Encounter While Patrolling

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Friday, 18th July 2020
My fleet started to patrol the sea in the evening, 7 pm. My fleet consisted of 5 destroyer and 2 corvette including me. The other HWS with navy soldier type who is a corvettes was the flagship. The objective of the patrol is to prevent any FUO ships from sending supplies to their forces on Kalimantan. Although it was only 7 pm, it was dark, but not as dark as the day my fleet was ambushed. The only light we had was from our equipments. The first 29 minutes were quiet. No storm. No rain. Actually, every time i sortie, the first few minutes are always quiet. After that, we saw FUO destroyers and cruisers. To be more specific, 2 destroyers and 2 cruisers. By the time we noticed the enemy's fleet, they must have noticed us too, because they open fired at our fleet. Both my fleet and the enemy fleet turned off our lights and we began firing at the enemy fleet. They returned fire of course. My night camouflage was being useful. The FUO ships fired at me 4 times only, they fired at my allies more shots. We outnumbered the enemy, so we were winning. We had sunken an enemy cruiser and we had no casualties yet. The enemy fleet then retreated with pretty much all of their ships moderately damaged. The flagship of my fleet commanded all of us to make chase on the retreating enemy fleet and destroy their fleet while they are small in numbers. We went off the patrol route and chased the enemy fleet. My cruising engine though, was overheating because of chasing the enemy fleet. And because it overheated, i had to wait until it cools down to heat level 3 before i could go and chase the enemy. All my allies went ahead and chased the enemy fleet while i stayed behind. At that time, i thought that i was an easy target for an ambush, but sometimes, the unexpected happens instead. When my cruising engine's heat level went down from heat level 6 to heat level 5, i saw enemy's cargo ships and enemy's landing craft, without any FUO ships that were capable of combat escorting them. I don't know what the enemy's cargo ships were carrying, but i guessed that they brought supplies for their force in Kalimantan. I guessed that the landing craft must be carrying reinforcement for their allies at Kalimantan. I used passive sonar in case of submarines, but i found no submarines. Immediately after seeing them, i knew that i had to destroy them. The enemy didn't seem to notice my whereabouts though, it must be thanks to my night camouflage and because my light was still turned off, how do i know they didn't notice my whereabouts? Because they were cruising in a straight route which was heading for me. I first tried to contact my other allies in the fleet. But they all went ahead and they are not answering my radio communication. I was about to fire at the enemy's cargo ships and landing crafts but i decided to wait until they are closer to guarantee that i wouldn't miss. When my cruising engine's heat level lowered to heat level 4, the enemy's cargo ships and landing craft's were close enough, too close for me to basically miss if i open fired at them. I open fired at them, and to my suprise, i managed to destroy both the enemy's landing crafts and their cargo ships in only a few shots. How did i destroy them in just a few shots? The cargo ship turned out to bring a lot of ammunition and bombs for the FUO forces in Kalimantan. I fired one shot at their cargo and the ammunition inside the cargo ship exploded, the explosion then triggered more ammunition and bomb to explode. And the cargo ships became fireworks in a matter of seconds. While for the landing crafts, the landing crafts were fragile, fragile enough to be destroyed in one shot? Not exactly. It's just that one shot was enough to make a hole in the landing craft which caused it to sink. After destroying the cargo ships and landing crafts, my cruising engine's heat level lowered to level 3, which means i could cruise again, so i went to catch up with my allies. But i saw them return with heavy damages. I rendezvoused with them and i was surprised to only see 1 corvette HWS and 1 destroyer HWS. The flagship told me that they were ambushed by the FUO(why are the FUO so good when it comes to ambush?!?). My allies were ambushed, so that's why they didn't reply when i tried contacting them via the radio lines. Well, i'm happy that my engine overheated though, because if not, i would be very heavily damaged like they were or i might have sunk. Then i told them what happened to me when they went ahead to chase the FUO. Basically speaking, the FUO was smart enough to try and ambush us again, it kinda succeeded. They were planning to use their 2 destroyer and 2 cruiser as a provocation and bait to lure us to the ambush spot, then while we were ambushed, they planned to let their cargo ships and landing crafts sneak past to Kalimantan. But it didn't fully went the way they wanted it to be, my cruising engine overheated so i had to wait until it cools down. But because i can't move if my cruising engine overheated, i encountered their cargo ships and their landing crafts while my allies went ahead to chase the bait but were ambushed. As a result, although my allies were ambushed, i destroyed their cargo ships and landing crafts. They must be over confident that their plan will work the way they wanted it to work because there was no ships capable of combat escorting the cargo ships and the landing crafts. The flagship then commanded us to go back and return to the naval base. After we returned, the next fleet went to substitute us and patrol in case of FUO ships. While the flagship went to report to the admiral i went to the medical room. I was only slightly injured though, so i'll be out of the medical room by tomorrow. Then after i'm out of the medical room, i'll probably help the engineers again, as usual.

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