Operation Naval Warfare

14 2 0

Tuesday, 29th July 2020
Today, the operation was executed. The operation was partially a success. I was in group E, like what i have written a few days ago. My group stayed in a spot while group A, B, C, and D did their task. Originally, the admiral must have thought that the enemy wouldn't attack the supply ships because they fell for the bait and they would get ambushed by us, so he assigned only 14 HWS with navy soldier type and an aircraft carrier that is not an HWS that carried 16 HWS with air force soldier type and 20 drones capable of combat to guard 4 supply ships. At first, every thing went according to plan, then the FUO messed the plan, they always do. Did they sent reinforcement to attack us? Yes but group D took care of it. Was there many aircraft carrier to face? Yes, but our aircraft took care of it. Was there too many FUO ships to fight for group B and group C? Yes, but group A helped group B and C took care of it. Was there another ambush? Yes, another bloody ambush. Why? Heck if i know. How come? Don't ask. Here's what happened. The whole group and the supply ships were staying in one spot far from the battle group A, B, and C is in. It was also far from the battle group D was in when they encountered enemy reinforcement. But the enemy was smart enough to predict our plan. Out of the sudden, torpedoes were fired at us and FUO drones came to attack us, but we didn't see any FUO ships thought. We thought the enemy had beaten group A, B, and C, but  i found out they have not after i contacted Rencong who was in group B. She said that they were winning. I informed the others and we started battling the aircrafts while avoiding torpedoes. There were a lot of enemy drones, there's gotta be at least 92 drones or around that many. Our aircraft was greatly outnumbered. Our aircraft was defeated and all HWS had to go on anti aircraft battle. And like i wrote, most of the HWS with navy soldier type are weak when fighting against aircrafts. We were immediately overwhelmed. Almost half of the HWS with navy soldier type is dead, we lost 1 of the supply ship, 2 out of the remaining supply ship was modarately damaged, and only a quarter of the aircrafts we had at the start of the operation is still capable of combat or has yet to be destroyed when the enemy's first wave of drones left, then we saw the second wave of drones came to us from the distance. We knew we couldn't outrun the drones and that if we didn't come up with something, we were dead. One of us suggested that we sent one aircraft to seek the aircraft carrier so that we can destroy it to prevent anymore aerial attacks, then we could deal with the submarines. How did we know we were faced against submarines? Torpedoes were fired at us but we saw no FUO ships, which means the torpedo came from submarines. We didn't even need to use the sonar to tell. We sent a drone to seek the aircraft carrier. But we didn't find an aircraft carrier. Instead, we saw submarine aircraft carriers. This was a huge problem for us. A normal aircraft carrier is easier to spot and attack, but because this is a submarine aircraft carrier, it is harder to spot and harder to attack. Calling in reinforcement wouldn't help, they would arrive when we were long gone by then. Then we had to battle the second wave of aircrafts. We might have been done for had i not thought of an idea. I got an idea that was subtle. The idea was to use the knowledge i had gained from the engineers and create a lot of drones from spare parts brought by the supply ships. I know the drones i make had no weapon whatsoever, but it was enough to counter the air attack. I quickly got to the supply ships and created drones as quickly as possible, some of the people in the supply ship and the HWS with navy soldier type were confused with what i was doing, but i showed them how much of a genius i could be. I put an ammunition inside each of the drone. Then i controlled the drones to go to the enemy's drones. As a result, the drones i created took the enemy drones down with them. My drones blew up at the air and destroyed itself with enemy's drone. The second wave was easily taken care of with that trick. The third wave came but didn't reach our fleet. The fourth wave never came. After that, we only had to deal with the submarines, but still, it wasn't easy. We lost another supply ship, 5 HWS, and the aircraft carrier. There were only 2 supply ships left after the battle, and the supplies were not enough to launch a large scale attack on the enemy's naval base. So, as soon as every group is done with their battle, we retreated. The operation was partially successful because we annihilated the enemy's main forces. But we didn't destroy the enemy's naval base though. Perhaps another attack would suffice to destroy the base. After we returned to the base, i went to the medical room immediately. I already thought what to write on the message i am going to send to my little sister tomorrow. I will write something about how glad i am that she is still alive. By the way, some of the engineers came to visit me at the medical room at the afternoon(the operation was executed at the morning). When i told the engineers how my fleet survived the enemy's attack with the help of the knowledge i gained from them, they were really happy that the knowledge i taught them helped. They were also excited to teach me more about engineering so that i might have a higher chance of survival in every sortie i go on with the knowledge got from them. Well, that's about what i am writing today.

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