"Headquarter Sitter"

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Saturday, 28th June 2020
Today, a new nickname has appeared for those HWS who are told to stay and defend the base, they are called "headquarter sitter", and i am one of the ones called headquarter sitter. It kinda makes sense since the ones that are called headquarter sitter stays at the base and guards it. The admiral has been sending many HWS on sortie, he must have got lots of paperwork to do. I'm one of the headquarter sitter and there was no attack, so i made myself useful by helping the admiral deal with the paperworks. The admiral gladly accepted my help. While helping the admiral deal with the paperworks, i managed to read some documents with the stamp top secret. One of them was a document containing reports about the research the Japanese scientist had done. The scientist have confirmed that the FUO does not understand our language at all, all language that has ever existed on Earth to be exact. The scientist has begun developing a special ammunition type made especially to destroy FUO, they are also trying to make weapons that are as strong as any FUO near the north pole, or maybe even stronger. I managed to read only that much information though, the admiral caught me reading the document, he forgived me for my action but refused to let me help him any further. I'm lazy to write anymore.

Sunday, 29th June 2020
I had nothing to do today, because i have to stay at the base, and there was no attack at all. The rumor still hasn't died down, a few people are still talking about it. I wanted to keep myself in shape, so i jogged around the base and did some other work out as well. While doing the work out, i saw new recruits exploring the base. Most of the recruits were HWS with army soldier type, the HWS with the smallest numbers were the HWS with navy soldier type. It's actually logical, i know the training and condition to become HWS. Unlike the other HWS, the HWS with army soldier type does not need to practice on keeping their balance, because they operate on ground. But for HWS with air force soldier type, it's harder. HWS with air force type must be able to keep their balance mid-air, so they can fly straight, not crooked. It's even harder for HWS with navy soldier type, we have to keep our balance on the water, and we use heavy weapons, so every time we fire, the recoil caused by the weapon will greatly influence our balance. The HWS with air force soldier type has it easier, they usually only carry light weapons and a bomb or a torpedo, so they have things easier than the HWS with navy soldier type. In addition, the HWS with navy soldier type always bring heavy equipments and heavy ammunition, so their body must be well built(the equipment can weigh up to 50kg! Becoming an HWS boosted our strength, but that is still heavy for us HWS with navy soldier type), the equipments for HWS with army or air force soldier type are lighter, so they don't have to have a well built body. I didn't check the red writing on the mirror in the toilet though, i was too lazy. Now i'm done writing my diary.

Monday, 30th June 2020
Today was a boring day. I'm used to waking up early and excercise, but after that there would usually be something interesting to do. But not today, not this time. There was still no attack, i should be happy there is no attack, but i am one of the headquarter sitter, so guard the base, although it seems like nothing will happen. I seldom sleep in the afternoon, but because there was nothing to do today, i forced myself to do it. As a result, i lied down on my bed for 1 and a half hour without being able to sleep. Bung Tomo went on sortie, so i had no companion with me in my boring day. Speaking of sleeping, i wondered how long does a healthy person sleep every year. At that time, i was so bored that i could die of boredom, so i grabbed myself a calculator and started counting. A healthy person has to sleep at least 6 hours a day, there is 365 days in a year, assuming it isn't a leap year. 6×365=2190. So a healthy person has to sleep 2190 hours every year and 2196 hours if it is a leap year. One day is 24 hours, so how many days in total does a healthy person sleep? 2190÷24=91.25. So a healthy person has to sleep a total of 91 days and 6 hours every year. If it is a leap year, i just have to add 6 hours to the total time, and that means a healthy person sleeps 91 and a half day in a leap year. 91 days and 6 hours, how many year is that? 91.25÷365=0.25. So a healthy person has to sleep at least a total of a quarter year just to stay healthy. I had already checked the red writing on the mirror in the toilet numerous times, just because of boredom. Now i need to sleep.

Tuesday, 1st July 2020
I spent the whole day at the base again, while most other HWS get to sortie. I checked the red writing on the mirror in the toilet already, and i think i checked it around 67 times today. I didn't have much to do than being ready in case of an enemy attack, so i went to the factory to help the engineers. The engineers were happy to have an extra hand to help, the constant sortie has been forcing them to be busy on fixing the equipment of the HWS which was damaged, and the base hasn't even been completely repaired yet. I also saw Nanggala helping the engineers, he seemed to be having a bad time. I wanted to ask him about what Gajah Mada and Sigalu made him do, but i decided that i shouldn't dig too far into other people's business. The engineers seem to appreciate my help more than Nanggala's help although i mostly only assisted them on their work, this is probably because before i volunteered to become HWS, i went to college and majored in engineering, so i at least easily understood what they asked me to do, while Nanggala probably didn't. I have completed only 2 semester at college with engineering as my major, so i am still a newbie at engineering, but i've known the rules and dangers when doing engineering, so the engineers were surprised i helped them without getting any injury(i'm not lying, Nanggala got injured twice at that day). The rumor has died down, because everyone was focused on the war, but Sigalu wasn't at the base, so i couldn't show her the image of the red writing on the mirror in the toilet. I went back to my room at 9 pm, when the engineers said that they will handle the rest, they said i helped them enough and i should get some rest. Well, getting some rest is what i am going to do now.

Wednesday, 2nd July 2020
I went to help the engineers again today. While helping them, something came to my mind. If the random sos message we got the other day was a bait to lure us onto a trap, how can the FUO send us a message? Is there a possibility that there was indeed a cargo ship? This worried me because if the FUO have something to send a fake sos message to us, they will very likely use it again to lure us onto another trap. If there was a cargo ship after all, i know that the admiral knew nothing about a cargo ship going through that area at that day because i looked at some of the important documents in the admiral's office when i was helping him deal with the documents that day. The documents clearly states that he knew absolutely nothing, then if it really was a cargo ship, it must be carrying something important considering it's secrecy even to the admiral. At dinner, i told the admiral what i was thinking. He said that i might be true, but he also said that i was probably overthinking it. I didn't know what to say, it's possible that i was overthinking it, but it's also possible that what i thought was true. Because i didn't say anything after he said that i was probably overthinking it, he walked away, and i couldn't predict what might happen next. This is as far as i'm writing today.

Thursday, 3rd July 2020
At the evening, a fleet composed of a carrier that is not an HWS, 3 destroyers, 4 submarine, 2 corvette and 3 cargo ships were sent to bring supplies to Kalimantan. But near the coast of a small island, we lost connection with them. 15 minutes after we lost connection with them, one of the cargo ships sent an sos message, only an sos message, we couldn't contact them anymore. We expected them to be under attack. The admiral is sending a fleet composed of me and 8 other HWS with navy soldier type in response to the sos signal, i am not the flagship. Everyone at the fleet are the ones given the nickname headquarter sitter. Most other HWS are on sortie, others are in the medical room. The travel time from the base to the place where the sos message came from is only 30 minutes. Right now i am writing my diary quickly, there is 7 more minutes until preparation is complete and i have to go and help them. There is a chance i might not come back from this sortie alive, the fleet the admiral sent to bring supplies to Kalimantan was attacked, they consisted of 1 carrier and 9 HWS for their battle force, and the enemy still dared to attack. My fleet consisted of only 9 HWS, if the enemy took down that fleet easily, then my fleet might not make it back even with only one HWS still alive. There is a chance that my fleet will reach the battle area when the fleet sent earlier had been annihilated, but it's a war, there's loss and death. I'll just have to see what will happen. I will now get ready for the sortie too. I will write whatever happened at the sortie at my next diary entry.

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