The Admiral's plan

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Saturday, 21st October 2020
I wanted to talk to the admiral today, but i didn't have the chance. The admiral was busy during the day and is often inside his office. I dare not talk about the ambush the admiral is thinking about inside his office. This is because when i enter the office, the FUO spy would eavesdrop on us for sure. If i tried to talk about useless crap before getting to the point, the FUO spy would still know that i was about to talk about something important. Because there is no way i would come to the admiral's room only to talk about useless crap. I decided to save the talking with the admiral for a later date. It's too dangerous to talk about important information in the base. The FUO spy could be eavesdropping every conversation i am having. By the way, George told me that something else happened today. He told me that at his sortie today, he was ambushed by the FUO, and the ambush could only happen if the FUO had a source of information about the sortie. George gave me the details. He told me that the FUO attacked his fleet when the fleet was sending a ship filled with supplies to another base. At the place where the ambush took place, there were naval mines set up. The naval mines were not set up by the Americans. The FUO also ambushed his fleet in the middle of the sea. Ambushing a fleet in the middle of the see is rather unlikely, as the FUO shouldn't have knowm the route George's fleet was taking. Unfortunately, there are no clues that could be used to narrow down the suspects. If only there were more clues, we could have caught the FUO spy by now. The FUO hadn't sent another attack or night bombing raid.

Sunday, 22nd October 2020
The FUO sent another night bombing raid at midnight yesterday. The FUO killed a lot of people, but missed their target. Their target is of course me. I saw the corpse of those who were killed in the night bombing raid. Once again, i vomitted not far from the place where the corpse were put at. Several other people also vomitted. The dead bodies also scared the crap out of new recruits. The corpses are lowering the morale in the base even further. Seeing the corpse remind me of how much people has been killed in this war. At least 100 million soldiers have been killed in this war, and at least 100 million civilians have died. World war 1 killed 20 million lifes. World war 2 killed 80 million lifes. This war i am in has killed at least double the amount of lifes killed in world war 1 and world war 2. These numbers are going to keep increasing so long as the war continues. The first 2 year of the war had already killed 200 million lifes. I can't fathom how many deaths will be lost by the end of the war. If the war keeps on killing people, this war might become the war of attrition. If that were to happen, more lifes will be lost in this war. Since there were many casualties humanity suffered at the war, surely the FUO has large casualties as well. But no one could tell how many casualties the FUO approximately have. I still haven't got the chance to talk with the admiral.

Monday, 23rd October 2020
The admiral cane to visit me today at the makeshift hospital. The admiral talked to me about useless crap at first of course. A few minutes after talking nothing but useless crap, the admiral started talking about his plans on baiting the FUO. His plan is to deceive the FUO. He told me the details of his plan. As soon as i recover at the makeshift hospital, he wanted me to go to the medical room. There at his office, he wanted me to play along and talk about how i learned about the FUO's language and how i have figured something that the FUO is hiding in Kalimantan. Of course, what i will be talking about is basically nothing but a bluff. But the plan is worth a try. The next step of the plan is to make the FUO spy think that i will be guarded by a lot of HWS to go to a secret base and help the interrogation of the captured FUO ships. Then, the admiral will say the date of the day i will go to the secret base. The admiral said that there is 3 possible outcome from the plan. The first outcome, the FUO spy will tell the FUO force about this. The FUO force will then attack the base with everything at their disposal in order to kill me. If that were to happen, the admiral said that he will prepare a solid defense against the FUO. We will get the advantage against the FUO if we build a solid defence, because we have the jamming tower now and a few other additional defense to help withstand the attack. If the first outcome happens, we will have a chance to eliminate a large FUO force with not so much casualties. The second outcome, the FUO spy will try to kill me himself. If directly attacking us isn't possible, the FUO spy might try to kill me in the base. We might be able to catch the FUO spy red handed if the second outcome happens. The third outcome, the FUO would take no action and let me go to the secret base. The FUO would probably be thinking that because the admiral will mention that i will be helping the interrogation of the captured FUO ships, if they follow me to the secret base, they might be able to kill me and rescue their allies. Of course, helping the interrogation and the secret base thing is a bluff. So if the FUO thought of doing the third outcome, then the plan is a failure. The admiral finished explaining all of that and had to take a long breath. I told the admiral that he should also mention that the secret base is located at the southern hemisphere. That way, the FUO will think that following me to the secret base will not be a choice because their forces are weak at the southern hemisphere. He actually approved my idea. The doctors told me that i will completely recover at Thursday. The admiral didn't tell me whem the plan will be inmplemented. The FUO didn't launch another attack or another night time bombing raid.

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