The FUO cargo ship

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Sunday, 4th March 2021
I am still staying in the makeshift hospital. Ever since yesterday's sortie, there is something bothering me. I felt that something was not right. Looking back at yesterday's diary entry, i realized that the HWS with air force soldier type was said to battle with a fighter. Here's the question, where did the fighter come from? The battle was near the FUO territory where active jamming towers are present. There was no way the fighter came from inside the FUO territory. And there was no FUO airport nearby too, there's no island for the FUO to build an airport. So where did he come from? I suspect he came from an aircraft carrier. He can't have come from submarine aircraft carriers. He was a fighter, not a drone. That also means the aircraft carrier has to be the large one that looks like a real ship, not the humanoid type. I feel a like an idiot for not realizing this sooner, but after thinking, the FUO has been sending air attacks to Jakarta, sometimes, night time bombing raids. They don't have any airport nearby, so how are they able to launch air attacks? From last time i went to the FUO floating base, i remember that there were docks big enough to house an aircraft carrier that is not humanoid. I didn't inspect it though, because i would be found by the FUO if i did, perhaps killed. Are there an actual aircrfat carrier in the FUO floating base? But the FUO could frequently launch air attacks, around twice or thrice every week. They would need a lot of aircrafts to do that, especially that in earlier battles, their aircrafts would be destroyed. How could they get so many aircrafts? Maintaning the frequent air attacks would mean they need a lot of aircrafts plus a steady flow of aircrafts to their base to replace the destroyed aircrafts. How do they get those? I'll ponder on it tomorrow.

Monday, 5th March 2021
I thought of a few ways the FUO could get a steady flow of aircrafts to the base. The amount of possibility could be reduced, since some possiblity are impossible because of active jamming tower and the fact that the aircraft i am writing here, i mean the humanoid one. The first possibility is that, the FUO would send the aircraft carrier to go out side FUO territory, then the aircrafts will fly to the aircraft carrier. After that, the aircraft carrier would go back in the FUO territory, return to their base. The second possibility, is that, the FUO aircrafts are transported via cargo ships. It would seem to be the most likely answer, but i can't tell for sure. The third possibility, the FUO only send resources via the cargo ship, but the aircrafts are constructed in the FUO floating base, perhaps in their factory, if they have one. The buildings in the FUO floating base are different than any building i have ever seen. It is impossible for me to tell which building is which in the FUO floating base. Even if i can, and if there is indeed a factory, i won't be able to confirm whether the factory is actually producing aircrafts like i thought. Infiltrating the FUO floating base almost killed me. Going there again, almost seems like complete suicide in my opinion. I don't think i can say much with the information i have. I will gather more information tomorrow by interviewing some poeple. Perhaps i can make a list of questions to ask first.

Tuesday, 6th March 2021
Yesterday, i listed questions that i am going to ask today. Today, i asked for information that i can get. First of all, i asked the fleet that had reached the battlefield first whether they saw any FUO aircraft carrier. To do that, i have to contact another base. The fleet that i wanted to ask is in another naval base, so i had to get permission to communicate with them. The admiral was skeptical, but the colonel convinced the admiral to give me permission. Originally, i might have been able to contact them through my phone, social media, or message them, but i do not know their social media, or phone number. Not even the admiral knows their phone number. After all, the admiral only has information about the HWS in the base i am in. I contacted the fleet and asked some questions. The first question was that, did they see any aircraft or aircraft carrier in the battle? The answer was no, for both of them. Second question, how many minutes did it took for them to get to the battlefield after receiving the sos signal? The answer differs from every person. One said that it took around 12 minutes. Other said they got there in 15 minutes. The total average of the time that was said to be needed to reach the battlefield was 14 minutes. If the aircraft carrier was able to escape within 14 minutes out of all HWS in the fleet's range of sight, that aircraft carrier must be extremely fast. But a fast aircraft carrier? That seems very unlikely. Perhaps the HWS didn't see it because they were too busy battling the FUO ship in front of them, but i doubt that. Everyone in the fleet gave me a firm no as an answer for my first question. Perhaps a submarine aircraft carrier? Not impossible. But that means the submarine has to be big enough to be able to carry humanoid aircrafts and supplies, since the fighter HWS said that he was engaging a fighter, not a drone. The submarine could have just hid on the seabed to avoid sonar detection by all the HWS. I still can't make any conclusion. Perhaps i should gather more information.

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