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Tuesday, 6th February 2021
The admiral assigned me to a sortie tomorrow. The sortie's objective is to make recon on the FUO territory in Makassar strait, engage enemy only if we are detected. The admiral said that the sortie will be necessary to gather information about the FUO territory in Makassar strait. The admiral sent me because he thought that i might find some useful information. I can't say this is not an opportunity. I can gather some information that i don't have with this sortie. But i have to be careful not to die. I also have to be careful of ambushes. But i won't really worry about ambushes. The FUO are unable to use their motion sensor as long as they are in range of active jamming tower. That will decrease the chance of being ambushed. I need to think of getting as much information as possible but with as few casualties as possible. The base doesn't have many HWS, so having casualties in sorties will deal a great blow to the base. The information that i want to mainly gather is the information on how to turn the tide of the war. Currently, Indonesian is in defensive, the FUO are in offensive. In order to turn the table, i will need information about the location of enemy resources. If we can destroy enemy resources, it will be easier to turn the table. I will also need the information on the location of all FUO strongholds. It will be useful to destroy other enemy stronghold in order to weaken the enemy before dealing a decisive blow. There are other things i want to know too, but i need to sleep. I have a sortie tomorrow.

Wednesday, 7th February 2021
Today's sortie went well. There was no encounter with FUO fleet. Well, my fleet saw a few FUO fleet, but the FUO fleet did not notice us, which is good. At the sortie, my fleet got in range of active jamming tower. We lost contact with the base, but that was expected. We first wandered around to see what we could find. We couldn't find anything interesting in the southern area, so we went to see what we could find at the northern area. We found an FUO fleet escorting cargo ships. There was 3 cargo ships at that time i believe. The FUO fleet did not notice us. We watched them from afar. The flagship which is not me decided that the fleet had to follow the cargo ships and see where the cargo ships were heading to. He said that he wanted to find more FUO stronghold in the Makassar strait. We followed the cargo ships. But the cargo ships went to the FUO floating base. Looks like the only FUO stronghold in the Makassar strait is the FUO floating base. We then went back north to see if there is anything else that we could find. We didn't find anything else besides another FUO fleet escorting cargo ships. Again, the flagship decided that the fleet must follow the cargo ships. And again the cargo ships were going to the FUO floating base. We got back north, and found another FUO fleet escorting cargo ships. We couldn't find anything else beside the cargo ships and jamming towers, so we turned back and returned to the base. The admiral was disappointed that we didn't find anything that could be important. Although it seems like the sortie was a waste of time, i got a few important information. First, there seems to be only one FUO stronghold in the Makassar strait, the FUO floating base. Meaning that destroying it will greatly weaken the FUO in Makassar strait. That means destroying it will almost ensure victory against the FUO in Makassar strait. Second, the FUO are transporting large amount of supplies to the FUO floating base. The FUO needs a lot of fuel and ammunition to lauch attacks on Jakarta. If we cut off the supply line, it will also weaken the FUO in Makassar strait. Third, there was only one FUO stronghold, that means The New Yamato will be in it most of the time. In order to destroy The New Yamato, what we have to do is attack The FUO floating base. We will very likely encounter The New Yamato. The third information might not seem very important, but it is actually much more important. We have a rough idea of the location of the FUO floating base. We can calculate which jamming tower is safe to attack while avoiding battle with The New Yamato. If The New Yamato will come to protect the jamming tower, we will be able to calculate how long it will take for The New Yamato to arrive at the battlefield. We will know when is best to retreat. Moreover, if we attack several jamming tower at the same time, we can wait until The New Yamato attack at one of the battlefield. Then all fleet attacking the jamming tower close to the battlefield The New Yamato is in will retreat. While the fleet attacking the furthest jamming tower from The New Yamato's location can continue attacking. If people think it in another way, the information is important. We have to think outside the box.

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