The Trap

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Friday, 27th June 2020
The admiral sent out a command to sortie for me today, i and 6 other HWS with navy soldier type was sent to investigate an unknown sos message from a cargo ship in the middle of the ocean. The admiral said that he was sure no cargo ship was supposed to go through that area today, but he sent us anyway. In that sortie, i investigated with Cut Nyak Dhien, Nala, Teuku Umar, and the other 3 HWS with navy soldier type. The flagship was not me, Nala, Cut Nyak Dhien, or Teuku Umar, i don't remember the flagship's codename, but i just addresed him as flagship, and i was second in command. Some of us including me didn't agree on going to investigate the random sos message, but he told us it might be a cargo ship who got lost or something. We tried to object on the sortie, but that didn't make the admiral have a change of heart. We eventually went on the sortie while complaining to the admiral through the radio. The admiral also sent a small ship with minesweeping abilities as well as setting naval mines with us, he said that he was also suspicious, and he sent the small ship in case we encountered mines. Well if he was suspicious of it he shouldn't have sent us in the first place. We didn't see any FUO ships while we travelled to the area where the sos message came from, it made it seem more suspicious. The weather was cloudy when we reached the area where the random sos message came from, it seems like it was about to start raining. When we were about to try and search for the cargo ship at that area, the small ship found an extremely large minefield. The minefield covered almost the whole area, so we had to go in the minefield to search for the cargo ship. The flagship didn't command the small ship to sweep the mine though, he said that sweeping the mines will waste a lot of time, he also said that we didn't know whether we have time do it because the cargo ship may be in urgent trouble so we had to find it quickly. We searched for 4 hours straight, the weather was still cloudy and we found nothing but naval mines. The flagship finally decided to let the small ship sweep the mines. The flagship sent me and Nala to go and guard the small ship while the rest of the fleet continued to search for the cargo ship. While the small ship was sweeping the mines, the wind was blowing hard, i was pretty sure that there was going to be a storm. Speaking of weathers, the wind was strong enough to blow Nala's skirt. I was at the back side of the ship while Nala was at the starboard side, we were both facing the front, so i could see her panties multiple time without her knowing. After more or less 15 minutes, we saw a group of enemy plane's bombarding the rest of our fleet. We went back to the rest of the fleet. There was only one casualties from the first wave of bombardment, it was the flagship who died, so i was in command since i was second in command. We were able to see that there were 4 aircraft carriers, they weren't guarded, and both passive sonar and active sonar couldn't detect any submarines. It was then obvious that the sos message was a trap to lure us to this area, even if it's not a trap, the cargo ship would have sunk anyway. The aircraft carriers were not the type that looks like human, the aircraft carrier that looks like human could only carry drones, but these were the type that carry humanoid planes. We were in big trouble because the only ship with very good anti aircraft ability was the HWS who had just died, they actually targeted the ship with very good anti aircraft ability first to easily take us on. But luck was on our side, the weather became worse and a storm broke out, which means no aircraft can fly in the air except if they wanted suicide. There were only aircraft carriers, so the enemy were pretty much screwed up. Both the enemy and my fleet were in a huge minefield, this gave me an idea. I commanded the small ship to set up naval mines around the carriers, the carriers were very slow, so the small ship was able to set up mines surrounding all 4 carriers. Because there was too much mine surrounding the enemy's carriers, the enemy's carriers were stuck. Actually, the mines were not so dense, so some ships and HWS can still get through the mines. But those enemy's aircraft carriers were the carriers that is bigger than the aircraft carriers that can only carry drones and are humanoid, so there was no way they can get through the mines. For the next 20 minutes, we used our long range artilleries to fire at it. All of the FUO carriers were eventually sunk, the storm still hadn't calmed down yet, but we saw enemy's reinforcements come our way at the distance. There were approximately 17 enemy ships, they were composed of battleships and cruisers, we were greatly outnumbered. But while we were firing at the carrier, the small ship had been doing minesweeping, and there was an escape route through the minefield. The enemy's ships still has to get through mines that they surely set up, while we escaped through the escape route created by the small ship, so we got away easily. When we returned, the admiral was waiting for us at the shore. We had gotten only one causalties despite the ambush and the minefield we went through. I told the admiral what happened right after we got back, he was unhappy to know that it was a trap, but he was delighted to know that we sunk 4 FUO carriers in sacrifice of 1 HWS. I almost went to the medical room, when i just remembered that i was not injured. Well, i and Nala was not with the rest of the fleet when they were bombarded by enemy planes. The admiral laughed when he saw me almost enter the medical room, he could see that i was not injured. And while i had the chance, i asked the admiral when might my next sortie be, he answered that it might be in a couple of weeks because he wants me to defend the base. Should i be happy or be unhappy? Ah whatever, my hand is too tired to write anymore.

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