FUO Air Attack

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Saturday, 23rd December 2020
The admiral assigned me to a sortie today. It is a sudden sortie. Yesterday, patrols spotted 7 FUO aircraft carriers at the Makassar strait. 5 are big one that looks like ships. 2 are the humanoid ones. This noon, patrols spotted those aircraft carriers. They spotted the aircraft carriers moving slowly southwards. They are getting in range to make a massive air attack to Jakarta. The admiral assigned me to go with a fleet and the patrol fleet to destroy or at least slow down the aircraft carriers. Jakarta is heavily defended against aircrafts, but considering that there are a lot of civilians there, no one wants to let the aircraft get to action on attacking Jakarta. My fleet went to the rendevouz point where my fleet was supposed to meet the patrol fleet. In my fleet, i was the flagship. The admiral appointed me to be the commander of the assault against the aircraft carrier spontaneously. After reaching the rendevouz point, my fleet met up with the patrol fleet. We could see the aircraft carrier from the rendevouz point if we use our binoculars. We cruised towards the aircraft carriers slowly but carefully. There appeared to be some aircrafts patrolling, so i ordered my fleet and the patrol fleet not to get any closer to avoid getting spotted. Firstly, i ordered the submarines to make a sneak attack on the aircraft carriers. If possible, i would like to destroy the aircraft carriers and immediately retreat to avoid unnecessary casualties. But if the submarines were spotted and the alarm was raised, i planned to order all HWS to attack the aircraft carrier. When the submarines approached the aircraft carriers, they weren't spotted. When the submarines launched their torpedoes at the aircraft carrier, the submarines were spotted. But the torpedoes were already launched. The torpedoes hit 3 aircraft carriers, one was destroyed immediately, another is badly damaged and was slowly sinking, and the last one took damage, but still floating. The torpedoes only hit 3 big aircraft carriers, but it was plenty. 2 were already going down. I immediately ordered all HWS to engage the aircraft carriers. The aircraft carriers has several escorts, but the escorts were only corvettes and cruisers without any torpedo weaponry. I used my sonar to confirm whether there were any enemy submarines. I detected none. After 5 minutes into the battle, both my fleet and the patrol fleet were overwhelmed. There was too much aircraft to handle. But at the same time, i was sure that there was no enemy submarines in the area. It took me 5 minutes to confirm the fact that no submarines are hiding on the seabed. I ordered all HWS in the fleets to dive. That might sound strange, but that was a very good idea. Some HWS questioned my order, but i told them to trust me. After all HWS dived underwater, the FUO had a hard time attacking us. In order to attack us, the FUO needs to know our exact position. They easily detected our positions with sonars, but attacking us who were underwater was a different story. The FUO could only use depth charges (i recently just realized that water bombs were known more commonly as depth charges in english). It was easy to avoid depth charges. All HWS in my fleet could use sonar to detect enemy ships. If an enemy ship is directly above one of us, we have to move quickly to avoid getting hit by dept charges. The aircraft become mostly useless. The fighter aircraft couldn't attack us while we were underwater. The torpedo bombers couldn't hit us too, because when the torpedo bombers tried to drop the torpedoes, the torpedo go underwater, but not deep enough to hit any HWS. The bomber aircrafts could attack us, but they had no sonar or any way to detect us, so if all HWS keep moving, it would be difficult for the FUO bomber to hit any of us even if they get informed about our location by the ships who use sonars to detect us. The only problem is that some HWS have to get to the surface to get oxygen. Finding a bubble with oxygen is difficult. It can only be enough for one person(previous experiences). Let alone for 2 fleets. Underwater, the submarines continue attacking the aircraft carriers. Eventually, there were only 2 humanoid aircraft carriers left. Both were heavily damaged. They decided to retreat, but i had other plans. I ordered all HWS to surface and destroy the remaining aircraft carriers. The FUO aircraft carriers were ready to launch planes, they thought that if we were to sink them, they would also bring us with them. Unfortunately for them, when the FUO aircraft carriers finished launching their aircrafts, both HWS fleet destroyed the aircraft carriers and dived back underwater. The rest of the fleet continued to retreat, while most of the aircraft were still trying to attack us. They tried their best, but they did little damage to any HWS. Eventually, the aircrafts ran out of fuel and crash landed. When the fleets resurfaced, the remain of enemy fleets had already left the area. We did it. We destroyed 7 aircraft carriers with minimum casualties. We returned to the base afterwards. After we reached the base, i made a report of what happened in the battle, then went to the makeshift hospital. I had quite a day. We managed to fail one of the attempt the FUO made to attack Jakarta, but they might come back with more force. That battle was only the end of the beginning of the enemy's big operation.

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