The New Plan

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Sunday, 21st April 2021
The news about the destruction of the big jamming tower and how the FUO resource supply is crippled had improved morale. The news has been heard by pretty much everyone in the base. The enemy's steady flow of resources is gone. Now, if we continue to put on pressure to them, they won't be able to attack Jakarta anymore. The colonel was delighted with the news, so was the admiral. Without big jamming tower, the FUO will lose their supply of resource. But i did get information from the admiral. Today, the FUO attacked Jakarta still. Looks like the FUO still has a lot of resource to spare. They could probably continue to attack Jakarta for some time, but i doubt they'd last long. But there is one rule in war, do not expect anything to go in one's favor. Following that rule, i expect the FUO has another trick because they probably follow that rule as well. I can't tell what the FUO are thinking though, so all i can do is stay aware and be ready for their trick. The FUO are much smarter than us humans. Also, they have superior technology. Not sure how long that's going to last though, with the Japanese researching those FUO ship captured. I haven't got any news about them for a while. I might as well go ask the admiral or the colonel tomorrow. See whatever progress they made. I also hope that they haven't been attacked too.

Monday, 22nd April 2021
I got news from the colonel. The colonel said that the Japanese scientist made some progress. They further improved the KE munition, but made no progress on the KE torpedo. The colonel said the KE torpedo's early prototype wouldn't even explode upon contact with enemy ship. It also costs way more than the early KE shells prototype. Well, if it is too expensive, and not effective, that's not going to help anyone but the enemy. The colonel agreed with the statement i made. Also, the colonel added the fact that the torpedo would automatically explode itself 30 seconds after being fired. Getting the timing right would be difficult. No doubt. The scientists are going to have to try harder if they want to make something actually useful. After talking about the scientist, i and the colonel talked about the situation in the base. Morale was improved thanks to the news, but the FUO is still holding up. They could even afford to attack Jakarta. From what the colonel told me, the attack wasn't fiercer than the usual attack. That's strange. I've seen the FUO attack with desperacy and fiercely to destroy a place atter they were sure to be screwed. But they didn't show desperacy in yesterday's attack. It's as if they actually have nothing to worry about. There must be something more than the big jamming tower. They definitely have another source of resource, if they can afford to stay relaxed and not become fiercer or more desperate.

Tuesday, 23rd April 2021
The FUO could for some reason, afford to launch another attack on Jakarta. Something is wrong, i am sure. But, i read the latest report to see what the HWS who infiltrated the FUO territory found. Not really anything regarding resources. I only saw one report that talked about resources. The fleet that went to make reconnaisance in FUO territory found a cargo ship heading somewhere. They couldn't follow it. FUO patrols were strict. There were no opportunity to follow it. There's no other report about the cargo ship whatsoever, so i guess i will wait until another report about it appear. I am still in the makeshift hospital. I haven't completely recovered. I think i can be out on Thursday or Wednesday. I came to the factory to see what James was doing. He was creating the smoke mod for other HWS. James told me that there are more HWS who has smoke mod like me now. I asked James how he learned to create the smoke mod. He said he learnt it from the internet. I gotta admit. James is a genius if he was able to create the smoke mod just by learning it from the internet. It's impressive he could even make the blueprint. He didn't copy the blueprint from the internet. He also never slack off. The colonel never saw him slack off. He's very hardworking. If James was a company employee, he would get promotion one after another. But that hardwork amounted to fatigue. He often look tired. But he rests regularly, i can tell. Mostly because he doesn't have the slightest bit of panda eyes. Unlike me, whose sleep schedule is never clear. I try to sleep regularly though.

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