The FUO's Secret in Kalimantan

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Thursday, 16th November 2020
Today, there was no news about the digging going on in Kalimantan. It will probably take a few more days to dig. But yesterday at midnight, there was a night time bombing raid. The raid killed some people, but fortunately, none of the building in the base was destroyed. When i see the corpses of those who died up close, at the past, i felt sick, but this time, i didn't feel as sick as how i felt in the past. Am i getting used to seeing corpses? A few other people also saw the corpses of those who died because of the night time bombing raid. One of the person who also saw the corpses was the colonel. The colonel didn't seem sick or afraid upon seeing the corpses. He seemed, rather, sad. His face shows sadness. I approached the colonel and asked how much sadness he felt from seeing the dead bodies of once living humans. The colonel said that he was very very sad. At first, i assumed that the colonel was very sad because of the death caused by this war. But apparently, that was not the main reason for his sadness. He told me that he was sad not because of the dead soldiers. I asked him what made him sad. He then said that we should talk somewhere else. It was a personal thing about the colonel. When i and the colonel were alone, the colonel started telling me his past. He said that he once had a daughter. He had a peaceful family. But once the war broke out, he volunteered to become HWS to protect our nation and his family. But the colonel was deemed unable to hold the bacteria that turns a human into HWS. So he decided to return home. But when the colonel returned home, he got news that the FUO attacked his hometown. By the time he got back to his hometown, He saw the corpse of his daughter, killed in one of the night time bombing raid. After that, the colonel returned to the military and became a colonel to fight against the FUO. The colonel said that his motivation for fighting against the FUO was the death of other people's family. In his hometown, the colonel saw many people traumatized by the death of their own family member. The colonel said that he wanted to protect the people of Indonesia, to protect our nation, our home, our families. The corpse of those people who died because of last night's night time bombing raid reminded him of his daughter. That was why the colonel felt sadness. The colonel ended his story with asking me a favor. He asked me not to tell anyone about his past. I promised him i won't tell anyone about his story, then i left. Right now, as this war is happening, so many people are grieving because of the death of their family member.

Friday, 17th November 2020
What the admiral told me today is unbelievable. It is just so unbelievable, but i believe what the admiral said. The admiral told me that the engineers had finished digging the hole in Kalimantan. Deep underground, the engineers found some FUO. The FUO didn't have any weapons, so we consider them as civilians. The civilians were inside some kind of bunker with a lot of food supply. All the holes had the same thing, FUO civilians. The FUO civilians are currently being evacuated to a safer place than Kalimantan, because Kalimantan has a possibility of turning into a battlefield if the FUO tried to attack Kalimantan. Now that i think of it, it makes sense. The FUO made bunkers in Kalimantan, stored a large portion of food inside, and hid their civilians there so that the civilians won't get caught in the crossfire between HWS and FUO forces. The FUO child that i brought to the base must have known about the bunkers. The FUO wanted to keep the locations of the bunkers where a lot of their civilians are inside. In order to avoid the possibility of the bunker being found out by humanity, the FUO chose to kill the FUO child to sacrifice her for the sake of keeping the bunkers a secret from us and to keep their civilians safe. But actually, why go so far to even kill the FUO child? The FUO were afraid that we would found out about the hidden bunkers from the FUO child. What did the FUO think we will do to their civilians if we found them? One thing for sure is that we won't just execute their civilians or even torture them. And besides, there is nothing but food in the bunkers. It's not like it would help the war effort a lot. Right now, a lot of countries in the UN is debating on what to do with the FUO civilians. There are two suggestion that has the most countries favor in the UN. The first suggestion is to send the FUO to somewhere safe. The second suggestion suggest that the FUO civilians have to be sent to the Japanese for research. It is probably going to be one heck of a debate. The admiral said that he couldn't tell which side is going to be winning. Ah well, i'll just see what will happen next.

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