The FUO Child

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Sunday, 9th September 2020
The admiral has been discussing a lot of things with the elite HWS. To be honest, i don't really think whatever the admiral is discussing is important. I already know that the admiral is setting up an ambush for the FUO spy(if there is one). So it is probable he discussed a lot of unimportant things with the elite HWS to trick the FUO spy onto thinking that the base is really going to be the test site for a new weapon. This ambush will probably cause problem for the FUO, but it also serves as another reason. If the FUO anticipated the ambush, we can be sure the FUO has a spy here in the base and knows a whole lot of information if he or she was able to tell that this was a trap. If the FUO falls for the trap unintentionally, we will know that the FUO has some kind of way to get information from our base, probably from a spy, but we can't be sure as to how much information the FUO really have on the base. If the FUO does not anticipate for an ambush but does not fall into the trap either, we will know that they do not have a way to receive information regarding the base. But the FUO will probably be smart enough to pretend that they didn't anticipate for the ambush but didn't fall for the trap either if they ever have a spy in the base with access to a lot of information. The only peoples knowing that there is going to be an ambush on the FUO are a few military officer at the base, the HWS elites, and some ordinary HWS like me. If information about the ambush ever leaks to the spy at this base if there is indeed a spy here, the ambush will be a complete failure. That is why very few people know about this ambush. I am only an ordinary HWS, but the admiral trusted me and told me the information about the ambush he was planning. I kinda feel honored in a way. Only 4 ordinary HWS in this base knows about the ambush. I don't know exactly how many, but i believe the base has around 300 ordinary HWS? Or maybe 400? I don't know. All i know is that the base at least have 50 ordinary HWS with navy soldier type. By the way, the FUO child has become less shy in the base. She is also gaining less attention, i think that is good for her. But we would avoid letting her enter the factory again, we were worried we would let one FUO civilian get injuries. By the way, here is a photo of the FUO child:

Monday, 10th September 2020I figured that instead of trying to communicate orally or by hand signal with the FUO child, perhaps i have a better chance if i tried using writing

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Monday, 10th September 2020
I figured that instead of trying to communicate orally or by hand signal with the FUO child, perhaps i have a better chance if i tried using writing. I tried writing the word hello in a piece of paper and showed it to her. She didn't seem to understand though. So that is more or less a failed attempt to communicate with her. After trying that, i sat down to think if there is any better way to try and communicate with her. The pen and paper i used were put on the table in her room. While i sat down and think, the FUO child wrote and drew things. I saw what she drew a few minutes after she was done drawing and writing. She drew a teddy bear. Well, that's not what people would normally expect. But that was not the only thing she drew. She drew FUO ships. I recognize some of the FUO ships as one of the ships that attacked our base and overwhelmed us even though greatly outnumbered. I tried communicating with her and ask information from her. I was about to ask information that doesn't pry into military information. I wouldn't expect the FUO to tell one of their civilians their secret military information. But my effort was in vain. Yet another failed attempt to communicate with her. I also read what the FUO child wrote at the piece of paper. She wrote in a weird alphabet, probably not in human language. The alphabets she used were far different than human writing's alphabet. I'd like to try to communicate with the FUO child to obtain information like where the FUO came from and what was the their intention on attacking humanity. But i think i have a long way to go if i want to be able to communicate with her.

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