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Tuesday, 21st August 2020
I went to the admiral's office today when i was allowed to temporarily leave the medical room. I told the admiral about my thoughts of the chances of a spy. I told him about my theory but i didn't tell him anything related to the device. He listened carefully and patiently. I told him this and that, and other possibilities which is impossible in my opinion. After the explanation, he gave me a compliment, said "bravo" for my analytical skill. But he also said that he knew it was impossible. Confused i was, but he told me the reason afterwards. He told me that submarines can only make long range contact with anyone if they have surfaced. Well, that certainly broke my theory about all the submarines being spies or whatever else they can be. There was no FUO ships near the island, which means the submarines was unable to contact any FUO ships. None of them surfaced, the oxygen tank they carried holded enough oxygen for the whole sortie for them. They didn't surface, so they were unable to contact the FUO. Then i thought to myself, maybe there was FUO hiding in the island. But that just seems impossible, i got on the island that day, the girl didn't encounter any FUO at the island either. So that closed the chance of FUO being in the  island. The admiral also told me that the 4 submarines he chose to be in my fleet that day was randomly chosen. There was no way all 4 submarines were all coincidentally spies. The admiral then said that there is no proof that i am no spy either. I answered confidently that if i were a spy, i wonder why Japan has not become the focus fire of the enemy. He understood immediately what i was talking about. A few months earlier, i have read information about the Japanese researching the FUO ships. Clearly, if i was a spy and have read that, i would tell the FUO about it. The FUO would waste no time and quickly annihilate Japan to prevent us from gaining more advantage against the FUO by letting Japan research the FUO. But Japan hasn't been focus fired by the FUO. Why? The FUO wouldn't want to let them continue researching. Japan has not yet been under focus fire even though i have got the information about Japan's research. This means whoever knew the information about the research can't be spies. The other people in this base who knows about the research should be some other people. One person is Cakra, she heard what the admiral said when he told me what happened to the FUO ships captured thay day. The admiral then said that maybe i just didn't have any chance to tell the FUO about it. Then i said that in the battle where i was the only survivor, i had the chance to tell the FUO about Japan's research over the FUO ship if i was a spy. In the end, there has yet to be any conclusion. We don't even know whether there is a spy or not.

Wednesday, 22nd August 2020
I got out of the medical room today. I decided to go help the engineers. I also asked a few questions. One of them was why the emergency communication equipment can receive sos signal from more than 10 km while it can only be used to communicate if the distance between the 2 communicator is only half a km. They answered that the emergency communicator is made so that HWS will be able to contact ally in the middle of the battle if their communication equipment has been destroyed or broken. The purpose of the emergency communicator was only to allow HWS to contact each other if their communication equipment has already broken, so there was not much point to make it able to communicate long distance. The emergency communicator was also as small as a phone without a camera, so it is actually impossible to communicate long distance. However, the emergency communicator was made to be able to receive sos signal. Although it can receive sos signal, it can't be used to send sos signal. The reason it can receive sos signal from a distance no more than 20 km was not because of the emergency communicator itself, but because the emergency communicator can receive sos signal from as far as possible as long as the sos signal reaches the emergency communicator. That didn't help much, but at least i learned something new. By the way, i found another fellow soldier HWS with navy soldier type in the internet. This person i found is a male American soldier fighting in the pacific. He is part of the elite soldiers gathered by the UN to counter attack the FUO. His username is George, i don't know if that is his real name. When i first met him in the internet, i chatted with him in english because his nationality showed that he is american. He actually thought i was British because i used english in british accent, he didn't check my nationality. To be honest, i can't differentiate between english British accent and American accent. George is a special soldier fighting in the northern hemisphere. I had an idea. I want to show him the photo of the FUO ships that attacked our base, the ones that manage to give us a problem despite the fact that we outnumbered them. It was those ships at operation air liberty. I will show him the photo tomorrow.

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