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Monday, 12th February 2021
The admiral gave me more reports of the recent things that happened in the battlefield. It was quite a pain to read them. One of the reports was only half. The fleet who was supposed to make the report went inside the FUO territory and never came back. Thus, there was no one to report what happened. It would be very useful to have information on whatever is in the FUO territory, but the inability to transfer information while in FUO territory is such a bother. An attack on the FUO territory is already hard with jamming towers, and the FUO also has the super battleship The New Yamato. The New Yamato could destroy a battleship in one or two shots. She can survive multiple direct AP hit from HWS with navy soldier type battleship class. No HWS in Indonesia could defeat such a strong opponent. Therefore, in order to defeat The New Yamato, we need to defeat The New Yamato by outnumbering her in battles. Problem is that, Indonesian has limited soldiers to send to battle, especially when Indonesia is in defensive state. But simply outnumbering The New Yamato will cost a lot of fuel, and ammunition. The effectiveness might be great, but we can't afford to forget the lack of efficiency either. If we try to outnumber The New Yamato too many times, we will have a supply shortage. It would be best to take down The New Yamato in one battle as quickly as possible by outnumbering her. That is the most efficient and most effective way i can think of to defeat her. There may be some other way, but i can't think of any better way that this.

Tuesday, 13th February 2021
Today, Jakarta was under attack, again. But defebse holded up this time. There were minimum losses. Only a few HWS were killed and some were injured. No civilian losses. The diary entry i wrote 2 days ago made me curious. According to what i was told, the FUO are enemies of humanity. I was told that the FUO deserve no mercy for everything they caused. Well, technically, i wouldn't say there is right or wrong, good or bad in war. But so far, as far as i know, there has never been a case where the FUO id something very inhumane. I never heard of a time when the FUO attacked civilians. I also never heard of the FUO using weapons that are considered inhumane. They never used chlorine gas or any other gas that would immediately kill people. There were never cases of FUO using warhead or missiles. The FUO has better technology than humanity, and the FUO aren't bound by the Geneva convention. The FUO could use weapons that are prohibited by the Geneva convention. But they didn't. Why? They can't be breaking any law in war, as they are not bound by the Geneva convention. Is it because they think that those weapons are inhumane? Actually, i just realized that i never heard the use of chlorine gas against the FUO. But that is normal, humans are not allowed to use chlorine gas in war, maybe people just thought that the use of chlorine gas against the FUO are inhumane as well. But the FUO never used any weapons prohibitee in the Geneva convention. I am starting to wonder more about the FUO. One thing for sure, i am curious about the FUO. I might want to ask civilians and military personnel around about the FUO. I might get info that i currently don't have.

Wednesday, 14th February 2021
I decided that i will ask around about the FUO tomorrow. I like to gather information. Today, is valentine's day. At first, i thought this was going to be a pretty normal day. I got out of the makeshift hospital, and i went to help the engineers with their work. Then at break time, i was drinking a bottle of water while sitting next to James. James had just remembered that today is valentine's day when he looked at the date on his phone. Then he let go of the feeling he had inside of him. Valentine's day reminded him of his girlfriend. He used to have a girlfriend before the FUO attacked Indonesia. But when Indonesia was under attack, he and his girlfriend were in the cities that was attacked by the FUO. James survived the attack, unfortunately, his girlfriend didn't. James' girlfriend pushed him away from an electric pole that was falling down. The electricity was still active, so the electric pole's wire hit James' girlfriend, electrocuting her. James was very sad. His girlfriend first confessed her feelings to James at valentine's day 2 year ago. His girlfriend confessed to him by giving him chocolate. James cried. Valentine's day reminded him of his girlfriend. After his girlfriend's death, James joined the military. But James isn't compatible with the bateria that makes someone an HWS, so James became a military engineer instead. James used to be an orphan. His mother and father died when he was young. James was raised by his grandfather. His grandmother was already dead by the time James was born. When James was seventeen years old, his grandpa died. James managed on his own, but James didn't have anyone as a family, he had no one. Then His girlfriend appeared. James really cared his girlfriend. But her girlfriend had a short life. Today, James told me his story. He was very sad. He was equally sad or maybe even sadder than the colonel who lost his daughter. He cried for a few minutes, then he stopped crying. He knew crying won't change anything, so he stopped crying. We then went back to work. I learmed more about James today. Everyone has their own background story. Every person's story is always different. But in this war, our objective is the same. To eliminate the FUO threat.

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