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Wednesday, 1st May 2021
Today, more attacks are launched at FUO territory. Not all attacks were succesful, but it did damage the FUO jamming tower. Looks like the plan is going well, at least for now. I've only realized today that it my birthday had passed. It was on 20th of April. I'm already at the age of 21 and i didn't even realize it. Well, how was i supposed to remember my birthday? There was no one to congratulate me on my birthday. Besides, war time is not a good time to celebrate things like birthday. Especially knowing that hundreds of people die everyday. That reminds me when i was at the age of 14 or so. I went to school. My friends told me happy birthday, while i forgot it was my birthday. I never expected presents nor birthday cards at my birthday. All i want is to go out and eat together with my family. But now that my family is gone, i guess there is no need to celebrate my birthday. I'll celebrate my birthday if i can make it through the war. It's a surprise i survived in this war for a year. When did i first join the military? I don't remember anymore. I don't even know whether i will live until June. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but this is war. I have high chance of dying. Living another day is already a great blessing. One can never know when one will die. But in the end, all humans die too. No one is immortal. Strangely enough, writing all about life reminds me of something i've read in the past in a comic book. It was about someone saying a war shouldn't be treated as exceptional because even though war is extreme, people die everyday. Bullets aren't the only killer out there. I think the guy that said that must have been out of his mind, but i don't blame him for having a different opinion than me. Reminds me of a quote. The quote is "Everything you see is a perception. Everything you hear is an opinion." I think that quote was from Marcus Aurelius. I forgot who Marcus Aurelius was. I also forgot the comic book's name. There is no need to remember trivial things anyway.

Thursday, 2nd May 2021
For some reason, the FUO were building jamming towers all of the sudden. They attempted to built it today, only to be destroyed in the end. I read what happened in the reports made by HWS fleet sent to attack FUO territory. The fact that the FUO were trying to build FUO towers means their source of resource must no longer be inside the FUO territory, so they are getting desperate for resource. Or maybe, they needed to increase the size of FUO territory because we are getting closer to the source of their resources. Either way, it's good news. Their attempt to build the jamming towers must mean they will focus less on attacking Jakarta. I think the FUO attack Jakarta once in 4 to 5 days. The FUO attacked Jakarta on Monday. That would mean the next FUO attack would be tomorrow since there was no FUO attack today. I'd like to see how their attack was. The FUO might become more desperate with the attacks and launch fiercer attacks, or they might not attack at all because they want to conserve resources. But i can't guarantee i would be right. It's only a prediction. Who knows how wrong i might be. But if they were indeed getting desperate because of our attacks on the FUO territory, it might be a good chance for us to attack the FUO floating base, and kick the FUO out of the Makassar strait once and for all.

Friday, 3rd May 2021
The FUO tried building jamming towers again, but with more FUO ships guarding the builders. Again, the result was the same. The FUO's effort didn't come to fruition. The attack fleet sent to attack the FUO's jamming tower destroyed the building-in-progress jamming tower. The FUO having no weapon to make aircraft instantly crash worked greatly in our favor. The FUO could deal with our navy HWS, but not so well with aircrafts. The attempt did however, slow our progress on weakening and making the FUO territory smaller. But it only slowed down. A few active jamming tower has already been destroyed. Also, i asked the colonel whether there was an attack or not today in Jakarta. The answer was no. Not a single FUO soldier was seen in Jakarta. Looks like the FUO really doesn't have so much resources to spare anymore. That's great. But what is greater is that, Jakarta never fell for the months it has been under constant attack. I am very impressed by how Jakarta could still stand despite the attacks that come every week for a few months. Jakarta must have insane amount of defenses. Also, about blocking the FUO cargo ships, there are less reported cargo ships that made it safely into FUO territory. The FUO cargo ships could barely slip through the blockade we made to prevent it from reaching the FUO territory. We made it stricter and more difficult to get past. Making a breakthrough is not an option for them. Trying to breakthrough would be difficult since patrol fleet can immediately call backup while the FUO cargo ship and its escorts can't. The nearest FUO base to call backup for is too far from the blockade area. We also have air superiority since our airfields are closer. Even if the cargo ship could reach FUO territory, there is a high chance they would meet the attack fleet. Since the destruction of cargo ships are prioritized over the attack on the FUO territory, the attack fleet would definitely attack the cargo ship first. We finally turned the table against them. We just have to continue this, and we win. That would happen assuming that the FUO won't use another high tech things that is incredibly useful like the animal spy and the motion tracker.

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