Impromptu Attack

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Tuesday, 13th March 2021
Staying in the makeshift hospital sure is boring. I can't do much beside writing my diary and analyzation. The doctors said that i can leave the makeshift hospital on Sunday. And i don't have much left to analyze. Still, i did some analyzing. I thought about what important thing could be inside the cargo ship that self destructed the day before yesterday. A new FUO weapon? A new FUO technology? It only took me a few seconds to realize that i was overestimating things. It's not impossible that the FUO cargo ship was carrying a secret technology or something like that, but it's possible that it was only carrying much needed fuel so that the FUO could continue launching air attack on Jakarta. Fuel would be important considering the how much fuel the FUO probably consume every day. Or what if the cargo ship carried FUO aircrafts to replace the destroyed aircrafts? That's possible too. And since they think Jakarta has to be destroyed, they would think replacement aircrafts would be essential and needs to reach the FUO floating base. I feel like i had seen a dog as a wolf. But, better sure than sorry. It would be better to take a look at what it was carrying. Who knows, i might not have overestimated them and was right about the secret technology thing. After all, what i wrote is only prediction, not fact. Of course i might be wrong. Every human makes mistake every now and then.

Wednesday, 14th March 2021
Still nothing to do today. I still have to wait for a few more days to get out of makeshift hospital. I'm happy that i am not in the battlefield, but i don't like having nothing to do too. But what i could at least do, was watch the new recruit train. Some of the new recruit was doing a fleet excercise. They were sent with little experience and training in the battlefield. The admiral gave them more training. When i was watching them do a fleet excercise, the admiral was watching too. I decided to sit next to the admiral. The admiral said that he didn't want to send the new recruits to the battle without enough experience. He said that most casualties in the battlefield nowadays are new recruits that doesn't have enough training and combat experience. Reminded me of how i was in the past. Inexperienced in a lot of way. Back to my conversation with the admiral, the admiral didn't want the new recruits to die so quickly, so he gave them more training. And also, the admiral forgot to give me reports for the past few weeks. No wonder i have nothing to do, the admiral didn't give me any sortie report. Ergo, i have nothing to read or analyze. I told the admiral that it was a surprise he had forgotten. He said that stress made him want to slack off. Ah well, the admiral said that henceforth, he will return giving me report to analyze. That's great. Excercise for my brain. I'm not trying to put it in a bad way though.

Thursday, 15th March 2021
Today, something bad happened. While reading some reports, i heard a loud sound somewhere. I got out of the makeshift hospital to see what happened. Then, a shell flew from the sea. The shell hit the tents. The tents were empty at that moment. No HWS were sleeping or resting inside the tents. Most were helping the engineers, in the makeshift hospital, or going in patrol. I looked to the sea to see where the bullet came from. There was an FUO fleet. It was an FUO attack. The alarm rang. The FUO launched an attack on our base. The FUO fired at our base blindly. They were randomly firing. It was obvious, one of them shot at the factory, missed then shot at the warehouse. While non HWS personnel and injured HWS were supposed to evacuate, i watched the battle. I wasn't afraid of the FUO. Perhaps i went through too many life and death situations to be afraid with these kind of things anymore. The battle didn't go well for us. Most HWS with was out patrolling. There were few HWS combat capable in our base. And judging by the firepower and their armor, the FUO fleet mostly consisted of battleships. But most of the combat capable HWS with navy soldier type in our base were corvettes. To match battleships, stronger ships would be needed. A cruiser would help, but the cruiser were on patrol. And the battleships are strong. They could withstand a few torpedo. That's crazy strong. The FUO battleship kept their distance and fired. One after another, HWS with navy soldier type were destroyed and sunk. Even if one of the HWS got close to the battleship, the battleship would just fire his main armament at point blank range at the HWS. Furthermore, the battleships has secondary guns. Our coastal artillery helped attack the battleships, but the battleships could destroy the coastal artilleries before they could destroy the battleships. We were losing. Many personnel were gathering documents and other important things, ready to abandon the base. But i had another idea. The FUO were attacking our base. Why didn't we just send a fleet to attack their territory? In order to defend their territory, the FUO fleet would probably be called back. Even if our attack didn't work, we could just send multiple attacks to confuse and tribulate the FUO. If that were to happen, the FUO would have to call back their attacking fleet. I got to where the admiral was and asked him to issue the order to attack the FUO territory. The admiral didn't know what i was thinking, but he trusted me, so he issued the order anyway. The attack on the FUO territory happened shortly after. The FUO fleet retreated. It worked! But it brought some other consequence as well. Other base saw that our base's fleet were attacking the FUO territory. And they thought that we were launching large scale attacks to weaken the FUO and that they should help the effort, so they also sent fleets to attack as well. Eventually, it became a massive attack on the FUO terrotory. An impromptu one though. It wasn't planned. The battle ended hours ago, but the admiral hadn't told me the result. I'll just go and ask the admiral tomorrow.

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