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Thursday, 7th May 2020
Today, i met some other army soldier type HWS. They were armored vehicles Pindad Anoa and Pindad Badak. There are less type of vehicle and tanks so i am able to find 7 Pindad Badak(all of them with different personality, height, age, and other personal things). The admiral also called me after lunch, he said that i am still a newbie and that i have to join a fleet excercise at least twice to get used to it. I can't deny i'm still an amateur, at the boots camp, they didn't taught me how to work together with other ship types. The fleet excercise were simple, i will be in a fleet of navy soldier type HWS, and there's the opponent fleet also made of navy soldier type HWS, the goal was to hit the opposing ship 5 times with training bullets(harmless of course), and when the ship got hit 5 times, they are allowed to neither shoot nor move until the fleet excercise is done, that is, until the opposing fleet have no more ships to fire anymore. He added that the fleet excercise will be done tomorrow, not today, i wonder why? But i'm too lazy to think about it, i'm going to sleep.

Friday, 8th May 2020
The fleet excercise will be held today. I thought of meeting whoever was going to be at the fleet excercise today, but Cut Nyak Dhien convinced me that i could meet them when the fleet excercise was about to start, so i went to the training area to practice my aiming accuracy. At the training area, i noticed a submarine HWS practice manuvering underwater. I didn't want to bother her, so i practiced without talking to her. She eventually noticed me and asked who i was. I answered her question, then she left without telling me anything any further. The time for the fleet excercise then came. I saw the admiral sit on a chair at the coast, perhaps watching how the fleet excercise will go. Ahmad Yani then came and told me more details about the fleet excercise. There will be 2 corvette, 1 submarine, 1 frigate, 1 destroyer, and 1 aircraft carrier for each fleet. I knew certain HWS ships will have problem attacking submarines, especially when their underwater, so i asked how to fight the submarine when their underwater. She explain(at this point, you'll realize how Ahmad Yani is acting like my teacher although she is 19 years old, when i asked how old she was) that submarines still needs oxygen so they will come to the surface at some point, and that we can use water bombs and torpedoes to hit them. I wanted to meet HWS from the opposing fleet first, so i went to see how the opposing fleet's HWS is going. The opposing fleet consist of Liaoning aircraft carrier(the aircraft carrier is from China, Indonesia has no aircraft carrier), I gusti Ngurah Rai frigate, Gajah Mada destroyer, Imam Bonjol and Teuku Umar corvettes. Liaoning aircraft carrier has a black, long hair, slightly shorter than me, she's around 19 years old i believe. Imam Bonjol and Teuku Umar both uses glasses, their height is relatively same as the admiral, 179cm, short haired and around the age of 18 i would guess. When i looked at the submarine, i realized it was the same submarine this morning, but looking closely, the submarine is a boy, still around the age 13, height around 140cm, but with the same face. I was too curious, so i walked to the boy, introduced myself, and asked why he is a boy. The boy then replied with a grin, that i saw his twin sister this morning not him(who would have thought they were twins?). The boy also explains that both he and his sister are submarine, he was Nanggala, and her sister is Cakra. I went back to see the fleet i am in. Ahmad Yani was the frigate, the other corvette beside me was Diponegoro, his height around 171cm, a serious looking guy, age around 18 i believe. The aircraft carrier was Lexington from U.S.A, she was blonde, blue eyes, height around 175cm, age around 16. The destroyer was Sanjaya, age around 12, height around 150 cm, he seems friendly but jokes too much. Then i saw Cakra, just equiping her equipment. I came to introduce myself to her. She replied with a nod, introduced herself and ignored me until the fleet excercise began(she's cold, unlike her twin brother). The excercise began in a cloudy weather. Cakra and Sanjaya went to take care of Gajah Mada and I Gusti Ngurah Rai, while Ahmad Yani and Diponegoro battled Imam Bonjol and Teuku Umar, both battle assisted with our drones, then i am stuck defending my fleet's aircraft carrier from enemy drones and avoiding torpedoes which came out of nowhere, obviously Nanggala's attack. In the end, my fleet lost, the opposing fleet had Imam Bonjol, Nanggala, and I Gusti Ngurah Rai hit 5 times, while Diponegoro was first in my fleet to be hit 5 times(he charged at the opposing fleet, no wonder he got hit 5 time the quickest). The admiral told me the next fleet excercise will be the day after tomorrow. I've written so much that my hand hurt, so i'm going to sleep.

Saturday, 9th May 2020
I don't have anything to do today so i slept till noon. The only HWS soldier type that i haven't met is the HWS with soldier type air force, so i went to meet some of them today. I saw 3 multirole fighter Su-27Sk, and 13 Su-27Skm(it's the unlucky number, i know). Each planes had their own personality, height, and age, so i won't bother describing them. When i was just walking around the base, i met the admiral once again. He asks me whether i realized that i'm the tallest and the oldest HWS in the base, i answered yes then he suddenly said that tomorrow's training will determine what happen to me next, then he left. Now i'm afraid that he meant that if i lose the fleet excercise tomorrow, i'm in trouble, my hands are shaking as i wrote these words.

Sunday, 10th May 2020
I couldn't get a goodnight sleep because of what admiral said yesterday. This time's fleet excercise, my fleet consist of me, Lexington, Ahmad Yani, Teuku Umar, Cakra, and Gajah Mada. Actually they just switched Sanjaya and Diponegoro with Gajah Mada and Teuku Umar, so Sanjaya and Diponegoro is the opposing fleet's HWS. Btw, i forgot to mention that no one becomes flagship at fleet excercises, because the goal of the fleet excercise is to also to make the fleet work together and so no one can boss another around. I can see the admiral watching us from the distance, i still haven't forgotten what he said yesterday. The enemy charges straight at my fleet, right after the fleet excercise starts. I panicked because Teuku Umar and Ahmad Yani has already been hit 5 times. The others were also struggling to win this time, this reminded me again of what the admiral said yesterday. I tried to think of a way to win the fleet excercise, but halfway after i thought of a strategy, i noticed that everything was slower, including myself. Everything went so slow that i have enough time to predict where to shoot so that my bullet would collide and hit the opposing fleet's bullet mid-air. I tried to make my bullets collide with the opposing fleet's bullet and it worked fine. I don't need to worry about the air attacks when i saw Lexington lauch drones, then stare at what i did, the others did the same, this includes the admiral and the HWS of the opposing fleet. When the opposing fleet's HWS stared at me, they stopped moving as well, so i fired at them, not wanting to waste a golden chance. None of my bullets i fired missed, it threw 2 HWS out of the battle. Then the opposing fleet stopped staring at me and started moving again, also firing. Then i felt everything became fast again, my allies also moved and fired again. The next minute, Liaoning took 5 hits, but at the same time, Lexington took 5 hits. I started to panic even worse than before. Then things became slow again, much slower than before. I took advantage of this by firing at the enemy and firing at mid-air opposing fleet's bullets. At the end, my fleet won the friendly battle, only i and Cakra didn't get hit 5 times. Right after i returned to the shore, everyone bombarded me with questions, i got out of the situation with the help of the admiral. The admiral helped me out of the situation then left without saying any other word, does that mean i impressed him? Based on what i remembered, it seems like when i panicked, everything became slower, i asked the other HSW, but they felt nothing connected to slow motion, so i figured i was the only one experiencing it. The conclusion is that whenever i panic, i probably think faster than i thought so everything feels like slow motion, but then again, it happened only twice, so i am still unsure. That's as much as i am writing today.

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