Battle with The New Yamato

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Friday, 15th December 2020
Today, many people in Sulawesi are saved. Here is what happened. At night, a large fleet with 41 HWS with navy soldier type and a few cargo ship set sail to Sulawesi. I was one of the HWS in the fleet. Every HWS in the fleet had night camouflage, so does the cargo ships. The fleet sailed to Sulawesi to send badly needed supplies to Sulawesi. The night was dark, there was no rain. It was very quiet. Everyone was told to avoid talking or communicating in any way to avoid any possible way for the enemy to detect us. Once we were only a few hundred km from the base, the radar picked up the signal of an FUO aircraft patrolling around. Everyone was told not to engage enemy at all cost unless the fleet was spotted. The patrol aircraft only scouted the area, then left. The aircraft didn't notice the fleet's presence. The fleet continued moving on. Right when the fleet was only dozens of km from the base, my fleet spotted an eneny aircraft with flashlights. The aircraft patrolled and spotted the fleet. I fired at the aircraft to destroy it. I didn't miss, but the aircraft already spotted my fleet, so the aircraft had already alerted The New Yamato's fleet. Soon enough, the fleet i was in encountered The New Yamato's fleet. The battle was bad news. The New Yamato's fleet had aircraft carriers, which means they have air superiority, while Indonesia doesn't have any aircraft carriers. The battle was fierce. I saw HWS die in a few shots after being shot by The New Yamato. The battle went on, i managed to sink some FUO destroyers with the help of other HWS, but it was clear that The New Yamato's fleet was winning. After taking out the vanguard of the fleet, the enemy fleet proceeded to destroy cargo ships. We couldn't win the battle, so the flagship ordered everyone to get to the base in Sulawesi. My fleet tried to escape the battle, but The New Yamato's fleet continued to chase us. Enemy artillery shells were fired at us, and enemy aircrafts constantly try to attack the cargo ship. Eventually, there was less than 10 HWS remaining. At that time, i thought that the fleet was not going to make it. The fleet would be completely annihilated. The death of the HWS who died escorting the cargo ship to Sulawesi will be in vain. Then i remembered about the flare gun the colonel gave me. I aimed the flare gun upwards. Then i fired the flare gun. There was a brief silence. The enemy fleet saw the flare and probably thought that i was calling reinforcements. My allies also froze for a moment. Both the enemy and my allies expected reinforcement to come. But nothing happened. The New Yamato's fleet then started attacking again. The HWS in the fleet tried their best to protect the cargo ships escape, but it was useless. Then there were only 4 more HWS still alive, and there was 1 big cargo ship that is almost destroyed and 3 small cargo ships left, some small cargo ships were damaged. The enemy kept on decimating us. Then i saw a bullet fired at the enemy out of the blue. When i looked at the direction where the bullet came from, i saw many HWS with navy soldier type appear. I also saw many HWS with aircraft soldier type as well as drones appear from the sky. Help from the base came! And not only the base i was assigned to. The number of the HWS was too many to be from the base. The base from other district also sent HWS with navy soldier type to help. All of the HWS that joined the battle halfway was using their last reserve fuel. The New Yamato's fleet was strong, but they were greatly outnumbered. We managed to sink 2 aircraft carrier from the 3 aircraft carriers in The New Yamato's fleet, and also some other ships. Eventually, The New Yamato's fleet retreated. When The New Yamato's fleet retreated, many people at the battlfield cheered for the victory against The New Yamato. After the battle, the fleet i was in got to the base i was originally assigned to and unloaded the supplies in the cargo ships. The supplies will be distributed to other bases that are also in Sulawesi. More cargo ship with more supplies will also come. The colonel and the admiral greeted me when the i reached the pier. The admiral said that i have made a decision without asking for his permission, but he was willing to let it slide and overlook it. The colonel was happy that i made it in one piece. I returned the colonel's flare gun, then told the admiral and the colonel what happened at the battle and at the base in Jakarta. The admiral said that i have saved so many people. The admiral also said that i deserve to be called a hero for my bravery to save so many people. The colonel said the same thing. The admiral then went to deal with things than needs to be handled. The colonel asked me whether i was disappointed that only he and the admiral said that i was a hero. To be honest, no i was not disappointed. I survived yet another battle with The New Yamato. Surviving another day as a soldier in a war is extremely valuable. Then i left and went to the makeshift hospital. The makeshift hospital was crowded though, but oh well.

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