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Friday, 24th November 2020
Today, i continued to analyze the possible movement patterns for The New Yamato, but alas, time is not on my side. The New Yamato's fleet has been blocking the supply route to the base. As a result, our base has limited supplies. We are also unable to continue repairing the whatever is still broken in the base. The base is currently vulnerable against any FUO attack. The admiral called off a lot of sortie to save supplies. This is the second time the supply route to the base had been blocked off. We have recaptured Kalimantan, but the Makassar strait is not fully under our control yet.The FUO has been blocking our supply route, so they will realize sooner or later that the base needed supply. The large amount of resource we found underground that the FUO hid have been sent to Jakarta, research on it are being conducted in Japan. The admiral insisted me to quickly analyze The New Yamato's fleet's movement pattern. I have been trying to figure it out for a few days, but if i included the fact that the FUO has the motion sensor, the possibility increases by too much. I might have to ask the admiral to implement a few sortie so that i have more info on The New Yamato's fleet's movement pattern. I don't have much time to waste. I have to find out the The New Yamato's fleet's movement pattern, otherwise any supply ship sent to the base will probably be sunk.

Saturday, 25th November 2020
I got a report of another fleet encountering The New Yamato's fleet. The encounter was also close to the place where i encountered The New Yamato's fleet. It happened at 12 o'clock. I have an additional information now, but it is not enough. I have been analyzing whatever i can for days. Currently, the base gets more supply from the supply other base in Sulawesi sent. But if The New Yamato's fleet stay to block off the supply route, it might be able to completely block off all supply route to Sulawesi, maybe also the supply route to Kalimantan. I asked the admiral to sent a fleet to go a few dozen km north of the place where encounter with The New Yamato's fleet is most frequent. The admiral asked me what it was for. I answered it that i needed it for my analysis on The New Yamato's fleet's movement pattern. The admiral quickly instructed a fleet to go there at night. The result is that the fleet encountered The New Yamato's fleet. But luckily, the HWS in the fleet was ready to run if by any chance they encounter The New Yamato's fleet, so there were more survivors than usual. Based on the reports i have, The New Yamato's fleet patrol a large area in the Makassar strait. In any way, we will have to completely take back the Makassar strait after The New Yamato's fleet has been taken care of.

Sunday, 26th November 2020
Today, the base was attacked, again. The FUO sent a few aircraft carriers and some corvette and cruisers to destroy the base. If the FUO manage to take out the base, Sulawesi will be vulnerable against FUO attack. The FUO will be able to make landfall at the remains of the base and attack Sulawesi. Considering the fact that most of the HWS with army soldier type is in Papua fighting the FUO, the FUO being able to make landfall in Sulawesi is simply going to be disastrous. Although the FUO sent aircraft carriers to attack us, we rendered the FUO aircrafts useless using the jamming tower. The FUO corvette and cruiser was taken care of without much problem, but the factory is half destroyed thanks to the attack. We managed to defend the base against the attack. At the attack, i who just got out of the makeshift hospital yesterday, got moderate damages. Back to the makeshift hospital again. But healing my wounds is not the most pressing thing right now. I need to figure out The New Yamato's movement pattern before the situation at the base gets worse. To make matters worse, some of the hangar where HWS with air force soldier type's equipments are being kept has been destroyed. That means many equipment for HWS with air force soldier type were destroyed. That means a lot of HWS with air force soldier type won't be able to go to battle. That means if the jamming tower at the base is destroyed, the FUO will have air superiority. We can't build more equipment for the HWS with air force soldier type, we can't use the factory to build the equipments when the factory is half damaged. And we can't repair the factory without supplies from Jakarta, and the supply route is blocked by The New Yamato's fleet. If the jamming tower is damaged or destroyed, we can't rebuild or repair it too.

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