The Return of The New Yamato

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Monday, 1st January 2021
I am not particularly happy about new year's eve. Especially in a war. Recent patrols reported that The New Yamato was sighted at near the islands of the Banda arc. The New Yamato is definitely trying to intercept Indonesian cargo ships sending supplies from Sulawesi to Papua. Indonesia has already taken control of Banda arc, but the FUO sometimes still sneak into our sea territory. At some point, i think i will face The New Yamato again. Headquarter's plan to take down The New Yamato still went on. The KE ammunition the Japanese sent us has arrived in the base. I heard that the Japanese also sent the KE to other countries. But the KE is not suitable for combat yet, so it is recommended to only be used when facing a very strong opponent like The New Yamato or at emergency. The KE weapon has been revealed to some soldiers, but not yet revealed to public. Well, i guess the secrecy of the weapon is important. We can't tell whether there are FUO spy that looks like animals blending between the animals that are often seen in urban area. If the information about the KE was revealed and FUO spy heard of this, the FUO will make a move to make sure that the research of KE would stop at all cost. If the research of KE is stopped permanently, we might lose the war. The FUO has more advanced technology than us. That means humanity has disadvantages in the war. If this global war goes on, only God will know how many people will die in this war.

Tuesday, 2nd January 2021
Today, The New Yamato was sighted again but not at Banda Arc. She was sighted not far from the northern coast of Sulawesi. Well, it is impossible to tell what The New Yamato is doing. Therefore, i can only hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Despite all of that, the FUO still left me with a lot of unanswered questions. At the day the base was under siege, the FUO forces were destroyed because of a storm. The FUO surely have better technology than humanity. So why can't the FUO survive the storm? Maybe if only one or two FUO survive because of luck, that would make sense. But at that day, none survived. Another question is that why is the FUO force at the southern part of the hemishpere weaker than the FUO force at the northern hemisphere? What cause the FUO ship's health to deteriorate when he or she is in the equator? And how come that it was impossible for humanity to send atomic or nuclear weapons to destroy the FUO? And why is it impossible to send a satellite to take pictures of the FUO headquarters in north pole? Also, how did the FUO create exonium? Exonium was never put in the periodic table. It wasn't man made. Also, if the FUO are better in technology against humanity, how come i have never heard of a case of the FUO launching missile or warheads? I know that using missile or warheads are considered a weapon that is too brutal and inhumane, but the FUO aren't human, are they? So it wouldn't be inhumane to use missile or warhead for them. But they never use it. The FUO is like science. They will usually raise more question than anwers.

Wednesday, 3rd January 2021
Today, The New Yamato was spotted at the Makassar strait. It was confirmed that The New Yamato was there by drones. The drones took pictures and sent it to the base. But the drone was destroyed shortly after. The New Yamato first reappeared near the islands of Banda Arc. Then just yesterday, The New Yamato was sighted not far from the coast of northern Sulawesi. Today, she was sighted in Makassar strait. Why did The New Yamato go from one place to another in the span of a day? The New Yamato didn't even engage at any battles. Patrols confirmed that The New Yamato didn't appear in any battle. Then why did the FUO have to go from one place to another so quickly? Was there something important? But what could be so important for The New Yamato? Couldn't the FUO just sent other ships to replace The New Yamato instead of making The New Yamato go from one place to another in the span of a day? What is this thing that has to be done that only The New Yamato can do? And it has to be urgent, because The New Yamato went from one place to another in the span of a day. I am asking a lot of questions, because the admiral gave me a book to read. The admiral said that the book teaches how to think critically. Maybe my attitude on questioning myself a lot of questions as the after effect of reading the book. By the way, i haven't been assigned to any sortie lately, because James decided to make the smoke modification on my equipment just yesterday. The admiral even approved of his plan. I just hope that James make that modification quick enough in case there is a battle in a few days.

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