The FUO Spy

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Sunday, 29th October 2020
Today, i went to take a walk around the base. There were no attacks today or night time bombing raid. It was peaceful. The engineers began repairing the damaged building at the base. While taking a walk, i saw the bird which made a nest near the admiral's office's window. I never have thought of it before yesterday, but i know that the bird is the FUO spy. All the clues i have can be connected together now. The bird didn't leave the base when there is an earthquake at the base. All animals has better instinct than humans. The bird would definitely realize the earthquake before everyone at the base would. And even if the bird didn't realize that the earthquake until it happened, the bird would fly away in fear. But the fact that the bird didn't fly away means the bird is no doubt the FUO spy. The FUO also didn't try to kill me using their spy. I always assumed that the spy didn't try to kill me because he or she didn't want to get his or her disguise blown. But now that i think of it, it is possible that the spy didn't kill me not because he or she doesn't want his or her disguise blown, perhaps because he or she can't. That just support the fact that the bird is the FUO spy. And the FUO spy could listen to almost every conversation the admiral had, that must be because the bird often stands close to the window of the admiral's office. It won't be easy, but it is possible for the bird to hear everything the admiral said in his office. Now all i need to do is catch that bird.

Monday, 30th October 2020
I plan to catch the FUO spy or the bird tomorrow. Today, the admiral gave me briefing about my next sortie. My next sortie will be escorting a cargo ship from Indonesia's capital Jakarta to the base. The sortie will be executed at Friday. It is a simple sortie but i think the FUO will try to destroy the cargo ship before it reaches the base. The admiral once told me that he had already inspected every single HWS in my fleet at the day of the implementation of the admiral's first plan to ambush the FUO. He said that he couldn't identify the spy. Well, the spy is an animal, so the admiral wouldn't be able to identify the FUO spy by inspecting the HWS that is in my fleet at the day of the implementation of the admiral's first plan to ambush the FUO. The admiral also said that he had already told the colonel that the whole thing about me understanding the FUO language is a lie. The colonel became depressed, he had a high expectation. The FUO didn't launch any attack or night time bombing raid on the base. The FUO spy probably found out about the admiral's plan. They probably also found that i couldn't even understand a single word from the FUO language, so they probably stopped trying to kill me, which explains the peacefulness in the base. I guess i am back to helping the engineers repair the base again.

Tuesday, 31st October 2020
Today, i caught the FUO spy, the bird that is the FUO spy. I actually did. It was much easier than expected. I borrowed a tube of superglue from the engineers. Then i went to the admiral's office. When i entered the admiral's office, the admiral asked for what reason i came to see him. I didn't say anything. All i did was open the window in the admiral's room, and applied super glue to the FUO bird spy's nest. Then i told the admiral that i did that because of no reason. He was unhappy to hear that. In truth, i couldn't say i did it in the effort to catch the FUO spy. If i said that, the FUO spy might heard it and my plan will be foiled. After dinner, i went back to the admiral's office with a camera. I recorded everything that happened from when i entered the admiral's room until when i exit the admiral's room. The admiral saw me and asked again why i came and why bring a camera. I told the admiral to wait a minute. I walked to the window in the admiral's office, opened it. I saw a bird stuck to it's nest. The bird was stuck because i applied superglue to the nest. I took the bird and it's nest. I told the admiral that the bird is the FUO spy. The admiral didn't believe me. But after looking closer, the admiral saw that the bird was not a real bird, it was a machine. The machine doesn't look manmade. After that, i explained about how i found out the bird is the FUO spy and why i came to the admiral's office earlier today, to apply the superglue. After i finished explaining, i saw the mechanical bird's skin turning red. Then the bird exploded. I already anticipated the possibility of the FUO putting in self destruct feature on the bird, so i brought a camera to record the mechanical bird. The recording can become proof that the bird is the FUO spy. The admiral took the recording and dismissed me. I better sleep and see what happens tomorrow.

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