Nothing To Do

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Tuesday, 26th May 2020
I woke up early today, when Bung Tomo was still asleep. I walked around the base with my phone in my pocket and saw the admiral, i wanted to talk about the ghost, and he said that we should talk in his office. When i got to his office, i could see Rencong in the office too, helping on taking care of the documents and paperwork. I immediately showed the admiral the photo and recording of the hologram ghost HWS, when i asked him what the prank was for, he said that he wanted the atmosphere of the base to be better, and he also asked me to keep the prank a secret, but i said no. I also asked him about how my photo of the ghost HWS i took the first time disappeared, but he said he knew nothing about that, he didn't seem like lying. By the evening i showed to almost everyone in the base that the rumored HWS ghost was nothing but a prank. The HWS with the age 17 or above said that they knew it must have been a prank, while the younger HWS was kinda disappointed when they know it was just a prank. The admiral did ask me to come to his office at evening, so i went to his office. This time, i saw Cut Nyak Dhien instead of Rencong, he told me to come because he was about to brief me on my next mission, my equipment was expected to be built at June the 3rd, so at June the 5th, i would get my next mission, my next mission was to escort landing crafts so the HWS with army soldier type could make landfall at Kalimantan. I asked them why they didn't try to make landfall while i was in the medical room, and the admiral answered that without me to escort them, the risk was pretty high(they were asking me to become the shield again). I talked with the admiral as well as Cut Nyak Dhien for some time, then suddenly the admiral's face became pale, so did Cut Nyak Dhien's face, they were looking at something behind me, so i turned around to look at what made their face pale, it was the ghost HWS, i wasn't shocked this time thinking it was definitely a prank, then i realized there was no hologram projector device anywhere in the room, so the ghost was REAL!!! My face probably turned pale that moment, but the ghost was holding the rope and was also smiling at me, the admiral did take a photo of the ghost. When the ghost started levitating towards me, Cut Nyak Dhien screamed so loudly, that i had to cover my ear, the ghost disappeared when Cut Nyak Dhien screamed. The whole base must have heard her scream because HWS, engineer, and the others start entering the room to see our pale face. We tried to explain what happened, but no one believed us because i showed them the photo of the ghost hologram, the admiral tried to show them the photo but he couldn't find the ghost photo inside his phone's gallery. I went back at my room and saw Bung Tomo's disappointed face, he said that i was not being nice because i tried to prank everyone in the base with Cut Nyak Dhien and the admiral, i swear to God i was not trying to prank them! I told him that it wasn't a prank, but he still didn't believe me.

Wenesday, 27th May 2020
Bung Tomo woke me up at 3 am today, i didn't want to wake up, but i had to be a good example as a senior so i woke up anyway, his face was white and pale when i first saw it, then i saw the ghost AGAIN. I was not so shocked this time(well, i saw the ghost thrice already and all in one week), she was still carrying the rope and was levitating towards me. I was scared, but i felt annoyed because she already gave me nightmare on the first day i saw her, then she made everyone think i was crazy or mean for pranking them, today she appeared again. I knew if i didn't think of a way to stop her from stalking me, i might have to endure torture my whole life thanks to her, so i asked nicely for her to stop stalking me and go away. She refused but i yelled shoo, and she disappeared, while i was distracted with the ghost, Bung Tomo did take a photo of her, but when Bung Tomo tried to search for the photo at his phone's gallery, he couldn't find it. I explained that the disappearance of the ghost HWS's photo happened to me and the admiral too, this time he believed me because he saw the ghost himself. I told him it might be better not to tell the others to avoid making everyone think that he was also crazy or he was trying to prank the whole base, and he agreed. My reputation didn't really go down much because the whole base thought that i was not their commanding officer, so they thought that it was normal for me to be easygoing and not so serious, and that was why the admiral's reputation went down by a lot. Luckily, some still believe us after Bung Tomo secretly told them that i really saw a ghost, they thought that there was no way the prank was done by more than 3 people, and especially helped by someone who showed disbelief on us too. Some people whom we secretly told about our experience didn't believe us too and they spread what we told them so the whole base knew what happened, most people still doesn't believe us though. This is as far as i am writing today.

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