The FUO's Strange Actions-part 2

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Thursday, 12th October 2020
I told George about the situation at the base this morning. I also told him about the strange thigs the FUO did. He actually asked for some time to think. At night, he told me that perhaps the FUO were targetting a person at the base, not the building. I didn't believe him at first, but the more i think about it, the more i think he is right. The day of the implementation of the admiral's plan to catch the FUO spy. The FUO spy might not be in the fleet that i was in. Maybe the FUO already knew that the secret weapon is nothing but a bluff. So the FUO didn't bother trying to destroy the cargo ship. The FUO sent a small force to attack the fleet, because the objective of the fleet was only to kill a single person in my fleet. The FUO probably didn't manage to kill the targetted person, so they tried to destroy the barracks along with the person they need to kill. And the FUO spy keeps telling the FUO whether the targetted person is still alive or not. So the FUO could tell when to stop attacking the barracks. And to be honest, i have an idea on who the FUO is targetting. Me. They are probably targetting me. One evidence that can be a proof for the fact that i am being targetted by the FUO is that, the day i went on patrol and my cruising equipments malfuctioned due to explosion, i was momentarily sunk. The FUO must have thought that i have died back then, so they ordered their aircrafts to retreat immediately after seeing me sink. But what they didn't know is that i was sunk only momentarily. When i came back to the base alive, the FUO spy informed the FUO that i was still alive. That is why they sent attacks on the base' barracks. To kill me. I don't exactly know their reasons, but i have one theory. I have interacted a lot with the FUO child when she was still alive. The FUO spy probably saw that i interacted a lot with the FUO child. The FUO was probably afraid that i would get information from the FUO child regarding something that the FUO is hiding in Kalimantan, and they need to silence my mouth if i did get the information. So they tried to kill me. This also serves as further evidence that the FUO child found out about something that has to be kept secret by the FUO in Kalimantan. Maybe the FUO is indeed still keeping a secret in Kalimantan. If so, they might be desperate enough to try and recapture Kalimantan for that little secret they keep in Kalimantan. George's opinion on the situation at hand is very useful. And the FUO didn't lauch any attack today.

Friday, 13th October 2020
Today, i went to the admiral's office to talk to the admiral about the enemy's recent strange action. When i came into the admiral's office, i saw him talking on the phone. His back was facing the door, so he couldn't see me. He was also talking on the phone, so i don't think he heard me enter the room. The phone's speaker was on when the admiral is talking on the phone, so i overheard half of the admiral's coversation. I heard the admiral call the person on the other line mother. That means that the admiral was talking with his mother. The person on the other line called the admiral Henry. The admiral's name has to be Henry. I actually never remembered the admiral's name. I just call him admiral. The admiral and his mother was talking about how they really missed each other. The war has split them up. While the admiral's mother who was a civilian had to stay in Jawa, the admiral who was in the military had to be sent not far from the frontline, he was sent to this base. I decided to just walk away and leave the admiral and his mother alone. I decided that i will tell the admiral about the enemy's strange action tomorrow. I didn't tell this to him today because i didn't want to interfere when he was talking to his mother. He deserves some free time to talk to his mother without intervention. The FUO didn't lauch any attack today.

Saturday, 14th October 2020
I went to the admiral's office today. The colonel was also inside the admiral's office along with the admiral. I told them my thoughts and theory. I gave them as much evidence as i could. The admiral said that it is possible the FUO is indeed targetting someone in the base, but he also said that there are too few proof that i am the enemy's target. The colonel added that all my theory won't help on catching the FUO spy. I told the admiral that i need to go on another sortie immediately so that i can get proof that i am the enemy's target. The admiral agreed. I told the admiral that he could use me as a bait to find the FUO spy. The admiral said that he will do that after getting proof that i am indeed the enemy's target. I was about to leave the admiral's office when the colonel told me to stay for a minute. The colonel then told me and the admiral that he(the colonel) had investigated all the HWS in the fleet i was in on the day of the implementation of the ambush against the FUO. The colonel said that his investigation shows that none of the HWS in the fleet is a spy. The admiral said that that fact is supporting my theory about me being the target, but the admiral said that he still needed more proof. I went out of the admiral's room afterwards. The admiral has assigned me to a sortie on Tuesday, assuming nothing happens though. By the way, the FUO hasn't lauched another attack.

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