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Saturday, 19th July 2020
I was staying in the medical room today. The engineers won't let me help them when i was supposed to stay in the medical room, so i've got nothing to do today. All i did today was killing time at the medical room playing a rubik's cube. It kinda reminded me of my first time finishing a rubik's cube. Back when i was still 17 years old, i started getting interested in rubik's cube. Then i started studying how to solve rubik's cubes. But it didn't always go the way i wanted it to be. One time, i got tricked when learning how to solve a rubik's cube. I watched Youtube videos in order to solve rubik's cube, then i found a video with a title that says "how to solve a rubik's cube: the universal way". That was the title, i think, i don't really remember the title anymore, it's been 3 years. The trick to solve a rubik's cube turned out to be simpler than i thought before. There's actually a lot of way to solve it, but i usually just use the method for noobs(i don't like memorizing the complex methods). I don't know whether i should regret playing the rubik's cube in the medical room or not. I usually play the rubik's cube inside the room i and Bung Tomo share. He's the only one who usually sees me playing the rubik's cube. But because i played the rubik's cube inside the medical room today, a lot of people saw me finish the rubik's cube, they were impressed at how i managed to solve it. The annoying part for me is that, some people asked me to teach them how to solve the rubik's cube, and teaching is something i am very bad at. I once tried to teach my little sister how to solve the rubik's cube, but she didn't understand what i was talking about. And anyway, how would knowing how to solve a rubik's cube help you in a war? It's not like it will save you when you were about to be shot.

Sunday, 20th July 2020
The base has completely been repaired today. Some of the engineers made a small celebration about it. Let's just hope the base won't be under attack anytime soon. Their celebration reminded me of my little sister's birthday party when she was at the age of 12. She was pretty cute at that time. I got out of the medical room today, and i went to help the engineers of course. And i heard the engineers that the admiral returned to the capital city of Jakarta for a certain reason, the engineers didn't know for what reason though. I knew that since the admiral is away, the colonel would be in charge of the base. He would also be the one to take care of the paperworks in the base. The colonel is a tall man, his height is around 176 cm and he is about 29 years old. I decided to offer the colonel a hand on handling the paperwork. This gave me a chance to read more top secret documents. After all, the colonel didn't know that i was once caught reading top secret documents without permission when i was helping the admiral with the paperworks. Unfortunately, i didn't manage to read any top secret documents today. Although i can read documents regarding the situation at other naval base without having to worry the colonel will get mad at me, the colonel won't allow me to read top secret documents. And because i want to avoid getting caught reading top secret documents again, i did it extra careful today. And being extra careful is the reason why i didn't manage to read any top secret document today. But i'm sure i would be able to read at least one top secret document tomorrow, if i continue helping the colonel with the documents though.

Monday, 21st July 2020
I have been helping the engineers the half of the day. And at night, i helped the colonel handle the paperworks. I finally managed to secretly read one top secret documents. The document had information about how the Japanese has been testing a new type of ammunition capable of destroying an FUO ship, and cause shockwave to ships surrounding the explosion. Well, i honestly almost thought they were building some kind of nuke, but i guess it's better if they don't build one. Secretly reading top secret documents reminded me when i was still a child, i would cheat in a test when i am still 12 years old. But the miracle is that, i never get caught. Either the teachers were careless or my cheating method were too good and smart. And by the way, i became curious why the UN didn't just nuke or drop an atomic bomb at north pole where the headquarters of the FUO are (presumably) at. Funny thing is that, the internet had the answer to my question. I mean, how did they get to know information like these? Well, the reason why the UN didn't nuke or drop an atomic bomb on north pole, is because strangely, every atomic bomb, nuke, or any warheads sent to FUO territory always gets disabled a few minutes before it blows up. No one knows why, not even the scientist.

Tuesday, 22nd July 2020
I helped the engineers and the colonel again today. The admiral still hasn't returned yet, i wondered what made him go for a few days. I didn't dare ask the colonel why the admiral went back to Indonesia's capital. Maybe something important, i was curious, but curiosity killed the cat, but i'm not a cat. Tonight, i asked the colonel why the admiral went back to Jakarta, Indonesian's capital. And the colonel answered my question without any hesitation. Maybe it's not important so he didn't hesitate to answer, no secrecy, but i was wrong. He said that the admiral came back to Jawa because there was going to be an experiment on a new weapon that can pierce an FUO heavy tank's armor. That can't be considered as not important, and well, i'm still surprised that there's no secrecy about it at all. Since i often help the engineers, the engineers are starting to take me on helping them as a routine too. This reminded of my boring days at junior high school. The days were boring, but i miss the time when there was no war. Now that i'm in a war, i can expect one of my comrade to die at any time. That is the truth of the war. But sometimes war is just inevitable, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, in the end, we still got caught up in the war.

Wednesday, 23rd July 2020
Today was pretty boring. Well it's probably my personality that made my days like these boring, but i'm still part of the headquarter sitter or so i guess. I've been helping the engineers and also helping the colonel deal with the documents, it's the least i can do while i standby at the base and there is no attack. But nothing can ever beat a peaceful day, especially when one is in a war. These peaceful days reminded me of my peaceful days at senior high school. I used to be a complete loner when i was still at senior high. Those days were peaceful for me, no fight, nothing to worry about, no problem, although i only have 3-4 friends. I prefer to work alone than work with other people, but sometimes, if i work alone, it's like asking for a death wish. It's not that working alone will kill me, it's just that there are things that can't be achieved if i work alone. And the consequence of failure to achieve something might mean death. That actually depicts a situation in a battle. In a battle, everyone's objective is always to emerge victorious from the battle without dying. But if someone work alone, it is almost certain that he or she will die. I think i wrote too many unnecessary thing in my diary today.

Thursday, 24th July 2020
Today, i helped the engineers and the colonel again. Nothing out of the ordinary today. But of course, i stay at the base and guard it, no sortie for me. Lately, i've been writing more and more about my old memories, my memories before this war happened. Back when the war hasn't started we would never expect death to be around the corner, we would never expect death to happen to someone we know more than twice a year, even if it's an accident. But now that i'm in a war, hearing your ally die every day sounds like a normal thing, but in daily life, that's not even close to normal. I used to never value my past or my old days at all. But after i entered the war, i started valuing them much more. The past might be boring, painful, or shameful, but anyone should value their past and memories. Because they don't know how long it will last, until it will be forgotten. By the way, the colonel told me the admiral will return to the base tomorrow at noon. After dinner, i took a look at the board which has the name of the HWS killed or went missing in the last 30 days, and i saw I Gusti Ngurah Rai written as confirmed dead. Another person i know pretty well to die. I prayed that anyone that died for the past 30 days to rest in peace.

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