I Gave Away The Device

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Tuesday, 28th August 2020
Today, i went on sortie to patrol and prevent any FUO supply ships and FUO landing crafts from reaching Kalimantan. But, we have to meet the FUO again. Why does it seems that i keep encountering FUO in patrols? Probably because my turn to patrol is always at night. Right now i am writing my diary at midnight. And well, this is what happened. I was in the patrol, the patrol consisted of 5 HWS with navy soldier type. The fleet was composed of 2 submarines, 1 corvette, and 2 destroyer. The only corvette of the fleet was obviously me, one of the submarines was Cakra. I was the flagship. We went on the patrol route. Radar wasn't showing anything. Sonar also shows no sign of FUO ships. Well, i actually thought that this sortie might be the only sortie where i won't have to fight the FUO, i guess i was wrong. The sonar showed that there was nothing in the horizon, but my intuition says the opposite. It's too quiet. The FUO would surely take the chance and slip through our guard and try to send their supply ships and their landing crafts to Kalimantan. The advantage was holding onto their side, if we encountered the FUO, we wouldn't be able to tell their position due to the darkness, whilst they have the device which will help them if a battle were to happen. I halted the fleet's movement and sent my drone to scout around in case of enemy ships. I also secretly looked at the motion sensor that i found in the remnants of the FUO tanks. At first, i saw 6 dots at the screen of the motion sensor. This means that there is no FUO ships, at the horizon, 5 dots were the HWS of the fleet, the other one was my drone. I was thinking of continuing the patrol because i thought my intuition was wrong for a minute, then i realized something else. The fleet was not moving, which means the motion sensor shouldn't be able to detect us, but the dots were definitely around the fleet. The drone is moving sure, but there were 5 remaining dots that i didn't know what they were. They couldn't be submarines, i have confirmed that the motion sensor can't detect any movement underwater, if the motion sensor could, we would be able to see much more dots, either the dots were the fishes in the ocean or trash thrown to the sea. Then i aimed the torch upwards and saw a bird, and a few bats flying up above us. I thought that there was no FUO ships at all, and i thought of getting the drone to return to me. Then one of the destroyer shouted that he saw a torpedo. The destroyer were fast enough to avoid the torpedo, but i didn't move fast enough, the torpedo struck me. I was only in minor damage, but i was aware of what was happening, there were no dots at the motion sensor's screen. This meant that there are submarines. Avoiding our sonar was probably easy, if they hug to the seabed, we would very likely not notice them. I commanded the fleet to turn off their light and return fire at the enemy, but i might have been too specific. I told them to fire their torpedo at the direction where the enemy's torpedo came from while i use sonar to locate the enemy, and i told them we were facing submarines. They immediately got suspicious of me about how i know we were facing submarines, i told them i would explain later and then we returned to the battle. The battle lasted only around 7 minutes, with no casualty. 5 minutes after the battle started, i realized that the FUO were attacking us, but there was no supply ships nor landing crafts. If they wanted to attack us, they should take the chance and send their supply ship and their landing crafts as well. But there was none. I told the whole fleet to retreat, they didn't ask any questions. After we were far from the FUO submarines, Cakra asked me why we retreated. Then i explained that the FUO had tried to distract us, the patrol so that the supply ships and landing crafts that were supposed to send reinforcement and supply to FUO force to Kalimantan could slip past. We searched the sector and found a few supply ships and landing crafts trying to reach Kalimantan. Of course, i used the device to help me search the enemy ships again, and my fleet grew more suspicious of me. We sunk the enemy supply ships and landing crafts easily. I sent the submarines to destroy the supply ships and the landing crafts and retreat immediately afterwards, while i and the destroyers stand by and get ready in case the submarines get in trouble. Once we sunk the enemy ships, i reported to the admiral through the radio lines. The admiral then ordered my fleet to retreat. On my way back to the base, i told the rest of the fleet everything about the motion sensor. I reasoned that the motion sensor could have been a bomb instead, and that was my reason for not telling the admiral. I told them that i am going to show the professors this device tomorrow. They believed it. Once i reached the base, i went to the medical room. I will have to show the professors the motion sensor, they will probably take it away. I must show the professors the device, otherwise the rest of the fleet will get suspicious of me and think of me as a spy, even if i am not.

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