Last Few Entry

18 0 0

Tuesday, 7th May 2021
The FUO has finally been kicked out of the Makassar strait. Although we haven't completely expelled them from Indonesia, that was a huge kick against the FUO. The news had already been heard by the whole base. Morale is high. I'm still staying inside makeshift hospital though. But when i have the chance, i went outside to see what James was doing. He was busy with HWS equipment, as usual. I decided to chat with him.

"Halo, masih sibuk ama peralatan TSM?" (Me) [Hello, still busy with HWS equipment?]

(Author's note: TSM is Tentara Senjata Manusia, the literal translation of HWS.)

"Iya. Repot juga. Serangan kemarin mengakibatkan banyak peralatan TSM rusak." (James) [Yeah. Kinda troublesome. Yesterday's attack caused many HWS equipment damaged.]

"Mau kubantu, James?" (Me) [Want me to help, James?]

"Tidak, terima kasih. Kamu seharusnya masih beristirahat. Kamu terluka." (James) [No, thank you. You should still be resting. You are injured.]

"Ya sudah kalau kau memang tidak perlu bantuan." (Me) [Fine if you don't need help.]

"Penyerangan kemarin sukses ya?" (James) [Yesterday's attack was succesful huh?]

"Iya. Yamato Baru mati. Aku membunuhnya." (Me) [Yeah. The New Yamato died. I killed her.]

"Bagaimana dia meninggal?" (James) [How did she die?]

"Aku memicu sistem penghancuran dirinya. Dia meninggal karena ledakannya." (Me) [I triggered the self destruct system. She died because of the explosion.]

"Bagaimana cara memicunya?" (James) [How to trigger it?]

"Di sisi peralatan tempurnya ada tuas. Jika di tarik 3 kali, sistem penghancuran dirinya akan langsung aktif. Aku mendekatinya dan menarik tuasnya." (Me) [At the side of her battle equipment there was a lever. If pulled thrice, her self destruct system will immediately activate. I approached her and pulled the lever.]

"Kamu tahu dari mana tentang itu?" (James) [How did you know about that?]

"Beberapa bulan yang lalu, aku menemukan tuas yang sama di peralatan PDL lain. Aku tarik tuasnya 3 kali dan dia meledak." (Me) [A few months ago, i found the same lever on another FUO equipment. I pulled the lever thrice and she blew up.]

(Author's note: PDL or Pasukan Dunia Lain is what Indonesian's call the FUO. Literal translation would be, Otherworldly Forces.)

"Oh, begitu. Ledakan masing-masing tipe kapal PDL beda-beda. Jadi ledakannya Yamato Baru kuat ya?" (James) [Oh, i see. Each type of FUO ships have different explosion. So The New Yamato's explosion was quite big was it?]

"Ya, tapi tubuhnya cukup besar untuk dijadikan perisai untuk melindungiku dari ledakan peralatannya." (Me) [Yes, but her body was big enough to be a shield to protect me from her equipment's explosion.]

"Kau beruntung, Pattimura." (James) [You were lucky, Pattimura]

"Lumayan." (Me) [Quite]

"Dan kenapa ada belati disarung di antara peralatan TSMmu?" (James) [And why is there a sheathed dagger in between your HWS equipments?]

"Belatinya kuambil dari Yamato Baru. Yamato Baru berusaha untuk menusukku dengannya saat aku menarik tuas penghancuran dirinya." (Me) [I took the dagger from The New Yamato. The New Yamato tried to stab me with it when i was pulling her self destruct lever.]

"Apakah dia berhasil?" (James) [Did she succeed?]

"Tidak. Aku masih hidup." (Me) [No. I am still alive.]

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