Returning to Base

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Saturday, 27th January 2021
Last night, when i had just finished writing my diary and prepared to leave enemy territory and return to the base, the FUO found me. When i got ready to leave that night, a light shone from behind me. One of the FUO with a flashlight found me. The FUO were definitely on guard since i had just alerted the FUO floating base. The FUO must have sent extra patrol to look around. I didn't actually notice the extra patrol. After i was found, i fired at the FUO ship illuminating me. The FUO ship didn't sink, he alerted the whole FUO floating base. I immediately turned around to escape. Moments later, i was being chased by the FUO fleet. I needed to escape, otherwise all the info i gathered will be for nothing. The FUO had flashlight to illuminate the area surrounding them. Several times the FUO found me and fired at me. And several times the FUO didn't miss their shots. I was hit by the shells fired at me. The night camouflage wasn't very useful, since i was trying to escape the battle, not try to defeat the FUO fleet. The smoke screen did help, but the FUO still managed to find me with the help of sonars. Situation got even worse when i realized that there was FUO aircrafts approaching me. I know that the area was in range of the jamming tower, so aircraft is useless. But the FUO had turned off the jamming tower. I had a drone fly up to 3 m to confirm. The drone didn't crash immediately. The jamming tower was really off. The situation was bad, with the jammin tower off, the FUO could use their motion sensor to track me. Then i thought of telling the base what i found since the jamming tower is off, i could communicate with the base. But that's no good, the FUO is chasing me. Even if i contact the base and tell them what i found, the FUO will send fleets to destroy the base along with the information i told the base, and with the situation the base was in at that time, i thought that the admiral wouldn't have enough time to give the information i sent to the base to another base. I need to make the FUO retreat, not escape the battle. The aircraft was closing in, some of them had activated searchlight to find out where i was. They did find me, but i had an idea to make the enemy retreat. I yelled as loudly as possible at my radio saying that the jamming tower is off and that it was the best chance to attack using aircrafts and HWS with navy soldier type. I purposely yelled loudly so that the FUO would hear what i said and think that they should retreat and defend their floating base because we were probably going to attack the floating base. But in reality, the radio was off. And i even yelled in english so that the FUO understood what i was yelling. The FUO fell for my trick. The FUO retreated immediately, their aircraft also retreated. I immediately returned to the base, i was injured. When i reached the base, i gave the admiral the video, photo, and all the info i gathered. Then i went to the makeshift hospital. I made it back at dawn. The colonel congratulated me for coming back alive from a dangerous sortie. Aren't all sortie dangerous? Anyway, i got the info and showed it to the admiral. The admiral could just give the info to headquarter. I can now relax. Actually, i can't relax. The FUO might attack anytime soon. I need to be ready if things come to the worse.

Sunday, 28th January 2021
The admiral reported what happened to the higher ups. Looks like headquarter will plan another attack. The FUO haven't launched anymore attack on Jakarta or any other place in Indonesia. I guess they are being more careful after i sneak into their territory. James told me that he had been trying to get the KE ammo under the rubble of the factory. He said that he managed to get the ammuntion today. He also said that he replenished the juice of my equipment's smoke mod. Anyway, while i was talking to James, the colonel interrupted. He said that he want James to try and convert the KE ammuntion into a torpedo. James immediately refused. James said that he already have piles of work applying smoke mod to other HWS equipment, and with other engineers busy with something else, he had no hands to help him. The colonel was thinking of changing the KE shell into KE torpedo(that was what the colonel call the KE shell that was turned into torpedo). He thinks that the torpedo will be better because that way, submarines can fire the torpedo at The New Yamato if she was under water with the floating base. The colonel was disappointed that James refused. Before the colonel left, i had asked the colonel why he didn't ask other engineers to it instead. Then the colonel replied that the other engineers are busy with repairing the base and other whatnot. Well, i can't say James had free time. James had to get back to work after he finished talking with me and the colonel. At least he is doing okay.

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