Ability Enchancement?

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Wednesday, 11th June 2020
Today, the admiral asked me to come to his office at noon. When got into his office, he had prepared math questions. I was confused at first, then he explained that he wanted to try to train my ability on thinking fast, so fast that i feel the world becoming slower. He said that if i do math questions with a timer, i would slowly but surely think faster even if i am not panicking. Seems easy at first, but the problem is, if the timer runs out, i have to do 10 push up, then i will be given more time, and the time is basically only 1 minute to do 20 hard essay math questions, no calculator allowed, to make it worse, the question was based on the cambridge curriculum, not the national curriculum, so i have never learnt the solution to these mathematical problems at school, the extra time given after i do 10 push up is only 30 seconds, if i make a mistake, i have to do 50 push up, no extra time given if i make mistakes. I felt that it was a crazy idea, but the admiral made me do it. I couldn't focus on thinking because the timer keeps distracting me. In the end, i did 320 push up that noon, and i wasn't able to finish the questions, i finished 4 questions only. After the extreme training, it wasn't dinner time, so i went back to my room, Bung Tomo was confused at how i was ridiculously tired. The push up definitely left a muscle pain in my arm, it even hurts while i am writing this. At dinner, i told Diponegoro what happened, he could only hold his laughter for how bad my ability backfired. I forgot to check the red writing on the mirror, but whatever, i need a good night sleep.

Thursday, 12th June 2020
The admiral called me to go to his office again today, i hoped that he was not going to make me do what i did yesterday, and i set my expectation too high. The admiral made it worse, now i have to finish 1 mathematic problem in 1 minute, if i can't, i have to do sit up 20 times and was only given 25 more seconds to continue solving the problem, if i make any mistake, i have to do back up 70 times, and the mathematic problems were still cambridge curriculum. I tried to make reasons as to why i shouldn't continue his so called ability enchantment, but heck, nothing pops up at my mind to reason out of it. I came back to my room at the evening, i made it to solve 6 mathematic problem, but i didn't feel my brain being able to think faster, i only felt my counting ability becoming better, and i was so tired. I collapsed on my bed and took a nap for 1 hour or so. The ghost didn't bother me this time, and i didn't check the red writing at the toilet. When i told Bung Tomo what i was doing in the admiral's office and why i was tired(i didn't tell him about my ability to think faster though), he offered to teach me how to do those cambridge curriculum mathematic problems, i can't believe it, i could have avoided doing 260 sit up and 560 back up all this time if only i told Bung Tomo sooner about what i went through, he actually learnt about cambridge curriculum's mathematic at a course. Bung Tomo taught me this and that, it helped me understand the mathematic problem more, but i think the admiral is just going to make it worse every time i become better. I still haven't completely understood the mathematical problems, so i might have to suffer again tomorrow, i can only hope the admiral will be more lenient tomorrow

Friday, 13th June 2020
Today was supposed to be an unlucky day, but it wasn't so unlucky for me. At the morning, when i was walking to the nearest toilet to brush my teeth, i saw the admiral trying to get into his office. The admiral was trying to get the door to his office open, but no matter how many times he try to push the door open, it wouldn't open. I looked at the door and saw the same symbol that the ghost probably made in the door to my room that day, that was what i bet was preventing the door from being opened. The admiral saw me walking and asked me to help him open the door, we tried to push the door, but the door didn't budge. We tried breaking into the room, the door still stood without moving a budge. The admiral then decided to go and tell the engineer what was happening, he ran to the factory as fast as he could, it seemed like he need to get into his office quickly, there must have been some urgent paperwork if he needed to get to his office immediately. I didn't go with him to the factory, instead, i examined the symbol written in red. The symbol was definitely the same as the one i saw on the door to my room. Judging from how the admiral acted, i thought he couldn't see the symbol, it was just a guess though. I tried to wipe the symbol with my handkerchief and the symbol was no longer visible. I tried opening the door, i actually opened it with ease, it wasn't hard at all. By the time the admiral got back with the engineers, he was surprised the door was open. I lied to him that the door was just stuck and i could open the door with ease after i did this and that. The admiral didn't say anything and the engineers just left without saying anything either. I convinced him that he had to take more rest because he was working too hard, and he actually believed it. He didn't make me do the cambridge curriculum mathematical problem because he wanted to take a rest, but he did tell me something, the UN had sent a few HWS to help the battle in the Phillipines against the FUO, Japanese had also gained some fruition from the research they made on the FUO ships. The admiral said that the Japanese found that the FUO ships were made of things that are not from the periodic table, and they were thinking of building weapons strong enough to battle the FUO without any risk of casualties, but now, they have only found a way to make our aircrafts invisible to enemy radar if they are 10 km apart from each other(well the enemy could detect our aircraft from 11 km away if the aircraft was in the air, this made our battle with the FUO hard). According to the admiral, the Japanese also tried communicating with the FUO ships, but the FUO ships seem to have a different language than every human or HWS alive. Before i leave the admiral's office, i asked whether he saw the symbol that i saw, and he said no. I left the admiral's office and went through the day as if nothing happened. The red handwriting in the toilet changed again when i checked it. The ghost didn't appear today, i am no longer scared of the ghost, but in my own personal opinion, the ghost is becoming more annoying than frightening. At night, i asked Bung Tomo to teach me again about the cambridge curriculum mathematical problems, i want to avoid having a big work out again. I studied about the mathematical problems for some time, i am not sure i am going to do well if the admiral makes me do the cambridge curriculum mathematical problems again, but i at least studied to face what i think i am going to face tomorrow.

Saturday, 14th June 2020
The admiral took a rest yesterday and got me back on doing those cambridge curriculum mathematical problems. I did well that time, i didn't do crazy work outs. The admiral asked me whether i felt everything becoming slower when i was doing the problem, i didn't feel the world becoming slower, when i told him that i didn't feel the world becoming slower, he said that it was probably a waste of time and strength to do the training he gave me, it means that i won't have to do those any time soon, heck yeah. The admiral told me that i will go to sortie again at Wednesday, intel shows that there has been FUO fleet sending land force reinforcement to Kalimantan, and i have to intercept the next one. I didn't check the red writing on the mirror in the toilet because i was too lazy, and that was probably why the ghost appeared again today. At dinner, i was sitting beside Teuku Umar, then i saw the ghost float at the ceiling of the room. I wasn't surprised because i got used to seeing the ghost, what i was surprised was that i saw Sigalu looking directly at the ghost, she definitely saw the ghost, because there was basically nothing to look at if you look up at the ceiling of the room, then the light went off, it was a black out. It was dark, the only things to light the room were everyone's cell phone, we took our cell phone out when the black out happened and waited while some of the engineer went to see what was wrong with the electricity. 10 minutes later, the lights were back up. We continued to do what we were doing. When i was walking back to my room, i overheard the admiral's conversation with the engineer, the engineer said that they haven't even checked the electricity when the lights got back up, and they couldn't find any problem with the electricity as well. I didn't listen to what else they have to talk about, i was thinking hardly, Sigalu definitely saw the ghost, what connection does Sigalu have with the ghost? They looked the same, but why and if the ghost has problems only with me, how come she could see the ghost?

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