Escorting The Secret Weapon

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Monday, 17th September 2020
The sortie to escort the cargo ship with the secret weapon that doesn't exist will commence in a few days. I don't know what to expect at the day of the sortie. There are a lot of outcome that can happen. The FUO child is no longer shy around anybody at the base. She seems to already get used to all the attention she gets. But still, no progress on trying to communicate with her. It is just hard to learn her language nor ask her to learn human language. I wish one of the translating website at the internet could translate her words to human language. But that's not something that will come true no matter how much i wish for it. By the way, about the sortie to escort the secret weapon. Did high command permitted the admiral to execute his plan? Surely the admiral couldn't execute his plan without high command's permission. If the admiral indeed got permission from the high command, then that means high command acknowledges the fact that there might be a spy in the base. This also means that high command thinks that the spy is a great threat. Great enough that they used the admiral's plan instead of inspecting every HWS at the base to see who is the spy. But if i were them, i would prefer to use the admiral's plan too instead of inspecting every HWS in the base. It would be too much of a hassle to inspect every HWS in the base.

Tuesday, 18th September 2020
Tomorrow will be the day of the sortie. We will transport a secret weapon that doesn't exist. The FUO will very likely try to destroy the secret weapon. They won't know that the so called secret weapon didn't even exist. The ambush though, is made to force the FUO to think twice or thrice just to attack a single cargo ship that will be escorted by HWS with navy soldier type and probably the FUO spy. Although there will be a lot of fleets of HWS with navy soldier type with each group escorting one cargo ship, we will escort our own cargo ship close to other groups. The admiral purposely made the formation to be like this so that if the FUO attempt to attack one of the cargo ships, HWS from other group can come to help out. This will force the FUO to have only 1 or 2 attempts on destroying a cargo ship. The FUO might try to destroy all the cargo ships because they suspected that the secret weapon is in one of the cargo ships, but almost every soldier were given false information to trick them. So they might play it safe and destroy every cargo ship instead of only destroying one to avoid destroying decoys. If that were to happen, than the plan is bust. It will be impossible for us to tell which fleet has the FUO spy among the HWS in the fleet.

Wednesday, 19th September 2020
The plan to catch the FUO spy red handed commenced today, i don't know whether to say that it went well or not. I will have to wait for further news from the admiral if i want to know whether the plan was a success. Here is what happened. My fleet was escorting our cargo ship. The flagship was the elite HWS in our fleet(which is definitely not me). We hadn't encountered any FUO. We didn't receive any news regarding any encounter the other fleets had. I was thinking that the chance of the enemy spy being in the fleet i was in was very low. But my fleet was the only fleet attacked during the execution of the plan. The enemy attacked my fleet. They didn't have many ships though. The enemy fleet didn't stand a chance. Other fleet came to help us upon hearing the news that we were under attack. One thing i noticed at the battle though, the FUO didn't fire at the cargo ship. That is rather suspicious. They sent a small fleet to attack my fleet. They attacked us, which means they indeed have a spy. But what confuses me is that, they didn't attack the cargo ship. They couldn't have thought of capturing the cargo ship and steal the so called secret weapon could they? Surely, they didn't think of that, especially when they only sent a small fleet to attack the fleet i was in. They should know that other fleet will very likely come to aid us if a battle were to happen to us. So i can deduce that they attacked my fleet not to destroy the so called secret weapon. Then what did they attack my fleet for? While we were distracted in the battle though, another small FUO fleet attacked our base. They didn't do much damage to our base. HWS with air force soldier type didn't have much of a problem handling those FUO ships. But something is still bothering me about what happened today. We found the FUO child in the the room we prepared for her to stay in. She was unconscious. Later, we found out she died. She had heartbeat like a normal human does. But her blood, it was colored blue. Some people investigated on what killed the FUO child, if she was indeed killed. We found out that the FUO child died because of an explosion. But the only one damaging the base was the FUO fleet. No HWS were at the room of the FUO child when the FUO fleet attacked. Cameras recorded that a shell from one of the FUO ships pierced the window of the FUO child. The camera was unable to directly record what happened when the shell went into the room. But we could see an explosion coming out of the FUO child's room. We knew what happened. The FUO child died due to her own kinds bullet. Was it an accident that the FUO killed the FUO child? I honestly thinks that the FUO child was killed intentionally. The FUO child was taken a few weeks ago not too far from this base. The FUO would surely think that there is a possibility that the FUO child is in this base. According to the camera, the window curtain was open during the attack. It means that the FUO could see what was in the room. And the FUO child was in the room. All the fleet returned to the base after the battle. Someone inside my fleet is probably the spy. But i am not sure if the FUO spy is in my fleet. The FUO only sent a small fleet to attack my fleet. Their objective attacking my fleet is not to destroy the so called secret weapon. Is it to buy time for the other fleet to launch an attack at the base? The FUO should be aware that the HWS with air force soldier type is still in the base, they couldn't have sent a small amount of ships to attack the base. The chance of success is too small if they tried to attack the base with such a small fleet. The FUO has always been shrouded in mystery for humanity. I will be staying in the medical room until Sunday. Perhaps the admiral will inform me of further news by the time i got out of the medical room.

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