Supply Shortage

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Wednesday, 30th July 2020
Today, at breakfast, the admiral announced that the food ration for every one at the base, including the admiral and colonel will be decreased by half. The colonel said that the reason for this is because the cargo ship that was supposed to carry supplies can't bring supplies to the base due to enemy ships lurking at our supply route. The colonel also said that the enemy ships are mainly destroyers who are fast yet suitable for anti air battle. This is really crappy. The cargo ships can't bring us supplies, and they can't send it through the air because the FUO ships are capable of battling aircraft. With less food at the base, morale will become lower. I heard some of my close allies at the base complain about the problems. They didn't complain about less food, they're not gluttons, and besides, we are in a war, food shortage are not uncommon. Their complain is that only HWS with heavy damage are being taken care of at the medical room. The cargo ships can't get us supplies, that means they also can't get medicinal necessities for HWS injured at the base. Because the admiral wants to save up on medicinal necessities, he decided that only HWS that is heavily damaged will be healed in the medical room. Any HWS with moderate or minor damage won't be healed, for now. This also means that my injuries won't be healed by the doctors, i only suffered moderate damage, not heavy damage. But still, i didn't complain because i wanted to save my energy. We have very limited energy considering the amount of food we ate.

Thursday, 31th July 2020
The admiral yet again announces something else at breakfast. He announced that we will stay in a defensive stance due to limited supplies and probably low morale. I'm not sure the morale has lowered so much yet but it's really taking effect on us. Some of the people i knew becomes more grumpier. Take Diponegoro as an example. He's usually serious yeah, but now, there's no way to make him smile no matter what. Some people like Rencong and Nala instead tries to distract themselves with something else, but they can't run from the truth. Facing the truth will make us grow anyway. Another person that's been in bad mood the whole day was Teuku Umar. He didn't get grumpier, just bad mood, i don't know why. Eating less food than usual doesn't really seem to influence me in my opinion. That's strange, no effect on me yet, but the naval base has a worse atmosphere now. Well, can't really blame them. The admiral decreased the food ration for everyone by 65%, which means every one only eats 35% of what they usually eat. It's going to take a larger effect on every one in the base if this keeps up. We don't know how long this will stay though. Commands probably trying to clear the supply route from FUO ships, but no one knows when the supplies will come to the base. We'll have to endure hunger until supplies arrive at the base.

Friday, 1st August 2020
Today, my injuries are still not healed. The doctors only have permission to heal HWS with heavy damage, well i am only at moderate damage. A normal human's body can fix itself(i remember hearing someone say that in a documentary video), so does HWS. So, the body of an injured HWS will heal itself. But not if it's heavy damage. If an HWS receive heavy damages and he or she is not healed immediately for the next 48 hours, he or she might die. But for HWS with moderate to minor injuries, their wound will be healed by their own body. Ao that's very likely why the admiral only allowed the doctors to heal heavily damaged HWS. We still don't know when the supplies will come. Even though it's just been 3 days, i'm sure morale has lowered by a lot. The naval base and us are easy targets if the enemy attacks. But it doesn't seem like the enemy knew we are currently easy targets. I just hope command will quickly get rid of the FUO ships blocking the supply route. I don't know what might happen next, but if a siege took place here, we are absolutely done for.

Saturday, 2nd August 2020
The celebration for Indonesia's indepemdence day is coming soon. Yet we are stuck here with low morale and very limited supplies. Morale might drop down to a point where we lose the will to fight if this goes on more than a couple of weeks. The supply we receive from the inner lands in Sulawesi won't help as much either. The locals doesn't have much food to spare either. Bung Tomo was heavily damaged at the operation, he is currently in the medical room. So i went to kill time with Teuku Umar instead, the engineer won't let me help them, and since the asldmiral's back, he won't allow me to help with whatever paperworks there is. I found out why Teuku Umar has been in bad mood the past few days. His left leg is injured, and it will take time for his leg to heal itself, he is onlynmoderately damaged. Because his left leg is injured, every time he walk, sit, or move his left leg, it will hurt so much for him. We didn't talk for 10-15 minutes not knowing what to talk about. Then he suddenly challenged me in chess. At first, i was confused why, but he said that he was bored. He wanted a small chage of pace. I know very well that i am not so good at chess, but somehow i managed to beat him. We played on Teuku Umar's phone application, he said that he had once won championship at the school he used to be in. Well but i beated him at chess. Then he said that i wouldn't be able to beat the easiest level on the chess game where the AI is the one controlling the opponent's movement. And what he said is right. I can't even beat level 1 out of 100 level at the phone's application. I always win at chess when it's against another player. But i never win if my opponent is an AI. Teuku Umar laughed at me when he saw me lose against the AI in level 1. Chess is not really my thing. No wonder i can't beat the AI.

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