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Friday, 9th August 2020
It turns out that the enemy must have known about our supply shortage, because there was a siege at the base at noon. We have already sent a scout drone to spy on the enemy. It seems that there are FUO ships such as submarines, destroyers, corvettes, frigates, battleships, and cruisers but no aircraft carrier. The siege has a really bad influence on the morale. Despite the siege already executed, the enemy still launched attacks on us. The attack was simply 4 FUO ships that are destroyers. The attack didn't really do much damage on the base, but the attack destroyed our comm tower. We told high command about the siege but the attack caused us to be unable to communicate with high command. We are on our own. The enemy launched several attack on us. The first attack was simple. But the next 5 attacks were a great problem. At the first battle, we outnumbered the enemy greatly. But we should have known. The first attack was launched just to exhaust us. The second attack came with 12 FUO ships consisting of battleships and cruisers. Our exhaustion from the previous battle weakened our battle performance. Even with air superiority, the battles felt like hell. Every attack lasted 30 minutes each, but 1 minute felt like one hour of fighting. Out of desperation, some HWS went YOLO(YOLO is short for you only live once, it is a term used when you do something seemingly crazy). The HWS that went YOLO was mostly HWS with air force soldier type. They flew close to FUO ships in order to make every bullet count, but the risk was extremely high. When they were almost dead or were going to die, they just went suicide bombing. They crashed themselves to enemy ships and exploded with the enemy. The third attack was even worse. There was 15 FUO ship in the third attack. We took care of it with some hardship, we have more casualties as a result of battling them. After the third attack, half of the HWS with navy soldier type at the base were dead or damaged to a point where they are no longer capable of combat. I was unable to combat anymore too. I didn't know what happened at the next attacks, a lot more HWS died. The next few attacks were attack from the ground, it is said that FUO tanks attacked the base from land. Morale is even lower. Our fuel supply is also decreasing rapidly. If the enemy keeps this up, we will run out of fuel before Sunday. Ammunition supply decreased by a lot too. If the enemy attacks again by any chance, every HWS in combat will have to make every bullet count. We are really pinned down by the enemy. Either way, this will only end if one of the two sides surrender, retreat, or get destroyed. But for us, the retreat is not an option, because we are under a siege. Today might also be the last day i will write my diary and live, and i can't even communicate with my sister. The comm tower is down. We have no means of communication.

Saturday, 10th August 2020
The admiral made decisions that really lowered morale but at least made the food supply last longer. Today, he announced that due to very low food supply, every one will have to eat even less than what every one ate yesterday. He made it so that we eat only 10% of the food we usually eat when there is no supply shortage. This is troublesome. Our energy to fight becomes even lower. But at least with that, food supply will last until Tuesday before it runs out. The enemy though, probably thought that there was no more use bothering us, they didn't attack us at all. We don't know if reinforcement will come to save us. We don't even know if FUO ships blocking the supply route has been destroyed. The comm tower is destroyed. We have no means of communication with our other allies. The comm tower being destroyed also meant that no one can contact anyone outside the siege. When i talked to the admiral about how he decreased the food ration, he said that he predicted the enemy will not bother to attack us again because we managed to survive even when we are in a supply shortage. It means that he predicted the enemy won't launch another attack on us because we managed to survive 6 attack even when we are in a supply shortage. So the admiral thinks that the FUO won't launch another attack on us because the FUO would think that launching another attack on us will be a waste of resource when they can just wait for us to run out of food supply and surrender otherwise starve to death. And today, for the first time, i complain about how little food are given to every one at the base(there are other who already complained, but at the end, the admiral didn't have a change of heart and the complainers gave up on complaining). Decreasing the food to 35% is still ok because HWS does not need as much food as a normal human does(but it is recommended that HWS eat the same portion of food a human eat, HWS is still human after all, and despite not needing to eat much, HWS still need the same amount of nutrition a regular human need), but 10%, it's just too low. Every HWS is different though, just like how every human is different. Some HWS will complain when they are only given 35% of the food they usually eat, and some doesn't. It's like how every zebra in the world can never have the same stripe pattern. Every one is unique. That said though, i shouldn't have written so much, i'm just wasting energy by writing so much at my diary. But it's better than doing anything else. Writing the diary takes less energy than doing anything else except for sleeping. I should just sleep anyway.

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