Operation Air Liberty

28 2 0

Sunday, 17th May 2020
The operation was executed today, all HWS with the soldier type navy or air force has to wake up early and prepare for the offensive immediately. By 4 am, i and 29 other HWS with navy soldier type were sailing towards enemy airport on one of the islands, i was put in one fleet with Lexington and Rencong. Rencong was an HWS with navy soldier type, she was a fast missle boat, she has a long pony tail that is 10cm long, her height was 154cm and she was 17 years old, she wore glasses as well. My fleet consisted of only three HWS with navy soldier type because my fleet would be supporting the main attack force from behind, so the only thing to worry about was enemy subs or planes, and i was the flagship of the fleet despite the fact that i was the one protecting my allies, not my allies protecting me. A few minutes after sailing with my allies, Rencong spotted an FUO drone watching us from above. The drone was levitating above both me and Rencong's range of anti air guns, so Lexington was about to send drones to attack it, but the drone left before Lexington had the chance to launch drones. I informed the main attack force about the drone but delaying the operation any further will endanger the naval base's position, so we have to execute the operation today. The enemy knew that we were approaching, so i told Lexington to sent a drone to scout the enemy, based on the drone's report, we knew the enemy had around 13 ships stationed at the enemy harbor near the airport, we had no info on the enemy's aircraft. I was happy there wasn't a lot of ship, but i noticed something weird, the enemy has less ships, i saw around 37 ships last time i scouted, recent sortie destroyed 12 FUO ships, 37 minus 12 equals 25, but there were only 13 ships, where did the other 12 go? They knew we were heading straight for them, so they couldn't have sent their ships on sortie or such, and how about reinforcements? They knew the assault failed, so they would at least call for reinforcements right? Their airport was located on a strategic place for them, so why did they abandon the airport? Was there something better than defending their airport which was located on a strategic location? Before i could think of a logical explanation, we could see the enemy airport, the battle was just about to start. The battle started minutes ago, and i could see our aircraft battling the FUO's aircraft. I was firing long range guns from behind, but because i was way behind with my fleet, the main force had to constantly tell me where to fire. But i still didn't feel right about how the enemy's ships weren't as many as it was supposed to be, that was when i noticed an enemy fleet consisting of 6 ship approaching us from behind, i immediately informed the main force, they sent a few HWS with navy or air force soldier type to help my fleet battle against the enemy fleet trying to flank us. The enemy fleet who tried to flank us was taken care of easily, but they did caught us off guard and damaged a lot of ships of the main force with their long range shots and their torpedoes, well the torpedoes were avoided by my fleet and the other ships facing the enemy fleet which tried to flank us, but the main force didn't have time to avoid, thus sinking a few HWS with navy soldier type and damaging some HWS. Our forces were split, but we were still outnumbering the enemy. After taking care of the fleet that tried to flank us, i ordered Lexington to send a drone to look around in case of another fleet just ready to try and flank us again, but the drone did not find any. We emerged victorious from the battle, enemy airport and harbor were destroyed, we had moderate casualties. But i still wondered, only 6 ship tried to flank us, then where did the other 6 went? And their reinforcement? I knew everyone's morale were high, so i tried not to wreck the mood by telling something that would very likely bother them. We returned with happiness written on all HWS face, except for me. The rough face i showed took the attention of Imam Bonjol, who sailed beside me after the battle, he asked me what was wrong and i knew i shouldn't hide it anymore, we destroyed 19 enemy ships on battle excluding the reinforcement, then how about the 6 ship and their reinforcement? They were definitely doing something that surely was better than keeping the strategically located airport, and my guess was that they were attacking our base while we attacked their airport. I explained to my allies what it thought was happening, and they were shocked, our next decision was absolute, return to the naval base as soon as possible. We were in a real hurry that the ships who were faster than the others didn't wait for the slower ships and just went on. When we reached our base, enemy ships were attacking with a total of 15 ships, excluding the ships that has already been sunk. The communication tower were already destroyed by the time we reached our base, no wonder our forces at the base couldn't contact us. They were clever enough to think of such strategy, they baited us to destroy their airport and harbor, let us dealt with their sacrificial forces, while their other force attacked our base. Our base was almost destroyed, so even after the offensive force returned, we were still in big trouble. HWS who wasn't completely fixed was trying to defend our base at all cost too, HWS with the army soldier type fired at enemy ship from the coast. It was a good thing there was no enemy aircraft. I knew someone had to think of a way to win this battle without our base getting destroyed by FUO, i didn't know who was thinking of a way to win this battle, so i thought a way of my own. I calmly thought about the idea while firing at the enemy(it wasn't easy) as well as dodging their bullets, my plan ensures our victory and will prevent the base from getting destroyed, but an HWS had to sacrifice himself or herself, and i was willing to do it. My plan was to let an HWS charge straight to the middle of the enemy forces and blow an emp bomb (emp bomb were costly at that time, both for humanity and FUO, so we spent our only emp bomb at that time) to disable as many FUO ships as possible, and it was indeed a suicidal plan. I shared my idea with the others, they agreed to execute the plan in oreder to prevent the destruction of our base, but no one was willing to go and blow the emp bomb in the middle of the enemy forces, because there was high chance of getting heavily damaged by the time the emp bomb would be blown, and the HWS's equipment would stop working too, so the equipment we use to float on water that would be damaged by enemy's guns couldn't be fixed by our self equipment repairment system, so whoever went to blow the emp bomb would likely die after blowing the bomb. I volunteered myself, took the bomb and prepared to charge into the enemy's formation. Some HWS argued that it was too suicidal and tried suggesting another way, but there was no time to argue, we were in the middle of a battle after all, so i charged into the enemy's formation. While charging into the middle of the enemy formation, i did get shot a lot, by both enemy's close range guns and long range guns, it was easy to hit me with torpedoes for the enemy. When i got to the middle of the enemy formation, most of the enemy were aiming their weapons at me, i was heavily damaged as well, i blowed the emp bomb up and it disabled 11 out of 13 enemy ships that hasn't been sunk yet, but one enemy ship which weren't disabled fired another shot at me, and the next minute i was underwater. I knew the risk but i took it anyway. There's no way i can try to get back to the surface without help because my equipment was heavy and it was stuck to my body. I closed my eyes and fainted. 3 hours later i woke up at the current substitution room for the medical room. When i woke up, i saw the admiral and Cakra just standing beside the bed i was sleeping on when i fainted. The admiral seemed to be on a good mood and Cakra seemed to have injuries received from the recent battle. The admiral explained that i did sink but was saved 10 minutes after the emp bomb blew up by Cakra, he also said that the some enemy ships were sunk, others were capture and was about to be sent to Japan in order to learn the enemy's technology. He said that my equipment is in the bottom of the ocean and with my current injuries, i won't go to sortie or any mission any time soon. He did say that i was a hero for my heroic actions, letting myself get an extremely high risk of dying in order to prevent the base from getting destroyed, he also said that i cheated death because i was supposed to die when i sink, but because there was only two enemy ship that weren't disabled, Cakra was able to save me. Before the admiral left, i asked how i was able to survive underwater without air for more than 5 minutes, i asked because a normal human can survive without air only for three minutes, he answered my question with a grin, that HWS could survive without air longer than normal human could. After the admiral left, Cakra was about to leave too, i thanked her before she left, she replied gratefulness with a single sentence that clearly stated that she was saying she only did her job as an HWS, then she left. I spent the rest of my time before 12 am to write my diary, now i'm going to sleep.

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