Helping The Engineers

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Monday, 14th July 2020
My equipment is still being rebuilt, so i didn't have anything to do today as an HWS. So i trained my ability by playing the quirky math game and helped the engineers do their job. Helping the engineers made the engineers taught me a thing or two. They taught me how to fix minor damages on HWS equipment for navy soldier type. Another thing they taught me was how to make a simple drone, a drone that can be used for scouting but not in combat. Most of the time in the factory, the work the engineers have to do is complex, so even though i didn't have injuries from helping the engineers in the factory, i sometimes still make mistake. As a result, the engineers instead asked me to help them on repairing the base, not helping in the factory. But i agreed on helping them repair the base, it's better than having absolutely nothing to do although you are a special soldier. The base is almost done being repaired. I think the base will be completely repaired by the end of this week(i mean Sunday). But one thing i learned from expecting the admiral to be less strict on training and expecting a plan to work smoothly even though we have yet to consider every possibility, do not set up expectations too high. If you expect really low, in reality, it will be the exact opposite. So you should always expect the worst to happen at all times if you want the best to happen. I think this is enough writing for today.

Tuesday, 15th July 2020
Today, i helped the engineers again as usual. They're starting to teach me other engineering things too. I also went to the admiral's office today. I went to tell him that there was no longer any need to make i and Bung Tomo move to a different room. I told him that i took care of the ghost. He doubted me of course, but he did not object. While i helped the engineers, this came to my mind. My codename was taken from an Indonesian warship, a corvette to be more specific. The corvette's name which my codename was taken from has the exact same name. Kapitan Pattimura. The corvette's name Kapitan Pattimura was taken from an Indonesian hero that died in the battlefield trying to repel Netherlands whom at that time, colonized Indonesia. The corvette which is named Kapitan Pattimura, is an ASW(anti submarine warfare) corvette, but i, the one who uses it's name as an HWS, uses an equipment but doesn't have any torpedo to counter submarines(well i am often commanded to fend off submarines, i do have water bombs, but every HWS with navy soldier type have it). Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but i am already happy that i survived in the battlefield for 2 months. I don't really care whether my equipment has any torpedo launcher or not. As long as i can survive in the battlefield with my equipment even without the torpedo launcher, i am satisfied with my equipment. And this is the end of my diary entry today.

Wednesday, 16th July 2020
Helping the engineers started becoming my routine at the base when i have nothing to do and i am not at the medical room. The engineers started expecting me to come every time i have spare time. As long as i am being useful. My new equipment is almost done being rebuilt. My new equipment is absolutely the same with my last equipment, but this time, my equipment was painted black as night camouflage. My uniform was also changed. My new uniform is also the same as my last uniform, the only difference is that it is colored black, also for night camouflage. I have wondered why the UN allowed experiment on humans. What made them panic so much? Was the FUO so strong in the northern hemisphere? I got the answers from wikipedia tonight. It seems that the HWS was developed and started being used at December 2019. The FUO was spotted near the north pole at February 2019. From the information i could get, the country at the northern hemisphere has almost been completely destroyed, the FUO wrecked them in 9 to 10 months. Moscow and Saratov is the only city that has yet to be destroyed in Russia before the HWS was invented. In the US, only 5 cities remain intact including New York and Washington DC  before the HWS was invented. In Canada, Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is the only city that has survived attacks and assaults from FUO even with the HWS invented. Even China only had 7 cities that the FUO haven't destroyed. For North Korea and South Korea? Forget it, they are already annihilated. Even the world's powerhouse China, Russia, and the US couldn't stand up to the FUO without HWS, no wonder the UN agreed to experiment on humans to repel these invaders. Well, that's that for my diary entry today.

Thursday, 17th July 2020
My equipment has been completely rebuilt today. And again, i helped the engineers in the factory. There's been more and more sortie lately. The FUO has been sending supplies and reinforcement for their troops at Kalimantan. For now, our forces at Kalimantan are slowly but surely taking over one sector after another at Kalimantan. The HWS with army soldier type has been continuously destroying FUO's tanks every day. While the HWS with air force soldier type has been supporting the HWS with army soldier type in the battle. The HWS with navy soldier type can't battle on land, we can only fire our artilleries from the water near the beach shores to support them. But sometimes, our artillery can't fire at the enemy's position either because something was in the way(for example a mountain) or the FUO's position is out of our range of fire. So the HWS with navy soldier type has a different job, we have to destroy any enemy ships carrying supplies or reinforcement for their forces on Kalimantan. Lately, there has been submarines attacking the HWS with navy soldier type who is patrolling the sea so that the ships carrying supplies and reinforcement for the FUO can get to Kalimantan. So far, only 3 ships managed to get to Kalimantan though. Tomorrow, i'll be the one to go on patrol. I have to patrol at night tomorrow, so hopefully i won't encounter any FUO, otherwise i'll come back traumatized or just die in the battlefield. Actually, i shouldn't set my expectation high.

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