FUO's Offensive

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Wednesday, 17th January 2021
The sortie i did yesterday was exhausting. I nearly died again. Also, i was the only survivor if the battle. I survived so many times. While i survive, i watched others die. So many people died in this war. But i hope i won't be viewed as a bad omen like the ship Shigure did in the second world war. Shigure survived many battle against the US Navy. In fact, the rest of the fleet didn't survive. Only Shigure survived. Crew from other Japanese ship started viewing Shigure as a bad omen for the fleet. Because they thoguht that if Shigure is put in their fleet, the whole fleet will be sunk, except Shigure. I certainly hope that won't happen to me. Yesterday was the first time i killed someone with my own two hands. I snapped the neck of the FUO submarine. I don't know whether what i feel is guipt or not. I have no idea. Speaking of which, i still remember how the lever looked like. I want to take a photo of it and paste it here in my diary, but my camera is having some problem. Anyway, The FUO has been attacking to weaken the Indonesian force for quite a while. Now the FUO are trying something. The FUO tried to launch an air raid at Jakarta today, at noon. The result was a total disaster, for the FUO. Jakarta's anti air firepower destroyed all FUO aircraft, and with the help of Australian reinforcement and the elite HWS, the damage Jakarta received was minimal. At the current time, Jakarta has no civilian casualties, but there might be some soon enough. But it is annoying that while Jakarta is under attack, most HWS in the base can do nothing. The base is still more or less destroyed. Supplies coming from Jakarta was reduced because Jakarta will need the supplies to defend against FUO attack. I can't blame them for reducing the supplies sent to our base. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. Many civilians live there.

Thursday, 18th January 2021
The FUO didn't launch any attack on any place in Indonesia. Typical. They are following their attack pattern. If they attack on the first day, the next day they won't attack. Then the next day, they will attack again. I kinda wonder why they are predictable. It is weird they are predictable. Normally, people would want to be as unpredicatable as possible in a war, so that they have the advantage. But it doesn't seem like that works in this war. The FUO has been doing some weird things from the start. That is just how they are. Also, my theory about the FUO's motion sensor not working when it is in range of the jamming tower seems to be correct. The admiral told me that reports has shown that, night patrol in a few other places had lost contact with their base, but did not encounter any FUO fleet. This means that the chances of any HWS fleet found sneaking into FUO territory in Makassar strait (i mean the area that is in range of the jamming tower) by the FUO is extremely small. We could probably make a sneak attack on the floating base. But The New Yamato will stop us. Beside the reports, the admiral also told me about what happened to the motion sensor. The motion sensor was taken by the professor and taken to Jakarta. A few months after the professors took the motion sensor to Jakarta, the motion sensor self destructed. That is a shame. We could have tried to copy their technology.

Friday, 19th January 2021
As far as the reports tell, there are no FUO attack today on Jakarta. Now that is surprising. The FUO has a pattern when attacking a certain place. If they attack at a certain day, the next day, they won't attack. The pattern has been pretty predictable. But the FUO just broke the pattern today. They didn't attack Jakarta today. Why did they stop attacking? Do they need more preparation to attack Jakarta? Apparently, i wasn't the only one expecting the FUO to attack today. The admiral and the colonel thought of the same thing. They were ready to receive the news about Jakarta attacked by FUO forces. But of course, there are no attacks today. Headquarter hasn't given us any order at the current time, so there is nothing urgent needing to be done. But i checked on James. He had a rough time. He had to write the instruction on how to make smoke mod in HWS with navy soldier type corvette class' equipment. He also had to test out how the smoke mod works in other navy classes, and it turns out that the smoke mod for every navy class is almost completely different. James also had to refill the juice needed to create smoke in my equipment. I keep saying juice because i don't exactly know about how the mod works to create smoke, and what is needed as the material to create smoke. I might want to learn it from James at some point, but definitely not now. He is busy.

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