The FUO's Strange Action

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Tuesday, 2nd October 2020
I am staying in the medical room today. The doctor haven't told me what day i am allowed to leave the medical room. Ah well, at least injured HWS won't be sent to battles. By the way, i saw at the board that the admiral installed. The board where the names of the recently killed HWS are written. It's been a while since i last saw it, but i saw the names of some of my close allies today. Looks like Teuku Umar, Gajah Mada, and Ahmad Yani were killed in one of the most recent battle. They gained veterancy, but i shouldn't expect everyone to survive the war. While i was taking a look at the board, i saw other HWS looking closely at the board. Some were crying for our fallen allies. Some were praying for them to rest in peace. I guess i am not the only one losing close allies. Though the war has only entered it's second war, more than 1 billion lifes have died. Maybe even far more has died. This war is the bloodiest war humanity has ever faced. While i was thinking all that, i saw some HWS with navy soldier type battleship class return to the base almost dead. It's not just 4 or 5 HWS, there was around 13 or 14. Battleship is the strongest class for HWS with navy soldier type. The FUO are putting a lot of effort to recapture Kalimantan. This just increase my suspicion on the secrets the FUO are hiding. Maybe i will never find out about that secret. Or maybe, i will be the one to uncover the secret.

Wednesday, 3rd October 2020
Tomorrow, i will be out of the medical room. Great. Anyway, about the FUO putting a lot of effort into recapturing Kalimantan, there is something i have just realized today. It's that, there was 13 or 14 heavily damaged HWS with navy soldier type battleship class yesterday. 13 or 14 HWS with navy soldier type battleship class were heavily damaged, in one day. A day could cause that, then how are the Indonesian forces supposed to defend Kalimantan?! 13 or 14 HWS with navy soldier type battleship class is a strong force, and the FUO could beat them. And that was the injured HWS only, i don't know if the FUO managed to sink one. Battleship class are the strongest class among the classes for HWS with navy soldier type. I am only a corvette, so i might be easily killed at the battlefield at this rate. And at previous battles, i am often lucky enough to survive. I don't know how i could be so lucky. But i think from here and on, my luck will run out. I don't think i will be as lucky as i have been at the past. I am not pessimistic, but rather, a realist, but i honestly think i will probably die this month or next month. Or maybe i will be lucky enough to survive the upcoming battles. I don't know. There is only one way to find out, by continue looking death in the eye.

Thursday, 4th October 2020
After getting out of the medical room today, i immediately went to the factory to help the engineers again. When i came in, i saw the colonel walking around the factory. He was taking a look at the engineers work. I didn't pay him any attention and went to the chief engineer. The chief engineer greeted me. I asked him what i could help them with, and the chief engineer gave me a list of things i could help them with. When the colonel saw me help the engineers, he asked me what i was doing there. I answered that i was helping the engineers do their work. He complimented me that i was very diligent to help the engineers. Well, helping the engineers is one way to help the war effort without having to risk myself dying. But i didn't tell that to the colonel. After seeing me help the engineers, the colonel gave me a strange information. He said that he was investigating things about the spy in the base in his own accord. I talked with him a lot. He said that there might be a bug(the electronic bug, not the biological one) instead of a spy at the base. I told him that that was not possible. I pretty much told him everything i know regarding the spy. One interesting thing he told me, is that recent sortie had ambushes that can only be done if the FUO has a source of information about the sortie. I immediately understood what he meant. Recently, a lot of HWS with army soldier type are sent to aid the war effort at Papua. If recent sortie are getting ambushes, that meant that the FUO spy is still in the base. Another thing i just realized is that the FUO kept getting information about the base for months without stop. This meant that if the FUO spy is an HWS, he or she must have already gained veterancy. I never thought of that before. My expression completely changed after i realized those facts. The colonel then smirked at me and left. Judging by the smirk, the colonel already know what i was thinking about. With this information, it would be easy to narrow down the suspects.

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