The Hole

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Wednesday, 8th November 2020
It was a stormy day. I went on sortie at the afternoon. The skies were very dark. It rained the whole day. Thunders can be heard from distances. The sortie went pretty well. I wasn't the flagship.When i was patrolling, i had encountered an enemy fleet. The enemy fleet consisted of a few aircraft carriers. The weather was stormy, so the aircraft carrier couldn't launch any aircraft. But the aircraft carrier could still fire at my fleet. A short battle happened. In the end, my fleet was winning. Then a few submarines came out of the blue. The battle was chaotic. We had to destroy a few submarines. Still, the number of submarine was too few to defeat my fleet. I presume the submarines came to buy time for the aircraft carriers to escape. I noticed something that other HWS in my fleet didn't realize. The damaged aircraft carriers didn't attempt to escape the battle. They stayed in the battlefield and tried to destroy my fleet. I soon realize there was something wrong. The submarines that joined the battle halfway before it ended has very few numbers. They couldn't be trying to annihilate my fleet. The only logical reason to send such a small fleet of submarines is to buy time for the aircraft carriers to escape, but they didn't. Which meant they have a hidden reason to do such a thing. I told everyone in my fleet and other patrol fleet that something was wrong. Sure enough, we encountered another FUO fleet. The FUO fleet had some repair ships, some corvettes, and some landing crafts. I couldn't tell what was in the landing crafts. All patrol fleets managed to destroy the FUO corvettes and sink the landing crafts. Some of the repair ships got away, but they are by no means a threat to the base, so we didn't try to chase them. After i returned to the base, i went to the makeshift hospital. The doctors said that i have minor injuries, i would only be staying until Friday. If the FUO were trying to sneak one of their fleets to the base, then the FUO could at least try to make the encounter more realistic by making it look like as if it was perfectly coincidental. They can do that by making the aircraft carriers attempt to escape. But even so, why were the baits aircraft carriers? Who would use aircraft carriers when the weather is bad? And about how the FUO knew the my fleet's patrol route, the first FUO fleet probably tried to encounter one of the patrol fleets. And then after the encounter, the FUO ordered the second fleet to sneak past the patrols. I just happen to be in the patrol fleet that the FUO encountered.

Thursday, 9th November 2020
Today, a large hole was found in the beach, around 500m from the base's pier. The hole came out of nowhere. There were a few sign that someone came to the hole before. There were footprints on the sand leading straight to the sea. There were also strange equipments lying on the ground. The admiral got suspicious, so he decided to inspect every HWS with navy soldier type's equipment in the base. There is a logical reason why the admiral inspected every HWS with navy soldier type's equipment. If the footstep was made by one of the HWS with navy soldier type in the base, there would be at least a little bit of sand in his or her cruising equipments. Normally, cruising equipments used by HWS with navy soldier type doesn't have any sand. This is because we always operate at sea. If there is a little bit of sand in our cruising equipment, it is easy to tell that we have been on the beach. And water won't clean up the sand inside the cruising equipments. The sand will still be in the cruising equipment. It will take a few hours of continuous efforts just to clean up the sand. But after the inspections, it was found out that there are no cruising equipments that has sand in it. If it wasn't an HWS that did it, then i expect that the FUO was behind this. They definitely have their own reason to do such thing. Right now, the admiral and the colonel is probably analyzing the situation. I will also analyze the situation. Perhaps i can learn something from the FUO if i analyze this.

Friday, 10th November 2020
Today, i got out of the medical room. I went to the beach where the hole is. The admiral was there when i arrived. He asked me whether i had a clue who made the hole. I already analyzed it last night, and i pieced everything together. I told the admiral that the FUO were the one who made the hole. The admiral said that he had considered the possibility, but he couldn't find out how the FUO got close to our base without anyone noticing. I told the admiral that for past few days, it has been raining. Visibility is extremely low. The FUO managed to get close to the base because no one could see them in the rain. The admiral then asked why the FUO didn't try to cover their tracks so that no one would notice the fact that the FUO ships have got close to the base. I already had the answer. I told the admiral that a few days ago, my fleet was almost fooled by the FUO. The FUO sent a few submarines and a few aircraft carriers as a distraction. While my fleet and the other fleets' attention were drawn to the FUO aircraft carriers and submarines, another fleet tried to sneak past. The FUO fleet that tried to sneak past wanted to finish what they were doing here and cover their tracks. Unfortunately, i noticed how the aircraft carriers and the submarines were distractions, so they didn't get a chance to sneak past to our base. The admiral then asked what the FUO were doing here making a hole. I answered that i didn't know. The admiral said that the FUO probably tried to do something that is very important, important enough to risk getting close to the base. I gave the admiral a suggestion, the suggestion was to dig the hole further. I told the admiral that perhaps the FUO buried something here and tried to get it out, or they were burying something a few days ago. Work on digging the hole further had started. I helped the engineers dig the hole. The admiral hasn't assigned me to another sortie. There was rain today, but the rain was not as heavy as the rain that happened a few days ago.

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