button with an x or a tick. Every time i decide whether a mathematical statement is true or false and i did it correctly, the game will instantly show me another mathematical statement, and i have to decide again if the mathematical statement is true or false, but with less time. The game itself is pretty simple yet very useful to increase your thinking speed, i think i might become a very quick thinker if i keep training, but who knows how long i have to train. Btw, i was too lazy to check the red writing today, i will probably check it another tine. Tomorrow, i will be getting rid of the rumor spreading freak, let's seen what will happen tomorrow.

Monday, 23th June 2020
I went to get Gajah Mada and Sigalu today at the afternoon to execute the plan. The plan went very smoothly. I, Gajah Mada, and Sigalu talked together, and it has already lured many people to try to secretly eavesdrop on us. We then walked around the base for half an hour, i could tell that most people who were eavesdropping on us had left because we still haven't talked anything concerning the ghost. After that, we walked to the storage room. Inside the storage room, we pretended to talk anything connected to the rumors, then i heard a thud outside the room. Gajah Mada then opened the exit door of the storage room, and i saw one of the engineers lifting Nanggala up by the neck part of his shirt. Nanggala was struggling, i saw his phone on his hand. That brat was surely trying to record us talking! At first, Nanggala was confused when one of the engineers said that the plan worked, but i explained to him about our plan to catch the rumor spreading freak, whom i am sure is Nanggala. He seemed to understand that we lured him here to ambush him. He knew he was cornered, so that was probably why he confessed that he was the rumor spreading freak and asked for forgiveness, well we could give him a punishment if we wanted to at that time. I first asked him how he got everyone's number, turns out he had 2 phones. The first phone was the phone he normally uses to contact anyone, he also used it to hack to get almost everyone's phone number(it was wise of me to choose option number 4 out of the 4 option i could think of). The second phone is the phone that has no camera, which means he can't use it for hacking, but since he used his first phone more, no one knew that he had 2 phones. Well, that explains the rest, he definitely used his second phone to send the text message containing the rumor, and no one knew it was him because he had 2 different numbers. One of the engineers then asked how no one could call his second phone(i never considered on trying to call the rumor spreading freak to find out who he or she was, but now that i know who the rumor spreading freak is, there's no more need to think for it), he then answered that he shutted down his second phone all the time except when he was about to send text messages to everyone. I guessed that the engineer was going to ask how the text message sent to the number was not answered, but the answer was obvious so no one asked, just don't answer the text message and just delete it. I didn't give him any punishment, i only asked him to send everyone a text message telling them that the rumors were confirmed to be false and to never ever spread rumors again. I threatened him that i will make him regret whatever he did if he didn't do what i asked him to do. He promised me that he will do as i say. I only requested him to stop spreading rumors and to tell everyone that the rumors were false, but the others had something else in their mind, perhaps a punishment or maybe other things to make him do. I didn't know what they made him do though, because once Nanggala promised me to do what i asked him to do, i suggested everyone that we forgive him and let him go, but they all refused, so i said goodbye and left them all. I returned to my room and i was feeling more relaxed. There will soon be no more rumors. Heck yeah! I didn't check the red writing on the mirror in the toilet, but whatever, not taking a look at the red writing once or twice won't make the ghost visit me. I couldn't focus on anything else i did today besides writing my diary right now, so i don't remember particularly what else i did today, but heck, i am going to sleep.

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