Analyzation-part 2

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Thursday, 5th December 2020
I worked really hard today. I only slept 2 or 3 hours, but i am racing against time, so i can't help it. I have been spending my days only analyzing, day and night, without stopping. This is very stressful. After a series of analyzation, i could only reduce the possibility of The New Yamato's movement pattern by 3. That means i still have 23 possibility for The New Yamato's movement pattern. For every 2 days, i can reduce the possibility by 3. That means by the time it is 14th December, i will still have 11 possibility. I am not going to lie. This is stressful, and i am starting to think of giving up. I haven't told the admiral or the colonel that i would give up. Not yet, but at some point, i might. It has been weeks since my last time having a good night sleep. I could never sleep calmly, not at a bad situation like i am currently in. I can see my skin's color around my eye turn black after days of not having a good night sleep. I am going to look like a panda, aren't i? Even if i have a good night sleep, i can't sleep for too long. At this rate, i might have to stop sleeping for a few days for the sake of analyzing The New Yamato's movement pattern. Not sleeping is indeed unhealthy, but it wouldn't matter since i might as well die because of not having enough time to analyze The New Yamato's movement pattern. It might seem weird for me to admit this, but i wished that there were someone else smarter than me in this base, so the responsibility of the analyzation wouldn't be given to me. But that just mean i am running away from my responsibility. And i can't possibly do that considering the situation i am in.

Friday, 6th December 2020
Only 8 days left until the base's food supply will run out. This is worrying. Very very worrying. I made little progress today. In fact, i think i made way little progress compared to yesterday. I might not be able to finish analyzing The New Yamato's movement pattern. I know i have been writing the same thing over and over again, but here i repeat it. I honestly think i won't finish it. I have been analyzing for more than a couple of weeks, but i can't make much progress now, even if i stay awake to continue analyzing. I feel like there is so much things that needs to be done while there is so little time, although my time is more than one week left. The admiral said that i am probably frustrated because i can't make much progress. And i won't deny it. The admiral is absolutely right. I am frustrated. I have been trying for weeks and days, but i still haven't achieved anything notable. I even have to stay up late to continue analyzing. The colonel said that i should sleep instead of continuously analyzing. He said that my eyes has turned red. The admiral and the colonel just doesn't know how i feel. If Sulawesi was captured by the FUO, and many civilians died, it will all be my responsibility as i am the one analyzing The New Yamato's movement pattern. It is very stressful. I don't know how long i can keep analyzing without sleep, but i have to keep analyzing. Otherwise many people might die.

Saturday, 7th December 2020
Today, i found what made the analyzation hard. After i found what made the analyzation hard, the progress become much faster. At this rate, i might be able to finish the analyzation on time. Though i still think i will still have to stay up late. I almost ran out of hope and gave up, but it is good that i didn't give up. My frustration disappeared today, and a part of the stress disappeared too. I feel kind of refreshed, but i can't relax. Got to work on the analyzation. The analyzation might take a few days to finish, but i am pretty sure i can finish it on time, assuming that nothing unexpected happens. I also noticed the FUO didn't launch any attack on our base. I don't know why. The admiral has called off all sortie a few days ago. The FUO stopped attacking us probably because the FUO thinks that we will just starve to death due to lack of food supply. They would probably realize that we are on low supply because the admiral called of all sortie. That means the admiral was trying to save resource. It was predictable that we were saving up resources, because we never call of patrol sortie except if we don't have any HWS available or because we want to save resources. Time is limited, but i think i can finish the analyzation sooner or later.

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