Friendly Fire

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Thursday, 22nd March 2021
Tomorrow, i am going to go on sortie again. Strict patrol sortie. Despite our effort to blockade the FUO supply line, FUO could still afford to attack Jakarta. Generals were driven crazy by how the FUO could still afford to attack Jakarta even after we denied them a lot of supplies. And i still haven't got much clue about the FUO aircraft carrier and about how the FUO transport supply to their base. Sure ain't easy analyzing with limited information. Anyway, while helping the engineers, i remembered something that my geography teacher once said. She said that the continent antarctica is located in south pole, so the north pole is an ocean. So, how come the FUO has a base in north pole? They should have no land to build their headquarter on. Even if they can build their base there, that would mean building their headquarter on ice. I don't know if that is actually dangerous, but i wouldn't dare try building anything on ice. Perhaps for safety reason they build their headquarter similarly to the FUO floating base. Floating. But the FUO's first attack attack came from the north pole and they came with a colossal number, according to the internet. To facilitate and house that many soldiers, the FUO headquarter will have to be much bigger than the FUO floating base. And where did the FUO get so much resources from to build such a large headquarter? To build a large headquarter, an incredible amount of resource would be needed. And not to mention the manpower. Where did the FUO get the resources? Maybe a nation helped them before the war started? Unlikely. Every nation in the world is currently at war with the FUO. From the south pole? That's actually possible. But still unlikely. How could they transport resource from the south pole to north pole undetected by literally anyone? So many questions.

Friday, 23rd March 2021
I went on sortie today. This time's sortie is very different compared to the usual sortie. I was doing the usual thing. Patrol around over a vast area. It was a night time sortie. My fleet had not encountered any FUO fleet. It was peaceful and quiet. Well, silence is golden. No one in the fleet talked unless necessary. Actually, silence is golden except when you have kids, then silence is just suspicious. Back to the topic. There was nothing worrysome. We turned on our lights and patrolled as much as we can whilst air force HWS flew above us patrolling as well. That was when things went differently. Suddenly, someone reported seeing a few hostile aircrafts on his or her radar. It was unclear where the FUO aircrafts came from. The FUO aircrafts attacked us immediately. I don't remember where their attack came from. Anyways, somone contacted the air force asking for air support. Then there was no more communication. Just the roaring sound of gunfire. The battle was going fine. We were winning. The FUO aircraft couldn't face my fleet while at the same time battle our aircrafts. But thorough the battle, something else was in my mind. Why did the FUO attack us here? There were no FUO cargo ship. What was their plan? Logically speaking, they should have a clear objective as to why attack my fleet. But they just randomly attacked us. Furthermore, they attacked us with aircrafts, not with the usual FUO fleets. Was there a reason behind this? The FUO aircrafts retreated before i could analyze further. I told the aircrafts to tail the FUO aircrafts. I convinced the fleet flagship to follow the FUO aircrafts as well. We continued following for only a few minutes. We had some problem chasing them though. They were aircrafts. They were faster than naval soldier like i am. So we followed them, but with difficulty. And when we reached where they were going, i saw an FUO cargo ship as well as its escorts. The FUO aircrafts were nowhere to be seen. And they weren't appearing on radar either. I contacted the base. I told the admiral about what my fleet had found. He ordered all HWS fleet to capture the FUO cargo ship. Many fleet came and a simultaneous attack was implemented. Everyone attacked in order to capture the cargo ship. But when we were busy battling the FUO ships escorting the cargo ship, FUO aircrafts appeared in the middle of nowhere. Our aircrafts which had supported us were then distracted. They had to fight enemy aircraft. The fight went on. But things went sour. We fought and fought. The fight seemed to be a stalemate. Neither side seemed to be winning. And neither side seemed to be losing. The battle continued. But it started becoming one sided. The New Yamato arrived at the battlefield. The New Yamato destroyed our battleship HWS, greatly weakening our force. Our aircrafts attempted to destroy The New Yamato or at least weaken it with torpedoes. But they didn't manage to do much. She had strong anti aircraft defense. Any aircraft approaching her would be shot down almost immediately. With The New Yamato in the battlefield, we were losing the battle. The admiral ordered a retreat. Retreating was not easy. The FUO aircrafts were pounding us. Air force HWS struggled to obtain air superiority, but to no avail. There was no way we could retreat. The FUO were starting to flank us and would soon surround us. In the midst of chaos, i told the admiral to send a fleet to attack FUO floating base. The admiral knew what i was thinking. He ordered a fleet to attack the FUO floating base asap. It took time, but the fleet reached the FUO floating base. They attacked the base and retreated immediately. The New Yamato, left with half the FUO ships heading toward FUO territory. The plan had worked. The New Yamato would retreat to the FUO floating base whenever there is an attack on it. It's a good way to force The New Yamato to stay in the FUO base. The HWS fleet's were already decimated, so the capture of the FUO cargo ship was not happening. Every HWS fleet tried to retreat when they get the chance. I too were trying to retreat back to the base. But before i left, i realized that the FUO cargo ship hasn't left. It seems like one of the shot that landed on it had damaged it's cruising engine. It seemed like there were FUO repairing the engine. I got an idea. I tried to sneak into the cargo ship. It might be suicidal, but it was night. My night camouflage hid me. Even if FUO saw me, they couldn't tell whether i was friend or foe. I got in and took a peek at what the FUO cargo ship had. And what i saw was surprising. There were many FUO people inside. At least a few hundred were inside. They had so many people inside. What were they for? I didn't have time to think of it. The last few HWS fleet retreating almost left the battlefield. If i didn't leave when the last HWS fleet left the battlefield, i won't be able to leave the cargo ship undetected. And if i keep hiding inside the FUO cargo ship, i would be found at some point. So i climbed out of the cargo ship, and followed the last fleet out of the battlefield and back to the base. Many HWS were immediately heading to the makeshift hospital. But i made a report. Not a report that a flagship usually has to submit. But a report about what i saw inside the FUO cargo ship. I submitted the report to the admiral and went to the makeshift hospital. Hopefully, by tomorrow morning, the admiral would have read my report and told the colonel about my report as well.

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