This Time's Sortie

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Wednesday, 18th June 2020
Today is my turn to sortie. This time's objective is to destroy the enemy's landing craft and  their cargo ship, so that enemy's land force will be weaker, which will make the capture of Kalimantan easier. The objective is only to destroy the enemy's landing craft and their cargo ships, so it is not necessary to eliminate any other enemy ships. I will be participating in this sortie with Liaoning, Sanjaya, Gajah Mada, Teuku Umar, Cakra, I Gusti Ngurah Rai,and an ally i have recently just met. Her code name is Nala corvette ship. She has a ponytail with a black hair, she also wears glasses, she's around 19 years old i believe, and her height is around 176cm. The flagship of this time's sortie will be Teuku Umar. We travelled in a route which pretty much covers almost every part that the admiral predicted the enemy would possibly pass through. We all sailed in a vertical formation, in front of me was Cakra and behind me was Liaoning. The first few hours was quiet, we were caught in a few maelstorm but no sight of enemy. When the weather was being nice, i tried to quietly ask Cakra about why she acts nicer to someone after they get to know her better, like a tsundere. But she did not answer my question, either she didn't want to answer or she didn't hear my question, i had to ask quietly after all, so she probably didn't hear my question. Why am i asking? Just to know her better. When we looked for the enemy's landing craft at the sea area where the sea currents and the weather are unstable due to global warming, we found the enemy's landing crafts along with 2 destroyer and 6 submarine. There were 3 landing crafts, i couldn't see what land force was in each of the landing craft, there were no cargo ships. The enemy submarines and destroyer took notice of us quickly and open fired at us. The weather was also very crappy, it was a storm, a big storm. As if both the weather and sea currents hate us, the weather was unbelievably crappy, a storm, it means we couldn't use our drones to support us, in addition, the unstable sea currents didn't affect neither our submarine nor the FUO's submarine, but any torpedo we launched at the enemy will very likely miss, stupid sea current. Well, it sucked for us. I am not the type to swear, but i really wanted to swear, like seriously. The landing craft just ran off and continued going to Kalimantan. We had to deal with the enemy's destroyers and the enemy's submarine if we want to take out those landing crafts. Our artillery guns still worked though, so the destroyer was taken care of without any hardships. Then comes the hard part. We had to fight off the annoying submarine. The water bombs didn't become much help for us either, the unstable current brought the water bombs away from the submarine, whenever we dropped a water bomb, the sea currents would bother it. We went on trying to attack the FUO submarines with our torpedoes and our water bombs, while they struggle to hit us with their torpedoes. There are a few moments where i dodged the enemy's torpedo, the training admiral gave me actually helped, doing the mathematical problems quickly helped me react faster, i felt the world become slower a split second when avoiding the enemy's torpedo. But there's no way in hell i am going to tell the admiral about how the training he gave me paid off, if i do tell him, i might have to stay in the medical room every single day until he is sure i can feel the world slowing down without me panicking. The battle went on for at least 10 minutes. But none of the FUO submarines was sunk, no one at my fleet was heavily damaged, let alone killed. The FUO submarines couldn't stay underwater forever, once in a few minutes, they would come out to the surface, but they stayed in the surface for only a few seconds, so few that there wasn't enough time for us to fire our artilleries at them. While the 10 minutes of the battle with neither side having any casualties went on, i thought about an effective strategy to beat the submarines, because we still need to catch up with the enemy's landing crafts. Thinking while dropping water bombs and avoiding torpedoes weren't easy, and it will never be easy. It took some time, but i found a clever strategy against those submarines at such crappy weather and sea currents. All this time, my allies and i have been dropping water bombs at places where our sonar has indicated the enemy submarines were below at, logically we dropped only a few water bombs because we wanted to save ammunition, but it wasn't time efficient to fight the submarines when the sea currents are absolute disturbance, instead we should have dropped all water bombs in one go, this is because if we dropped only a few water bombs, the sea currents will scatter the bombs, but it didn't guarantee hitting the enemy submarines, because we dropped only a few bombs, so even if the bomb was scattered, it couldn't cover the whole area. So what i was thinking was to drop all our bombs, the unstable sea current will scatter it even if we only dropped it from one spot, and because we dropped way more bombs, the amount of bombs would be enough to cover the whole area, so it would guarantee us that the enemy submarines would be hit. I recommended this strategy to Teuku Umar and he agreed to it very quickly, to me, it seemed like he didn't like facing submarines, but i won't judge him. Before everyone in the fleet agree to execute the plan though, there were a few question. Nala asked what we would do if the enemy surfaced to avoid the water bombs, the answer was obvious, use the artillery guns to destroy them. The next question was from Cakra, she asked what about her(she is an HWS with the equipment of a submarine, so she was underwater most of the time when we sortie), that question was still easy, she should just float on the ocean's surface. When there was neither more question nor objection, the plan was executed. The plan went smoothly, 4 FUO submarines were sunk, and the other 2 retreated with heavy damage. My allies cheered because we won the battle. But i reminded them that the objective of the sortie was to destroy any FUO landing crafts or their cargo ships. One second after i reminded them about our mission objective and they stopped cheering. The sea currents were still unstable, but the weather calmed down, there was no more storm. We tried to catch up with the enemy's landing crafts, but we were far too apart, the landing crafts would be able to find another FUO fleet to deal with us before we could destroy any of those landing crafts. The only one in the fleet who was very calm was Liaoning, she sent a few drones to the direction and told us to slow down as well as calm down, i thought she was nuts when she told us to slow down and calm down, but when she pointed at the drones, i understood why. The drones has a wide flying range, and they can still come back to Liaoning without crash landing, even though though they flied so far from Liaoning, and of course, aircrafts has a much faster speed than landing crafts. Well, we actually only had to send our drones after the enemy's landing crafts to sink them, and we don't have to worry about the drones being destroyed, because we destroyed their destroyers, they had no air defense. In the end, we only sent our drones to destroy the landing crafts, but none of the landing crafts managed to get away and we came back to the base without casualties. When i got back to the base, i heard the news that Imam Bonjol was killed in action during his sortie today, rest in peace Imam Bonjol, i never got to know your real name, but i will remember you. Teuku Umar had to report to the admiral about the sortie, while the rest of the fleet just went to the medical room. My injuries weren't so heavy this time, so i will get out of the medical room on Saturday. I forgot to check the red writing in the toilet today, but whatever, i am going to sleep.

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