Destroying the Big Jamming Tower

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Sunday, 14th April 2021
Today, i am assigned to a sortie to attack enemy jamming tower. The admiral said that tomorrow, there would be a joint attack from a few naval base to attack the big jamming tower together. Well, i don't think i'll be joining the battle. I guess i can only read the reports after tomorrow. But anyway, about the sortie. My fleet cruised to the targetted jamming tower with another fleet. We were going to strike the jamming tower together. Our goal was to eliminate another jamming tower to reduce the FUO's territory and make it easier to reach the big jamming tower and destroy it. We cruised pretty slowly. The battleships couldn't keep up with the faster ships like the corvettes and frigates. Well, the battleships are made to be strong but has slow speed. Their armaments is enough to destroy FUO destroyers in 3 or 4 hits, but if the destroyer try to retreat, the battleships won't be able to keep up with them. Anyway, when we reached the jamming tower, the jamming tower didn't have many guards. A few corvettes and frigates. We took them on. We defeated the guards. We then proceeded to destroying the jamming tower. But before we finish destroying the jamming tower, we were contacted by other fleet in another area. They were also assigned to destroy a jamming tower, but they couldn't destroy the jamming tower because they were bombarded by The New Yamato. They said that they would be retreating, their mission failed, they were counting on us. I don't know about the others, but the admiral had told me about this. He planned to attack several jamming tower at the same time. He was sure that The New Yamato would come to assist the guards protecting the jamming tower from our attacks. The admiral made us attack 3 jamming tower at the same time. 2 of the jamming tower was blocking our way to attack the big jamming tower. The other one wasn't so important, but still could reduce the FUO strength. The fleet that was counter attacked by The New Yamato was attacking the other jamming tower that was blocking the route to the big jamming tower. The jamming tower my fleet was attacking another jamming tower that was blocking the route to the big jamming tower. I could guess where The New Yamato was going. She was sure to attack my fleet and let the other less important jamming tower fall. After all, the big jamming tower was important to get resources. The New Yamato would definitely prioritize the big jamming tower rather than the other jamming towers. Sure enough, patrols appeared and attacked us. The New Yamato hadn't appeared yet, but i was sure she would appear soon. My fleet battled the FUO patrol fleets. We were attacked from several directions. The patrols appeared only a few second after we defeated the jamming tower's guard. We didn't have enough time to destroy the jamming tower. The jamming tower was only damaged. The enemy patrol did a good job preventing us from destroying the jamming tower. I knew The New Yamato would appear soon, so i ordered a retreat. But some HWS were too stubborn. They knew the jamming tower needed to be destroyed. They were told in the briefing. They insisted on staying to destroy the jamming tower before leaving. I decided that it was not a good time for debate, so i decided that completely destroying the jamming tower won't be necessary. We only need to disable it. I went to the jamming tower. I opened up the generator. I shot at it once or twice, destroying some part of it and damaging it. After that, i ordered a full retreat and that time, i told them it was an order. The jamming tower has been disabled. The actual objective has been completed. We then retreated. We had quite some casualties. At least we escaped before The New Yamato came. If she arrived in the battlefield, our casualties would be twice higher. I submitted a report ot tthe admiral and went to the makeshift hospital. Overall, not an unusual day. The FUO didn't seem to have any tricks up their sleeves.

Monday, 15th April 2021
The first attack on the big jamming tower was implemented today. Many HWS were assigned to attack it and destroy it. But, the FUO made strong resistance. Based on what i heard from the survivor of the battle, the enemy were prepared. They set up floating turrets near the big jamming tower. They also prepared many FUO soldiers there, including The New Yamato. The New Yamato's presence was more than enough to lower the morale, as The New Yamato was famous for being unbeatable. Luckily, the objective of the attack was to destroy the big jamming tower, not to sink The New Yamato. The New Yamato killed many HWS. The big jamming tower was damaged, but it dived down underwater, only allowing submarines to damage it. But submarines were also having a hard time fighting the destroyers, while the surface fleet had a hard time fighting The New Yamato. Before they reached the big jamming tower, the HWS joint fleet to attack the big jamming tower encountered the jamming tower my fleet attacked yesterday. They attacked the jamming tower and wiped out any FUO fleet around. The jamming tower was disabled by my fleet, which means aircraft could fly around the area the jamming tower was covering, making it possible for the air force to gain air superiority. The battle at the disabled jamming tower ended quickly, but it exhausted and damaged the joint fleet. Thus making the attack on the big jamming tower less effective. After quite some fighting, the joint fleet retreats. They didn't have enough ammunition to continue the fight. The big jamming tower was only damaged. A second attack will be necessary. It'll come in a few days, but i don't think i will be able to participate. I am still injured. I have to stay inside the make shift hospital.

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